Chapter 39 {Amazing day}

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Another day starts. Let the adventure begin...

Aziel's pov:

The following morning, I woke up before she did. I looked at her as she peacefully slept, curled up hugging her pillow. After the kiss we shared, I felt satisfied. Her soft pink inviting lips were killing me. I didn't know whether to wait or just go for it.

I'm just glad I did it.

I tore my sight from her and reached to grab my phone. I checked my messages and got a new update from Carter. We already found the traitor and he was in the basement, bearing his punishment. He had a lot of friends involved with him and yesterday he finally confess the names.

Carter knows what to do.

I saw a message from Adam and I opened it.

What's the plan for today?-Adam

It was sent 5 minutes ago.

We don't have anything plan yet-Aziel

He replied instantly.

Well, plan something that the 4 of us can do... tomorrow I have things planned for Alicia and I don't think we'll meet again -Adam.

Oh right, he has his plans for Alicia and they weren't going to be with us for the whole vacation.

I'll let you know- Aziel.

I went on the resort site and looked up the activities that we could do together. One sea activity caught my attention and I already love it.


I put my phone to the side and turned back to look at her. She stirred and turned the other way, her back facing me.


Catalaiya's pov:

I slowly woke up as I felt someone kissing my ear. It tickled a little bit so I squirmed, protecting my ear with my shoulder. The kisses stopped for a few seconds before I felt myself being pulled backwards, my back hitting a hard surface.

I opened my eyes and tilt my head to look behind me.

"Good morning," he greeted me.

"Good morning," I said, my voice barely coming out.

"Don't you like cuddling?" He asked catching me off guard.

"Huh?" I was still sleepy and it's going to take me some time to fully wake up.


"I like it..." I trailed off.

"Do you mind if we... cuddle for a little bit?" He asked and I swear I saw a faint red shade on his cheeks.


"Of course not," I smiled. I turned my body around, facing him. Since he was laying on his back, I moved to his side, wrapped my arm around his abdomen and laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped both his arms around me.

He's comfy...

"Do you want to do a sea activity today?" He asked breaking the silence around us.

"What kind?" I inquired.

"Snorkeling," he replied.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What's that?"

"It's like diving in the sea looking at fishes, corals and other sea animals." He explained.

Sounds fun...

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