Chapter 8 {Story}

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The silence of a wounded soul roars louder than any tempest...

Catalaiya's pov:

After dinner, I helped Thalia to clean up as I had nothing else to do. All my painting stuff was in my new room but I couldn't go there as there was still some dust in the room and Thalia didn't want me to get sick, so tomorrow I'll shift there.

Aziel was still not home.

I try not to think about this but a part of me was feeling guilty that he wasn't coming home because of me.

"Hey, I didn't show you the pool did I?" Thalia suddenly asked, looking at me.

I shook my head, "Hmm no."

"My bad. Let's go and I'll show you. It looks so pretty at night." She smiled. We both walked to the big glass door and she slide it open, I never came to this part of the house. My eyes widened slightly.

 My eyes widened slightly

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"That's... wow," I commented, awed by the sight. The pool lights up at night and there were lights on the trees.

Thalia chuckled, "I told ya it looks pretty at night."

My eyes roamed around and this place looked untouched. It looks so new, so clean and perfect.

"Does he even use this pool?" I inquired curiously.

"Yeah, he usually uses it as a pain reliever." She replied making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Pain reliever?" I asked.

"Yes, you do know he's in the mafia right?" She asked cautiously.

"I do," I nodded.

"Well, some nights are tougher than the others. Sometimes he would come home super angry, sometimes super tired, muscled tensed and swimming was like a way to calm himself. Just like you express yourself by painting, he uses swimming as a way to let all his unsaid words out." Thalia explained.

"He doesn't talk to anyone?" I asked and she gave me a weak smile.

"His father taught him that being tough and emotionless was one of the best qualities of a mafia leader. Showing emotions or talking about it, seemed like a weak leader..." She trailed off.

"That sucks," I mumbled.

"I know,"

We stood there in silence, admiring the view.

"Let's go sit on the couch," she says and I nodded.

"Do you want to swim?" she asked me as we walked to the couch. We sat down, facing the pool.

I shook my head no, "Not tonight,"

Now that Thalia was already speaking about Aziel, I was curious to know more.

"Can... can you tell me more about him?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sure, what do you want to know?" She asked.

I shrugged, "Well I know nothing about him..."

"Oh, let's start with his family and friend?" She suggested and I nodded.

"So he has-wait actually I have a few pictures that will help you understand. Wait right here, I'll be back." She said as she stood up. She rushed back inside while I waited here.

She came back with an album-like book and she sat beside me. She opened it and flipped through the pages. I got to see a few of them and it looks like it was her album.

There was her and Alfred and another young guy.

"Who's he?" I asked pointing at the guy.

Thalia looked at the picture with an unreadable expression.

"That's my son Flinn." She says lowly. I could see the pain that came across her face as she looked at him.


"I'm sorry for being nosy." I sincerely apologised.

"It's okay," she gave me a smile.

"Flinn was like Alfred a lot. Whenever he thinks about some cool idea, he wouldn't waste time doing it and showing it to us. Since he was a little kid, both Alfred and I knew he would achieve a lot... and he did, so much that now he finds us cheap, boring and a burden." She sighs at the last part.

"He had a girlfriend. I never like her because I knew she was there for the money. I heard her talking to another guy while being with Flinn and when I tried to warn him, he thought that I was making excuses. That night, Flinn and Alfred fought and it was the biggest, loudest fight I ever saw. He went on and tell us to get a real job instead of working as a servant in someone else house. He was embarrassed of us."

I reached out and wrapped my arms around her shoulder, hugging her in a comforting hug.

"Since then he left and we never saw him." She added.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled.

"I am too." She whispered.

After a few minutes, I pulled away looking at her. She gave me a warm smile.

"Ok, let's get back to Aziel now." She says and I nodded.

"So here is Adam, his brother and he is Carter, his best friend and partner."

I instantly recognise them. They were both with him at the marriage office, his two witnesses.

"This is Alicia, like you and Aziel, Adam had an arranged marriage with Alicia. Alicia is the daughter of a close friend of Mr Alvaro, their father." Thalia explained.

"This is Mr Alvaro and Mrs Alvaro. The bastard and the bitch." She says making my eyes widen at her bluntness.

"They are bad people, really bad people Catalaiya," Thalia stated.

"Where do they live?" I questioned curiously.

"Far away from here and thankfully they don't come here anymore. Aziel fought with his father and since then they didn't have any family gathering." Thalia replied.

"Do you think they know about me and Aziel?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I honestly have no idea. I mean it could be one of Mr Alvaro's ideas but I doubt Aziel listen to him anymore." She replied," Unless he threatened Aziel."

I frowned.

If that was the case, no wonder Aziel doesn't want to see my face.

"Thank you for showing me those pictures and telling me about them. And even about Flinn." I spoke.

"You're welcome."

We stayed for twenty more minutes before Alfred called Thalia. She went to the guest house while I went to Aziel's room. I took a shower and changed in my comfy pjs before jumping on the bed. I let sleep take over.


Love ya

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