Chapter 28 {Italy}

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The two most powerful warriors are patience and hope...

Catalaiya's pov:

Today I came back to the office as I had two meetings today. Nayvee handed me all the files that I needed and I check everything before preparing myself.

 Nayvee handed me all the files that I needed and I check everything before preparing myself

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(Catalaiya's outfit⬆️)

When the first meeting was over, I came back to my cabin while Nayvee went out to buy our lunches. Meanwhile, Alicia decided to call me. She was at the mall buying a few things for the orphanage and she found a cute handbag for me. She wanted to know whether I would like a beige one or a white one.

"The beige one," I answered through the phone.

"Great choice." She chuckled.

"Guess what." Alicia suddenly said sounding nervous.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"I think Adam knows about me being a social worker." She blurts out making me raise an eyebrow.

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

"The night of the charity event, I got scared about the shooting thing and I was worried for him. I let my guards down and ended up showing him that I did care about him. He was really surprised. Then the next day when he came home, I asked him if he was okay and he reassured me that he was fine." She explained.

"Seems like he does care about you," I commented.

"That's when everything changed. Even when I tried to put on my act and be mean to him... he just stared at me with an amused look on his face, as if he knows that I'm just acting." She told me.

"And at night we used to put like a barrier in between us, now whenever I put it, he removed it... He even apologised to me." She added.


Aziel did apologise to me when he found out about Mason conspiracy and that I wasn't a gold digger.

"Did he say anything about your work?" I inquired curiously.

"Not really... and now I can't be a bitch since he doesn't get mad. Instead, I feel bad for arguing with him." She sighed again.

"Well, maybe you two can work things out?" I suggested.

"You think that's possible?" She asked and I shrugged.

"You won't know if you don't try," I replied.

"Are you... and Aziel trying?" She asked cautiously.

I nodded."We did say that we would,"

"Oh, that's great." She says.

I heard a knock on my door.

"I need to go, talk to you later?" I say.

"Yeah, talk to ya."

We both hang up before I said a loud 'come in'. Nayvee walked in with two bags of food.

"The crowd at the food court is crazy." She sighed exhaustedly as she sat on the chair in front of my desk.

Food court?

"You went to the mall?" I inquired.

"Yeah, I had to buy a few make-up things for my mom." She replied.

"Well let's eat. The next meeting is at 1:30 p.m." I reminded her. She always come with me at every meeting and whenever I miss any important points, she would discretely remind me.

We both sat down and eat our food while talking about casual things, non-business thing related. I did tell her about the shooting at the Charity Event.

"Oh, he protected you. How romantic." She said dreamingly.

I raised an eyebrow, "From all the things that I just told you, that's all you gonna say?"

"Hey, can you blame me? I'm lonely, no one to protect me or be romantic with me. You are living everyone's dreams." She argued.

I rolled my eyes.

When we finished eating, we went to the meeting which lasted for one hour. When we came back, we stayed in my cabin, discussing the new scheme that might work for this project.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Both Nayvee and I glanced at each other.

"Come in," I said.

The door opened and I was surprised to see Aziel and Carter, both of them were in suits. Carter gave me an acknowledging nod while Aziel just stood there with no emotion shown on his face.

"I'll let you alone." I heard Nayvee say before she grabbed the file and made her way outside.

"Me too," Carter said before walking out after Nayvee.

Aziel closed the door behind Carter before looking at me.

"Is everything okay?" I inquired curiously.

"I'm going to Italy." He said and I felt my heart drop.

"Y-you are going to fight them," I said and he nodded.

"Adam and I came up with a good strategy that we hope will work." He explained.

"When are you leaving?" I asked.

"In four hours, in my dad's private jet. I'm going home to prepare my things." He replied.

"Ok, be careful." I couldn't help but say. He nodded.

"Can you give me your phone?" He asked making me confused.

My phone?

I looked on my desk, my eyes roaming everywhere to find it. I lifted some papers, some files before I found it near my bag. I grabbed it before giving it to him. I did put my password before giving him.

He typed something quickly before handing it to me.

"I need to go, I'll talk to you later." He said and I nodded.

"Also words will go around that I'm out of town so if anything happens, you call me immediately. If Mason comes around call me or Leo." He stated clearly.

"I will," I reassured him.

He walked out.

Nayvee's pov;) :

I sat by my desk, with the file open in front of me. I looked up and notice the guy that came with Aziel. He was standing by the window looking out.

"Hi," I said loudly.

He turned toward me with a blank face, "I'm Nayvee, Catalaiya's assistant... and friend."

Will he introduced himself?

He stared at me.

Did I say something wrong? Maybe he doesn't talk much? Or maybe he isn't sociable...

"I'm Carter, Aziel's friend." His voice had me freeze on my spot.

Like damn, he's hot and his voice was deep and clear. He can easily bring any girl on their knees-oh god... what the fuck am I thinking?

Our conversation didn't last long as Aziel walked out and they both went away. I sighed, looks like I'll never see him again.


Love ya

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