Chapter 26 {Bye}

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Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more and don't get so work up about things...

Catalaiya's pov:

Thalia and I had our lunch and I did eat quicker in case Aria started to cry. I did hear her once but it seemed like she was talking and not crying. Since then it's been quiet, too quiet.

I wash my hands before walking to the living room. I stopped in my track when I saw all the couches empty. The pillow barrier was there but Aria wasn't. Even Aziel was missing.

"What is she doing?" I heard Thalia ask.

"I have no idea, they are both missing," I replied.


"I'll check outside," I says as I walked toward the window doors. I opened it and made my way toward the pool. I looked around and I found them in the far corner under the shade of the big trees.

I walked there.

Aziel was sitting on the grass, his back against the tree's trunk while Aria was in his arm playing.

Are you kidding me?

To say that he's the most dangerous, ruthless and cruel Mafia leader.

As I approached them, Aziel looked up at me.

"She was bored inside," he defended himself before I could say anything.

"Let me guess, she told you that." I teased making him roll his eyes.

"Well here she can see the birds flying around and she can breathe fresh air." He added.

"Hmm, she's enjoying it," I commented as I looked at her. She gave me a smile before going back to play with her hands.

"How's your leg now?" I heard Aziel ask.

"I took the painkiller after breakfast and I don't feel any pain anymore," I replied.

"That's good."

Suddenly his phone started to ring and he sighed. He grabbed it from his pocket and I saw him clench his jaw as he look at the ID.

"Can you take her from me, I need to answer this." He said and I could tell his happy self was slowly fading away as his cold self took over.

He stood up and I grabbed Aria from him. He walked away into the yard to pick the call while I made my way inside to give him some privacy.

Aria started to move and make a fuss. I try to rock her, walk her around the house but nothing worked. Turns out that her diaper was full and she wanted to be changed.

I grabbed her bags and made my way upstairs to my room. I didn't change her in the living room as the couches were white and I didn't want any incident to happen there. Once in my room, I changed her and she was a happy baby.

She found her pacifier and put it in her mouth.

I laid beside her and held her doll in my hand. I lifted it up and slowly went near her neck making her laugh. I did it a couple of times before I stopped to let her breathe.

"You like that huh?" I asked and reached to kiss her cheeks.

Even when we play a lot with her, she easily gets bored. Like right now, she started to frown as if she was going to cry. Before she starts to cry, I pick her up in my arms, making my way downstairs.

My thigh was starting to hurt again.

I sat on the white couch with her on me. I grabbed her and lifted her in the air before bringing her back. She smiled and started to babble.

"My turn,"

I heard Thalia say as she came to the living room. I chuckled and handed Aria to her. She sat on the couch, playing with her and I watched them. Twenty minutes later, Aziel walked in and he looked calm.

However, he glanced at Aria one more time before he went upstairs to his room.

He's either angry or pissed... or both.

Around 2 p.m I gave Aria her bottle and she fell asleep on the couch. I stayed beside her while Thalia went to do some work in the guest house.

The rest of the evening went by quickly.

Leo came to pick Aria around 6:30 pm, right after he left his office.

"Hey Cat," he hugged me and I did hug him back. However, once I pull away from him, I hit him in the head.

"Ouch, woman." He frowned rubbing the back of his head.

"Aziel told me everything," I stated making his eyes go wide.

"I-I- I did this to protect you." He defended himself.

"Really!? What about him? You got him stuck in this because of me." I pointed out.

Leo sighed, "He was the only option I had."

Before I could tell him anything else, Thalia and Alfred walked toward us with Aria. I remained quiet as they didn't know about this.

"Looks like she made new friends," Leo commented making them chuckle.

"She did. I hope we get to see her again." Thalia said and Leo nodded.

"Of course,"

Both Alfred and Thalia gave Aria a goodbye kiss on her cheeks. Thalia handed her to me.

"You should bring her to Aziel and tell him that she's leaving," Thalia suggested.

"I'll wait here," Leo added.


I made my way upstairs and knocked on Aziel's door. Aria had her hands wrapped around my necklace, trying to eat it. The door opened and Aziel looked at me before looking at her.

"Leo's here, she's leaving," I spoke.

"Oh," he said awkwardly.

"Do you want to hold her?" I asked and he nodded. He took her in his arm and kissed her cheek. He looked more calm now.

He does have a soft spot.

"I'll walk her down." He said and I nodded. We both made our way downstairs to Leo. Aziel handshake him before handing Aria to him.

"What happened to you?" Leo furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the bandage on my thigh.

"The Charity event turn into a shooting zone. And no, I didn't get shot it was just a piece of glass which cut my thigh." I explained.

"Oh... get well soon." He chuckled and I glared at him.

"I'll get going, bye."


After they left, we sat down to have dinner.


Love ya

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