Chapter 55 {Disaster}

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When a character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends...

Catalaiya's pov:

(April 9th)

(27th week⬇)

(Catalaiya's outfit⬆️)

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(Catalaiya's outfit⬆️)

Like every day, I came to the office and started my daily work. Around noon, when Nayvee and I were having lunch in my cabin, we were startled by the emergency alarm ringing in the entire building.

"What's that?!" Nayvee stood up, panicking.

I shrugged, "I don't know."

Maybe a fire?

I stood up and grabbed my phone. We both walked to the elevators and pressed the main floor button. The elevator was weirdly empty and it seems like no one was rushing out.

But it was lunchtime and usually, half of the employees go out to eat.

The door opened and both Nayvee and I took a step out. However, we both stopped, frozen, eyes widen, when we saw Mason standing by the unconscious security guys holding a gun.

Oh shit!

They were both laying in their blood buddle while Mason stared at them. A lot of the employees who work on the main floor was by the tables hiding for their dear life.

Mason suddenly lift his head and I watched as a psychotic smile formed on his lips as he stared at me. He looked really different; his beard was long and messy, he had a few bruises on his face, his lips were swollen and his clothes were torn in a few places.

"Come on, let's go home." He told me.


"I'll get rid of this too, don't worry." He said pointing at my belly. I instinctively put both my hands on my belly protectively.

"Mason, you-"

"No! I said let's go home. So let's go." He stated taking a few steps forward while Nayvee and I stumbled back into the elevator.

"Don't run Catalaiya, I'll get you at any cost today." He smiled creepily.

Suddenly one of the guys hiding behind the table stood up courageously and went to tackle Mason on the ground.

"Run!" He screamed looking at us while he hold Mason down.

I stood frozen, my legs refusing to move. Nayvee was smart to press multiple buttons of the elevator so that Mason doesn't have a clear clue where we went.

"We can't go to our floor, he'll find us quickly," Nayvee said, looking at me.

"The third floor has more rooms to hide," I told Nayvee.

"You better call your husband this time," Nayvee said and I nodded frantically. The door opened on the third floor and we run out, going to the middle office. This floor was empty as everyone was out. We both sat down on the floor near the table, hiding. I grabbed my phone and dialled Aziel's number. I tried five times but he didn't pick up.

"What?" Nayvee asked.

"He's not picking up," I answered.

"Try Carter or Adam, they should be with him," Nayvee added.

She's right.

I dialled Carter's number and after three-ring, he picked up. I sighed in relief.

Carter's pov:

Aziel and I were both in this guy's office as he requested a meeting. Aziel found it a little weird but accepted. I felt my phone vibrate and I reached to pick it up.

I furrowed my eyebrows.


Why would she call me?

I glanced up at Aziel who was busy talking. I excused myself and walked to the door while I answered.

"Hey," I said as I pick up.

"Thank god," I heard her sigh in relief.

I frowned, "Everything's okay?"

"No, I try to call Aziel but he isn't answering." She says.

"Yeah, he's in a meeting. I think his phone is on silent." I told her.

"Well, we are in danger-"


"Mason is in the office with a gun and he killed the security guys. Now he's trying to get me and he said that he will kill my baby." I could hear the fear in her voice as she spoke.

"Are you alone?" I inquired.

"No, both Nayvee and I are on the third floor hiding in the middle office." She answered.

"Good, stay there we're coming."

I hung up before rushing to Aziel. He looked up at me with a questioning look.

"I need to talk to you," I told him firmly.

He nodded before he excused himself. This time we walk out and closed the door behind us.

"Catalaiya called me, she is in danger. Mason is at her office, with a gun. He killed the security guys and now he's looking for Catalaiya and he threatened to kill your child. Both Nayvee and Catalaiya are on the third-floor hiding." I explained everything to him.

He let everything soaked in and I watched as his expression changed. He was pissed, angry and ready to kill Mason for good.

"This bastard will die today." He stated.

We both walked to the main door when we were stopped by the guys.

"Sorry, you can't leave. We have orders to stop you." The security guy told us.

Both Aziel and I glanced at each other.

"Why?" Aziel cold voice boomed in the room.

"Because Mason is our ally."

We turned around and found the guy who invited us here.

This was a plan and a trap to keep Aziel away from Catalaiya.

"And you think attacking my wife was a good idea?" Aziel asked, his cold eyes on him.

"He pays us to have his back and we will." The guy shrugged.

Oh boy... this will end up badly

"Do you have any idea how you messed up?" I chuckled.

"I messed up? You both are done. There are twenty guys ready to kill you and you are only two." He smirked.

Never challenge a pissed Mafia leader or attack his wife... or worst his pregnant wife...

"You think I got this title and position by handling easy, simple fight? You really think I'm going to back off and give up to twenty of your puppies, ready to bite?" Aziel pointed out before chuckling humourlessly.

"One, you messed up by becoming Mason's ally. Two, you dare to attack my wife while having me here and three, she's pregnant. One scratch on her and your whole gang or whatever you are... will vanish from the surface." Aziel stated.

"Along with Mason," I added.



Love ya

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