Chapter 16 {Eliza and Eddie}

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Every moment is a fresh beginning...

(March 24th)

Catalaiya's pov:

The music played on the radio and it was the only sound that could be heard in the car. I was looking out of the window as Aziel drove us home.

"I have dinner with one of my clients tonight." Aziel suddenly said breaking the silence.

I turned to look at him.

"Ok..." I trailed off.

He briefly glanced at me before looking back at the road, "You need to come with me."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Me?"

"Yes, they know that I'm married and they ask for you to join us." He explained.


"What kind of client are they?" I asked curiously. Were they normal people, mafia people...

"An elderly couple, nothing mafia related." He replied as if reading my thoughts.


I was reassured. I didn't want the dinner to end up with a fight or gunshot instead of dessert.

He parked the car and we both make our way out. We stepped inside the house and walked to our rooms. Once in, I removed my heels and made my way to my bathroom.

I took a quick shower, dried myself up and wore my bathrobe. I walked to my closet and try to find an outfit for the dinner. I heard a knock on the bedroom door, so I made my way there to open it.

It was Aziel.

"We'll leave in 20 minutes." He informed me and I nodded.

He turned to leave but stopped. He looked back at me, "Don't forget your ring."

I froze on the spot while he walked away to his room.

He noticed?

I closed the door before going to get ready.

I closed the door before going to get ready

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(Catalaiya's outfit⬆️)

I apply some perfumes before grabbing one of my purses. I grabbed my phone, which was on my bed table charging and put it in the purse.

Like Aziel reminded me, I wore the wedding ring instead of my purple ring. To be honest, I never thought that I would be wearing it ever again.

I heard another knock and I went to answer.

Aziel was in his black suit, white shirt and black tie. He looked good. His eyes landed on me and for a few seconds, he didn't say anything.

He cleared his throat, "We should leave."

I nodded before closing the door behind me. We both made our way to his car and he drove to the dinner place, which turns out to be a restaurant. He parked in the parking lot and we stepped out.

Aziel walked beside me and put his arm forward. I looked at him before hesitatingly wrapping my arm around his. His eyes landed on the ring and he had-what seemed to be-a statisfied look on his face.

We walked to the front desk where a young girl was working. She looked up at Aziel and did a double-take before smiling flirtatiously.

"Mr and Mrs Alvaro," Aziel stated before she could even talk.

Mrs Alvaro...

That sounds weird.

The young girl's smile went in a thin line, disappointedly. She briefly shifted her gaze on me before looking down at the computer.

Once she told us the table number, we walked inside and spotted the elder couple by the table. We walked to them and they stood up to greet us. The woman smiled warmly at me before pulling me in a hug.

The woman was wearing a nice royal blue dress. The dress was off-shoulder, knee level and there were white flowers at the bottom. The man was wearing a grey suit, a white shirt and a blue tie to match the woman's dress.

"You didn't tell me that she looks that pretty." The woman commented, looking at Aziel.

"He didn't even tell us her name." Her husband added.

I glanced at Aziel.

"My bad, she's Catalaiya and Catalaiya meet Mr and Mrs Jenkins." Aziel introduced us.

"Nice to meet you,"

"Same, you can call me Eliza and him Eddie." Eliza smiled and I nodded with a smile. We all sat down at the table and the waiter came to take our order. The table was a rectangular one, Aziel sat beside me while Eliza was in front of me and Eddie was in front of Aziel.

"So since when are you two married?" Eddie asked curiously.

"Two months, two weeks," Aziel replied firmly.

"Ohh, that's so recent. Did you have your honeymoon yet?" Eliza asked casually making my cheeks turn a shade of red.

I heard Aziel clear his throat before replying, "No, we had work."

"Great," she exclaimed excitedly, "We have a hotel not too far from here, we can lend you a nice suite for a week... or more."

"You don't have to-"

"Why not? We are signing this big contract and you already gave us so much as inventory... think of this as a way of thanking you." Eddie added.

Aziel glanced at me before nodding.


The waiter came with our food and we started to eat. Aziel and Eddie ended up talking about their deal, contracts and other businessmen.

"I'm glad that I invited you and that you came. If you didn't, I would have to listen to them talking about deals and contracts that I don't understand." Eliza chuckled.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "You don't work at the office?"

"Oh no, I'm more a home designer. I like to create and decorate rooms, houses and even backyards. The hotel that I was talking about earlier, was the first project I did." She explained.

"And you work in an office?" She asked and I nodded.

"It's my dad's office but I look after half of the departments while my brother looks after the other half," I answered.

"Then you must understand what they are talking about." She said pointing at Eddie and Aziel.

I chuckled lowly, "Yeah."

We had our dinner and around 9:30 pm, we stood up ready to leave. Eliza hugged me one more time while Eddie handshake Aziel.

"It was nice to meet you and have dinner with you." Eliza smiled and I smiled back.


"Yeah and now every time we have a dinner like this, I expect you to bring her along." Eddie patted Aziel on his back.

"I will," Aziel said firmly.

We said our goodbyes before walking to our cars.


Love ya

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