8. bölüm

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A little surprise before tonight's episode 😜. Hope you enjoy it. I think this one turned out to be quite 'fluffly' too.

They were so happy that they decided to stay in town to hang out with Melisa and Alper, and ended up having lunch with them. After that, they went to buy the magical anti morning sickness crackers for Haziran and, seeing them together, people started stopping them in the streets to ask about Haziran's return and whether they were back together. Some of them were more subtle and did it kindly but others just seemed not able to hold back their thirst for gossip and straight up interrogated them. Poyraz and Haziran got away with it as well as they could, giving vague answers.

Back at the hotel, they continued with their work. At some point, though, they took a break and Haziran remembered her aunt had asked her to tell Nehir about the baby, so she urged Poyraz to FaceTime her cousin with her. Of course, when she heard the news, Nehir screamed and jumped with joy, and even got emotional, making Poyraz and Haziran get a little emotional too. She wanted them to be together since day one and getting to know they had reconciled and were even starting a family seemed too good to be true. She felt sorry for being away and insisted to Haziran that she would hang out with her all the time once she got the Christmas holidays at uni and could go back home. Haziran and Poyraz told her to enjoy and make the best out of her stay in England and they caught up with all the things Nehir had done in her first days there.

-I was thinking... -Poyraz said some time after the call, when there were just the two of them- Would you want to spend the night here? -he asked kind of shyly. Haziran smirked.

-In your room? Is this part of your making-a-twin plan? -Poyraz's shy expression turned into an amused one.

-It can be that too if you want but I just meant spending the night together. We can have dinner here. -Haziran smiled, happy for the proposition and for not having to separate from him.

-Okay, I'm going to text Biricik. -she eventually said, grabbing her phone from her trousers' pocket.

-I hope she doesn't think I'm monopolizing you because you guys haven't seen each other all day.

-Of course she won't. -Haziran said, her eyes on the screen as she typed- Living together is something special for us but she knows it's just a phase for me until I find a place for myself. She will understand I want to spend time with you and she can see me whenever she wants anyway. -Poyraz kept quiet, reflecting, while Haziran finished typing.

-I'm good. -she stated, returning the phone back to her pocket.

-Okay, let's make some dinner then. -Poyraz said, extending one hand towards her, who intertwined her fingers with his and followed him to the kitchen with a content smile spread on her face.

She moaned loudly, arching her back. When the sensation subsided, she leaned forward and rested her sweaty chest against his, placing her head on the hollow between his shoulder and neck, and leaving a soft kiss on the latter. They stayed like that, glued to each other in silence, until their heartbeat and heavy breathing slowed down. Then, she moved from atop of him to lie on the bed and he covered them with the bedsheets, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to hold her, not wanting to lose the contact just yet. She curled up to him, wrapping her arms around his body in turn and closing her eyes, feeling at peace.

-I think this is my happy place. -he said softly after a silence. She smiled against his chest, her eyes still closed.

-Sex? -his spontaneous laugh filled the room. She loved that sound and hated that she hadn't barely heard it since knowing him.

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