Chapter 1 {Aziel}

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Life is an open book full of blank pages. You write the story as you go...

(February 3rd)

Catalaiya's pov:

Leo grabbed my hand and wrapped it around his arm before looking down at me with a reassuring smile. I used my other hand to slightly lift the front of my dress as we walked into the marriage office.

 I used my other hand to slightly lift the front of my dress as we walked into the marriage office

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(Catalaiya's outfit⬆️)

Leo was my elder brother and today he was walking me to the marriage office, sending me off with a stranger that our parents chose for me. Even my dress was chosen by our mom. Our mom and dad had an arranged marriage... so did their parents and their parent's parent.

It was like a tradition in our family.

The only one who did love marriage and who was able to escape this stupid tradition was my brother Leo. He has a beautiful wife and he was the father of a lovely 5 months baby girl.

I was always confident that I would break this stupid tradition just like Leo did but I was wrong. I had two boyfriends in the past and each time I got heartbroken.

I wasn't as lucky as Leo.

The reason I gave in for this wedding was because of the pressure that my parents were putting on me. My husband-to-be comes from a big business family and marrying him would be a great opportunity for my parents to grow their own business. Leo tried to argue with them, defending me but that lead to a big fight.

This wedding was a deal and I'm sure going to treat it like one. It's been two years since I stopped doing what I love and dedicate myself to my work. Making deals and respecting them was one of my daily tasks and this arrange marriage was just like any other deal.

My parents lived together for 25 years without love... I can do this.

We stepped inside the office and my eyes landed on Mason Mcbelt, the one I'm marrying. He was in a grey suit, red tie, white shirt and he has the hairstyle of a military guy. His lips curled into a smirk as his eyes roamed my body without even hiding it.

My parents stood on the side with big smiles on their faces. I ignored them as Leo walked us to the chairs. I sat down, not even waiting for Mason or the man behind the desk to say anything.

"She's just so eager." I heard my mom explain behind me. I kept my face neutral, looking at the man in front of me.

He cleared his throat, adjust his tie before gesturing for Mason to sit down. He opened a black file and started to talk about marriage. I zoned out, looking at the handmade pictures behind him.

Painting and drawing were one of my favourite leisure activities. My room used to be full of canvas, each one representing the emotion that I felt when I was painting. There was sad ones, complicated ones, happy ones, unfinished ones... Now my room was just white walls with a mirror.

I felt a hand on mine and I turned to my side to look at Mason. He gave me a flirtatious wink before looking back at the man, who was still talking. I abruptly removed my hand, hoping he will get the idea to leave me alone.

"Now I'll need the witnesses to sign before the couple do." The man spoke. He did say his name but I don't remember it. Our parents, including Mason parents, walked in and signed the paper.

"You'll be mine to cherish soon," Mason whispered as he leaned closer to my side. Since our parents were busy, they didn't notice anything but Leo did. He sends a glare his way, showing him how much he dislikes him.

The man pushed the file in front of us and Mason reached out to grab a pen, eagerly signing it. Our parents noticed his action and chuckled amusedly.

I wasn't.

"Once you sign the papers, you'll exchange rings." The man added.

Mason drop the pen on the paper before sliding it in front of me. I grabbed the pen and inwardly sigh in defeat. That was it.

I only wrote a 'c' before the door slammed opened gaining our attention. I dropped the pen, turning around to look who came. None of us invited anyone to this wedding as our parents wanted it to be as quick as possible.

"Oh shit," I heard my dad curse.

Three men all suited walked in confidently. There was one in the middle and two behind him like bodyguards. The middle man particularly looked intimidating and scary. He was definitely the boss.

Who were they?

Mason stood up and so did i.

"Yes, how can we help you?" Mason asked in his business tone.

Dad walked forward, "Mr Alvaro, why are you here?"

Alvaro? I heard this name before...

"Because of the contract we both signed." Mr Alvaro replied, glaring at dad.

"What contract?" Mason inquired cautiously.

"The contract where he mentions his daughter and my wedding." Mr Alvaro said making my eyes widen.


What the hell?

I felt a hand on my arm and I turned around to look at Leo.

"Just say yes," Leo whispered making me confused. Did he know about that?

"No, she's marrying me!" Mason stated confidently.

"No, you're not," Dad said shaking his head.

Mason was furious, "What are you talking about!?"

"He's right, I sign a contract where he would help me with a work and get Catalaiya as his wife," Dad admitted.

I felt all the energy of my body drain off. Why would he do that?

"He's not, he'll have to fight me to take my place." Mason glared at the middle guy.

"Mason, he's Aziel Alvaro. He doesn't have to fight you to take your place." Leo spoke beside me, making the middle guy shift his gaze on me. His piercing greyish eyes stared into my soul, making me shiver.

Aziel Alvaro


Love ya

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