Chapter 31 {Sorry}

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Your kind and caring heart have meant so much to me in my time of need...

Aziel's pov:

I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting them to the lights of the room. I looked around and I noticed the familiar wall of my room. I sighed when I remember everything that happened when we were coming home.

The sudden attack near the jet when it landed, the guards who were involved with the enemy, our sabotage weapons...

I try to move but hiss when I felt a pain in my stomach. I looked down and saw big bondage around my whole abdomen. I heard a light 'hmm' making me look beside me. I was surprised to see her sleeping next to me.

I remember hearing her voice calling my name a few times but I was too tired to reply to her. All I wanted to do was to sleep. I remained in the same position my head turned to her as I watch her. She was curled up, the blanket to her waist and she had one hand under her pillow while the other was under her cheek.

I miss this sight of waking up next to her for more than two months...

She stirs and moves a little bit. She slowly opens her eyes adjusting them to the light of the room.

"Good morning," I said, my voice was a little rugged and my throat was dry.

"Good morn- oh my God you're awake." She says as she came fully awake. She looked at me relieved.

"How are you feeling?" She inquired concerned.

"I feel crappy," I admitted.

"Good, you scared the hell out of me yesterday." She stated.

Honestly, I didn't want anyone to know what happened to me as I didn't want to make them worry. I thought that I would be able to come home and clean my wound but I started to feel dizzy and I guess, I fell unconscious.

"I'm sorry." I sincerely apologised.

"Do you want anything?" She asked softly as she sat on the bed.

"Don't you need to go to the office today?" I asked curiously.

She shook her head, no. "I'm not going today."

"Then lay back down beside me," I said and she look at me surprised. Without saying anything, she lay down facing me.

"So who clean me up?" I asked.

"I did. Then the doctor came and did a few stitches on your cut. He also said that you need a full month of bed rest." She told me.

I scoffed, "A month. That's too much."

I need to find the bastards who were involved in this sudden attack. They were stupid enough to let a few clues behind and I need to get them as soon as possible. To make it worst, I'm hundred percent sure one of my members was involved in this.

"Do you have a degree in medicine? No, you don't. So I believe we should listen to the one who has a degree and he said a month of bed rest. So a month it is." She said and I raised an eyebrow.

Damn, she chose violence today...

"Ok mom," I said sarcastically. She just rolled her eyes.

"Did you get any news of Adam?" I suddenly asked, remembering him.

"Yes, he's fine. He had a couple of cuts on his arm and the doctor stitch him too." She replied.

"Dr Smith?"


Thank god. I didn't have the time to check on him as we rushed away from the attack scene. I need to contact Carter and make him keep an eye on everyone at the mansion, my main mafia office.

We heard a knock before the door opened. Thalia peeked in before walking inside.

"Good morning," she greeted us.

"Good morning,"

"Here, I bought your breakfast." She told me.

I try to sit again but I accidentally sat too quickly making me wince and lay back down.

"Slowly," I heard Catalaiya say. I felt her arm sneak beneath my upper back and she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I lift myself slowly, with her help. I don't like when I feel this vulnerable.

Catalaiya stuffed some pillows behind my back and I leaned onto them. I looked at her and she was now kneeling beside me.

"Dear, do you want me to bring your breakfast here?" Thalia asked Catalaiya.

"No, I'll eat downstairs. I'll change first," Catalaiya replied.

"Well I'll stay with him, you can go." Thalia smiled and she nodded.

She climbed off the bed, making her way outside. Thalia put the tray of breakfast on my lap.

"Do I have to feed you?" She taunted making me glare at her.

"I can use my hands." I pointed out.

"Go ahead."

She sat on the edge of the bed.

First, I grabbed the coffee and took a good sip. Despite the liquid is hot, it still refreshes my inside. I then grabbed the fork and took a bit of the scrambled eggs.

It feels like I haven't eaten for days.

"You scared us yesterday," Thalia told me," I mean Alfred and I are used to you coming home in blood but it was the first time she saw you in this state."

I glanced at Thalia.

"Despite being scared, she looked after you well. Very well. Alfred and I didn't have to do much like we usually do. Last night I came to check on you and I guess you have fever, she was by your side putting a wet towel on your forehead... and it was around 2:30 am."

And today she didn't go to her office because of me...

"I hope you are understanding where I'm going with this." She said and I nodded.

I do.

I finished my breakfast and Thalia took the tray downstairs. Before leaving, I asked her to give me my phone and I called Carter.

"Dude, how are you?" He asked as he picked up.

"I'm better than yesterday. How are you? You weren't hurt right?" I inquired.

"No, I'm good. I have been looking at the camera footage of the airport. I think I found who betray us." He said.



Love ya

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