15. bölüm

585 32 26

Hello, everyone! 😃 Sorry to keep you guys waiting but I needed some break. Don't hate me, please 💖. I'm back here with our little family and I hope you enjoy this chapter 🤗.

2 years old

Günaydııın. —he said in a tilting voice, entering the room.

Günaydın, baba. —Haziran replied smiling while she held a cup of coffee, leaned against the kitchen counter. Ayça couldn't do it as she was focused on drinking from a glass that seemed huge between her tiny hands. Poyraz kissed her on the top of her head and she put the glass down, licking her lips, then looked up to him.

—Did you sleep well, kuzum?

—Yes. —she replied in her childish high-pitched voice.

—That's great. Mommy made you pigtails. —he commented afterwards— They suit you a lot. —the little girl funnily tilted her head from left to right repeatedly to shake the high pigtails. Poyraz and Haziran chuckled.

—I also put her on a t-shirt of her favourite colour.

—And which one is that?

—Pink! —Ayça exclaimed, signaling her t-shirt.

—Looks great with your summer tan. —the girl smiled again, her big blue eyes sparkling.

—Are you done, annecim? —Haziran intervened— Do you want more? —Ayça shook her head— Tamam, let's go brush our teeth then. —she got her out of her high chair— Say goodbye to baba first. —the kid went to her dad, who crunched down and opened his arms. Her tiny arms wrapped around his neck and he pulled her into a tight hug.

—Love you. —he said with a broad smile when then separated.

Lo' you. —she replied in her childish language.

—Have fun today at school. —he gave her a loud kiss on the cheek and then he rised to cup Haziran's face with one hand and leave one on her lips— See you later.

—See you. —she smiled and put one hand on Ayça's shoulder in order to lead her to the bathroom.

After arguing a little bit with her because she wanted Zorba to go with them, Haziran managed to put Ayça in her stroller and they headed to daycare. She was always chatting with the child, even in situations like that, when she was in the stroller and didn't see her face so she only replied to what she wanted to because she was distracted by the things she saw on the street. Poyraz used to tease Haziran telling her that she was going to drive the child crazy with that much chatter but at his core he knew Haziran did it because she wanted their daughter to feel important, loved and seen. Even though, as a mother, Haziran had nothing to do with her own mother and Poyraz and her never fought in front of Ayça, he knew she put a lot of effort in making sure the kid didn't have any lack of affection and saw her parents as a strong reliable team. He was quite a loving father too, since for him it was also very important that his child felt safe and loved — something which was hard for him to feel in his childhood since he was 7 years old. However, it was easier for him than for Haziran to play the bad cop when it was needed and, now that Ayça had turned 2 —'the terrible twos'—, someone needed to do it. For most of her short life, she had been an easy child: she was smiley and already spoke a lot like Haziran but she didn't misbehave and knew when she needed to stay calm like Poyraz. However, she had recently entered a phase where tantrums were becoming frequent. A few months before, Poyraz and Haziran had decided to take her to the island's daycare centre. Summer was the time of the year when they worked the most and they didn't want their families to babysit more than they already did. Besides, they thought it would be good for Ayça to learn to spend less time with her parents and also to socialize with children of her age on a daily basis. To be honest, getting used to delegating her care to strangers was a good exercise for them too. 

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