Chapter 30 {Fever}

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When someone truly cares for you, they make an effort not an excuse...

Catalaiya's pov:

As the doctor said, we didn't have to wait for too long, he came quick. Alfred walked with him to Aziel's room. Once the doctor looked at Aziel, he immediately walked to his side, laid his bag before starting to examine him.

"He's more injured than Adam," the doctor said as he check the cut.

Adam's hurt too?

"Who called me?" The doctor asked.

"I did," I replied making him look at me.

"It's the first time that I'm seeing you here, who are you?" He inquired noisily.

"I'm his wife," I replied lowly.

His eyes widen, "Oh, my bad."

He took out his kit and started to do some stitches on the cut. Thalia and Alfred walked out to let the doctor work and I was going to follow them when the doctor stopped me.

"You can stay." He told me.

I walked to the other side of the bed and watched him. I wrapped my arms around myself as I stood. Honestly, I couldn't watch him stitch the wound, so I shifted my gaze on Aziel's face. He looked so peaceful.

"So Mrs Alvaro-"

"Catalaiya," I told him.

He nodded, "Catalaiya, he's fine. The cut wasn't too deep, it didn't hurt his inside, so no internal bleeding. He's unconscious because of the pain he felt and endure, his body shut down to help him. I'm going to give him some shots for the pain and I'll give you some medicines for him. Since the wound was recent, he might have a fever at night."

"He should be okay in a month and he will have to bed rest a lot." He added.

I nodded while he handed me the medicines. I put them on the bed table near him. The doctor grabbed his stuff before making his way outside.

Thalia and Alfred walked into the room.

"Catalaiya, you just came home. Go and freshen up. I'll clean up the mess in the room." Thalia said while rubbing my back.

"And I'll change him in clean sweatpants," Alfred added.

"Ok," I agreed.

I was ready to get out of these heels and put on my comfy pjs...

I made my way to my room, quickly took a shower, put on a spaghetti strap t-shirt and a short before tieing my hair in a messy bun. I made my way back to his room. Thalia was almost done with mopping the floor while Alfred already changed Aziel and pulled the blanket on him to his waist.

"Let's go downstairs, I'll give you your dinner. Alfred will stay with him here to keep an eye on him." Thalia says and I nodded.

We made our way downstairs and I went to grab my handbag. I took out my phone and I saw two miss calls from Alicia. I instantly dialled her number.

"Hey," I heard her say.

"Hey, how's Adam?" I asked her.

She sighed, "he's fine now. He came home with a bleeding arm, he had a couple of cuts on his arm. Dr Smith gave him a shot and a few medicines... I heard Aziel was worst, what happen to him?"

"He had a cut on his stomach, he lost a lot of blood and he was unconscious. The doctor stitch his wound, gave him his medicines and now he's on bed rest for a month." I explained.

"I was so scared when I saw Adam, I almost pass out," Alicia admitted.

"I know the feeling," I murmured, remembering Aziel's unconscious figure on the floor.

"He's calling me, I'll talk to you tomorrow," Alicia said and I nodded, even if she can't see me.


I hang up before making my way to the dining table. Thalia handed me my food and I grabbed my fork.

"Alfred and I will stay in one of the guest rooms for tonight, in case Aziel will need anything," Thalia told me, making me look at her.

"I-i was thinking that I should probably sleep next to him for tonight." I said.

"Ooh, i like that idea."

"If you need anything in the night, let me know." She says and I nodded.

I had my dinner and when I was done, I walked upstairs in Aziel's room. Alfred made his way out, closing the door behind him. I turned off the light by Aziel side before walking to the other side of the bed. I dimmed the light on my side before laying on the bed next to him.

I read a few articles on my phone to pass time and around 11 pm, I turned off my phone before closing my eyes. I did check his temperature by putting my hand on his forehead before sleeping.


I woke up around 2 pm and I sleepily glanced at Aziel. I put my hand on his cheeks and I frowned when I felt it was hot. I touch his forehead and neck and it was really hot.

I sat straight, pull the blanket off me and walked to the bathroom. I grabbed a small bowl that Thalia kept earlier, and a towel. I fill the bowl with cold water before going back to Aziel.

I wet the towel, squeeze it to remove the excess water before putting it on his forehead. I learn this method from Leo who used to do this to me when I would have a fever. I did the same steps until his temperature was back to normal. I also put it on his neck a few times, just to cool his skin.

He moved a few times but he didn't wake up. I threw the water in the sink in the bathroom before climbing onto the bed again. I lay on my side, facing him and I pulled the blanket up to my waist.

Once I closed my eyes, I was out.


Love ya

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