Chapter 2 {Husband and Wife}

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Changes has to come for life to struggle forward...

Catalaiya's pov:

Aziel Alvaro

Wait a minute, I know this name.

Oh my god!

He's the mafia leader of the town, the most dangerous and fearful one. Many rumours were going around in town about him. One of them was the ruthless way he can kill without thinking twice. Even the police try to stays away from his mafia stuff.

I also heard that he has a legal business, where he works like normal people.

Why would dad sign a contract with him?

Aziel walked forward, making Mason move to the side as he went to the desk. He grabbed the paper on the file and rip it in half making the ladies gasp. The man behind the desk gulped looking at Aziel.

"Take out a new one and be quick," Aziel told him and he nodded wordlessly. He quickly opened the drawers by the side and took out another set of papers. He put them on the table in front of us.

"Wait, let ask her what she wants," Mason stated looking at me.

So now they'll ask me what I want?

"A contract is a contract, she doesn't have a say in this," Dad spoke.

I clenched my fist by my side, holding my tears at bay. I so wanted to scream and say fuck you before running away from here, from everyone. I would rather live alone, be a cat lady for the rest of my life.

"The witnesses have to sign first." The man told Aziel.

Aziel turned around and nodded at the two guys, who came with him. They walked forward and each one at a time signed onto the paper. Leo left my side and went to sign too.

"Now you both sign,"

Aziel signed the paper in seconds, his face blank, his fingers wrapped around the pen tightly. He drops the pen and back away, putting his hand in his pant's pocket.

"Your turn Catalaiya," Dad spoke.

His voice was making my blood boil in my veins.

I grabbed the pen and sign it. Not the perfect sign I ever did but it doesn't matter, just like this contract thing. I purposely drop the pen louder, before backing away near Leo.

"Now the ring,"

One of Aziel's friends took out a blue velvet box, handing it to him. Aziel opened it before walking toward me. A few long strides and he was in front of me. He grabbed my hand, swiftly put the ring on my finger before dropping my hand.

 He grabbed my hand, swiftly put the ring on my finger before dropping my hand

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(Catalaiya's ring⬆️)

Mom walked to me with another velvet box and I grabbed the ring. I held the ring in the air and looked up at him. He lift his hand and I put the ring on his finger.

It was a little tight as the ring size were of Mason.

"You are now husband and wife, congratulation." The man behind the desk said, earning a glare from both me and Aziel. He gulped, looking down.

"That is nonsense." Mason scoffed looking at the wall.

"More like humiliating." Mason's dad stated. They all left, including the man behind the desk.

Aziel and the two guys walked out, leaving me, Leo, my dad and my mom inside.

"Come here, my little daughter." Dad opened his arm, with a small smile on his face.

I ignored him and turned around to hug Leo tightly. He wrapped his arm around me, rubbing my back slowly.

"We should walk out, Aziel is waiting," Leo murmured.

We pulled away and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"If you need anything, call me." He said and I nodded. I wrapped my arm around his and we both made our way outside. I didn't care if my parents were following us or not. Once we were near Aziel's car, Leo handed me my phone which he kept in his pocket since my dress didn't have one and I didn't bring a purse.

Aziel sat in the front while I sat in the back with one of his friends. There was a good amount of space between us as I leaned against the door, looking outside.

The car started to move and I waved at Leo. He smiled and waved back. Soon, I lost sight of him.

"Drop us at my place," Aziel told his friend.

Aziel's pov:

Few days before the wedding⬅️

I put the last file in the drawer before closing it. There was a knock on my door and I said a loud 'come in'.

A familiar guy walked in but I couldn't remember where I saw him. He sat down in front of me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I'm Leo Snyder from Snyder company. My dad came to you for a work a few months ago." He says and by his surname, I knew who it was.

His father was such a money and greety man.

"I already did his work," I stated.

"I know but you didn't take your money as per the contract." He replies.

If I remember clearly, there was no money involved. The contract clearly says that he will give me his daughter as my wife when I'm done with his work. I honestly didn't want to sign this contract as I didn't want to get married but my dad forced me. He was present in the office when Leo's dad came to see me.

"It isn't important," I said briefly.

"We both know the 'money' is my sister Catalaiya." He said firmly.

Something tells me there's more to this.

"What do you want?"

"That you keep your word." He simply added.

"You want me to marry your sister out of a contract," I said and he nodded.

"If you don't, I'll make sure that everyone knows that the Aziel Alvaro didn't keep his word." He says.

I chuckled humourlessly,"You think it's smart to threaten a mafia leader, in his own office."

"You won't do anything to me. One of my friends is waiting somewhere and if in 5 minutes I don't walk out of here alive, the news will have only one headline which will include you." He spoke confidently.

I clenched my jaw, glaring at him.

Love ya

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