Chapter 44 {Hanna}

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Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it...

Catalaiya's pov:

His mother didn't seem to be bothered by the tone Aziel used, instead she ignored it.

"I'm here to have dinner with my son." She responded calmly.

"Wrong house," Aziel told her.

"I already gave her a list of things to prepare for dinner and I hope I won't be left disappointed." She said, glancing at Thalia.

"I can't believe this," Aziel murmured.

She turned around and made her way to one of the guest rooms by the library's room. Once we heard the door close, Thalia walked to us.

"I was going to call you to tell you about her but she didn't leave me alone at all since the morning." Thalia apologised to Aziel.

"Since the morning? She's here since the morning?" Aziel asked and Thalia nodded.

"Thankfully Alfred and I moved all of Catalaiya's stuff in your room yesterday, she went to check your room as soon as she came here," Thalia told Aziel.

"Where's Alfred?" I asked Thalia.

"He went to the market to buy a few things for dinner. Mrs Alvaro has a lot of demands for tonight's dinner." Thalia replied.

"Ok, do whatever she asked you to... hopefully she leaves after dinner," Aziel added.

"Hum," Thalia said nervously.


"She bought a suitcase with her," she said making Aziel throw his head back and groan frustratedly. He made his way to the stairs and walked to our room.

"She was impressed by your designer bags," Thalia said looking at me.

"She went through my bags?" I asked.

"Through your entire closet. And she particularly loves one of your red dresses... I already put it on the couch in your room. Maybe you can wear it for dinner." She suggested.

"Ok," I agreed.

I wonder what red dress it was...

I left Thalia and made my way to the room. I found Aziel by the windows on his phone.

"Well, your mother decided to come here to have dinner with her son... I'm not thrilled by this idea, I'm sure she has a purpose and a selfish reason to come here. So get your ass here tonight for dinner... if I have to go down tonight, I'm taking you with me brother." He says.

I sat on the edge of the bed, looking at him.

"I don't care, see you later brother." He hangs up, throwing his phone on the bed.

"The phone did nothing to you," I say breaking the silence.

He sat beside me, his shoulder dropped, "I was happy before I saw her face."

"Maybe dinner won't be that bad," I try to stay positive.

He shook his head lightly, "I don't think so."

He lay back on the bed, his legs pressed against the edge. He opened one of his arms invitingly on his side. I removed my sandals before crawling to his side. I laid my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arm around his waist, my legs tucked behind me. He rested his hand on my butt.

"I should warn you." He says, making me tilt my head back to look at him.

"She's really rude, so if she says anything at the dinner just ignore it." He told me and I nodded.

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