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Haziran had lunch with Biricik at a restaurant and caught up with her. She told her friend everything the doctor had explained to Poyraz and her, and Biricik was very glad to hear the baby was doing just fine. She asked her about the experience of going to the doctor with her ex and Haziran lowered her voice to tell her how awkward it had been and also the kind of conversation they had had outside the hospital. They both agreed that Poyraz seemed to care -and even to be kind of happy- about the baby; however, Haziran didn't want to allow herself to get her hopes up because, after all, they were no longer together. There was a part of her which was telling her they should be because it was better for the baby and because she couldn't deny or refrain from her own feelings. Her common sense, though, kept telling her that they had a lot of baggage they should unload before rekindling their relationship and taking such an important step as starting a family together. And then, of course there was Poyraz's 'I never loved you', which she refused to believe because in her heart she knew that couldn't be true, but that at the same time kept piercing right into her heart whenever she remembered it.

When the two friends finished their lunch, they parted ways. Biricik went back to her shop and Haziran headed to the hotel, genuinely excited to return there and catch up with all of the ins and outs. She found Poyraz at the reception, talking to some boy she didn't know. Burak was also there and was caught off guard when he saw her.

-Haziran abla? -everyone turned to her.

-Hello, Burak. -she said with a smile, approaching to hug him. She had missed him too- How are you?

-I'm good but why are you here? Are you back? -he asked, looking confused.

-Yes, I'm back to stay.

-How's that? What happened? -Haziran looked at Poyraz. She didn't want to lie to Burak but they shouldn't be spreading the pregnancy news yet and there was a stranger in the room too.

-I just missed this. -she said, shrugging her shoulders. To be honest, she wasn't lying about that, but Poyraz's heart broke a little as he considered whether she was and felt guilty again because he saw himself as the responsible for her comeback. Burak could feel she wasn't being completely sincere but realized it wasn't the right time to keep digging so he just smiled.

-Well, iyi ki geldin. We've missed you. -Haziran smiled back at him, grateful. Poyraz cleared his throat, wanting to change subjects.

-Haziran, this is Murat, our new receptionist. -he said, extending his hand to point out the stranger.

-Oh, right. I've heard about you. Nice to meet you. -Haziran politely shook hands with him. Nehir was already in England so they had to look for a replacement. The chosen one was a friend of Burak's, who had actually studied Tourism, and, per Nehir, Poyraz abi said that he knew him and that he was a good guy.

-Nice to meet you, Haziran abla. If you need anything, just let me know. -he said diligently but not in a snobby way. His smile was genuine and Haziran liked him immediately. They couldn't continue because Görkem stormed into the room with Selma following him.

-Haziran, is it true what we heard? -the man asked in his usual melodramatic tone.

-Teyzecim, you really are back. -Selma exclaimed, as if she couldn't believe it. Poyraz and Haziran looked at each other in panic. Neither of them wanted the news to be revealed that way. Haziran, though, reacted quickly and dragged Görkem and Selma outside.

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