Chapter 62 {back home}

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(July 24th)

Catalaiya's pov:

Today we were finally going back home. We stayed in the hospital for two days and it was stressful. On the first day, Haelynn did a lot of tests and some of her results weren't good.

We had to wait and redo them and thank lord she was healthy and fine.

Due to these small complications, the doctors suggested that only Aziel and I stay close to her, so no one other than us has seen or touched her.

This morning, Aziel had emergency work and he had to leave so Alfred was coming to pick us up from the hospital. Aziel already did our bags and cleaned the room before going, making it easier for me.

At 4 pm, the man came back with the wheelchair and I sat on it with my baby in my arms. The guy was generous enough to carry my bags to the front door.

 The guy was generous enough to carry my bags to the front door

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(Catalaiya's outfit⬆️)

As we reached the door, I saw Alfred standing outside waiting for us. As the door opened, he turned to look at us and shifted his gaze on the baby in my arms.

I stood up and the man put the bags near my feet, "Thank you."

"She's so pretty." Alfred smiled looking at her.

He looked up at me, "How are you?"

"I'm fine and I'm ready to go home."

He nodded. He picked up the bags and we walked to the car. I put Haelynn in the car seat and sat beside her before Alfred drove us home.

The ride home was quick. At least I found it quick, I think it was because I wanted to be home as soon as possible.

I got a little emotional when I saw Aziel on the front steps waiting for us to arrive home. Once Alfred parked, I stepped out and walked directly to him. I couldn't rush since I was still sore but with a few steps, I reached him.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning my head on his chest as tears run down my face.

"I missed you," I murmured.

He wrapped his arms around my back in a tight hold, "It's okay, it's over. You are home now."

I felt him kiss my head.

"Who will take her out." We heard Alfred ask.

"I will," Aziel replied.

I pulled away and let him go take Haelynn from the car. He carefully picked her up and cradle her. I did wrap her in a blanket because it gets cold in the afternoon. He walked to me and wrapped one of his arms around my back.

We all made our way inside.

Thalia was by the couch and she rushed to my side when she saw us walking in. She welcomed me with a warm motherly hug, "I'm so happy you're back home and congratulation new mom."

"Thank you," I hugged her back.

We pulled away and she turned to the baby, "She's so pretty."

"By the way, what's her name?" Alfred asked curiously.

"Haelynn Anya Alvaro," Aziel replied proudly.

"Such a pretty name," Thalia commented.

"Do you want to hold her?" Aziel asked and Thalia nodded eagerly. He handed her to Thalia.

"I'll go upstairs, I need to take a shower," I told them.

"I'll help you," Aziel added.

We both made our way upstairs and he did help me to shower. I wore a nightdress as I didn't want to wear any shorts or pants. I did wear grandma underwear, which was really comfortable.

Once in the room, I set up my pillows as I wanted them. However, before sitting down, I felt Aziel's arms around me from behind. He had his arms wrapped around my upper body, careful to not hurt me. I put my hands on his arms, leaning into him

"I love you," he spoke.

I smiled, "I love you too."

He pampered me with kisses, which I really appreciated. I missed him and his kisses were like drugs.

"You should eat early and then rest." He suggested.

"Yeah, and I need to feed Haelynn too," I added.

"I already brought a few diapers, onesies and baby wipes in our room. Let me know if we might need anything else for tonight." He said and I nodded.

We heard a knock before the door opened. Thalia and Alfred walked in with Haelynn in Alfred's arms.

"She's ready for her milk," Thalia chuckled.

I sat on the bed, getting comfortable. I moved a pillow under my arm before Alfred handed me Haelynn.

"I'll bring your dinner," Thalia said and I nodded.

Once they went out, I breastfeed Haelynn. Midway through the feeding, I pull her away and burped her before giving her some more milk. Meanwhile, Aziel set up her basket crib for the night.

He then walked to my side with a medicinal cream in his hand and I gave him a questioning look. He firmly grabbed my hand which was swollen from the needle and massage the back with the cream.

"What will i do without you," I wondered.

He smiled,"I'm just trying to be the best husband."

His cockiness made me rolled my eyes before letting out a chuckle.

Once she was fed, I handed her to Aziel as he was desperately waiting to hold her.

Thalia walked in with my food and I thanked her before eating my soup with some garlic bread.

"I know that you are still tired from the hospital, so I'll be sleeping in the guestroom tonight. I'll help you during the night." Thalia said as I gave her a grateful look.

"Thank you,"

"My pleasure."

I continue to eat, occasionally glancing at Aziel. Haelynn seemed to be really comfortable and warm in her daddy's arms.

When I finished, I handed Thalia the tray before getting cosy with my pillows. Aziel put Haelynn on the bed, tugging her blanket close to her side. He kept an eye on her. Since she was sleeping, I closed my eyes and sleep as much as I could.

She was a better sleeper tonight. She only woke up like three times and once I fed her she was back to sleep.


Love ya

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