16. bölüm

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7k already!! Thank you all so much 😃. Here's the new chapter, hope you enjoy it 💖.

3 years old

—I want the castle. 

—Here you go. —he passed her the battlements-shaped bucket. She immediately started to put sand into it with her mini shovel and Poyraz continued to work on the moat.

They were sitting near the seashore building a big sand castle with a water moat around it. The castle had several towers and Ayça was decorating them with seashells they had collected. She was wearing a blue swimsuit that matched her eyes and accentuated her summer tan, and her curls shined wet in the August sun, kept under a white hat to protect her head from the heat. She finished filling the bucket and smoothed the sand with the shovel. Grabbing it, she stood up and went to the middle of their work of art. She turned the bucket upside down and carefully raised it, unveiling the sand tower inside it. She let out a small triomphal cry when she saw it came out perfectly. Poyraz looked at her with a beaming smile.

—You did a nice job, kızım. You want me to take a picture of it?

—Yes! —the kid nodded excitedly. 

—Okay, stay right here, tamam? Don't move.

—Yes. —she said, joining her hands on the bucket's handle and standing still, looking at him with a puppy face. He assessed her for a moment and then ran to the towels to grab his phone. 

Haziran raised her gaze from the magazine she was reading and looked at him through her sunglasses. 

—I'm going to take my phone to take a picture of the sand castle. —he informed her and she smiled.

—I'll go later to see it with my own eyes. 

—Everything okay? 

—Yes. —she said, and rubbed her round belly. He smiled at her as a response and ran back to Ayça. 

—Let's go to the water! —the kid exclaimed when he took the picture.

—Again? —he asked, raising an eyebrow. 

—Yes! —he chuckled. That little girl seemed hyperactive. 

—Okay but let's go get your floaties first. —without saying anything, Ayça ran to the towels and went next to her mother.

Selam. —Haziran, who was sitting on a beach chair under the sun umbrella, welcomed her with a smile— Did you finish your castle? —she asked, raising her sunglasses and putting them on her hair.


—What are you doing next?

—Go to the water! 

—So quickly already?

—She loves the sea, our little mermaid. —Poyraz showed up.

—She does, yeah. —Haziran said, smiling, and tickled the kid, who giggled and shrugged. Poyraz took the floaties from the beach bag and started inflating them.

—Come! —Ayça said, pulling from her mom's hand. 

—Don't bother her, Ayçacım, she's tired. —Poyraz said, stopping from blowing for a moment. 

—No, I'm okay. —Haziran countered, smiling reassuringly at Ayça. She put away her glasses and stood up, removing the kid's hat to put it away too. Poyraz finished inflating the floaties and called Ayça to put them on her— Let's go! —Haziran said and the three of us walked towards the seashore holding hands happily.

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