13. bölüm

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New chapter is here! Felt like writing about Zorba, hope you like it 💖. If you do, please ☆ and comment. Enjoy your reading! 😁.

1 week old

The high-pitched cry woke them up at once. It seemed deafening every time but even more when it startled them awake. They were also at a point in which they thought they could hear it even when she wasn't actually crying.

-Öfff. -Haziran huffed, but she didn't move. Poyraz rubbed his eyes- What time is it? -she asked in a husky voice. Poyraz turned to grab his phone from the nightstand and turned it on. The light made him squint.

-2:13. -he said in the same voice. He put the phone down on the nightstand again and turned on the little lamp on it. Pushing the bedsheets down, he stood up and groggily started going around the bed.

-It hasn't even been two hours yet. -Haziran whimpered- Can you just plug her mouth in my boob, please? -she requested, raising her pyjama top to uncover her naked breast. She still had her eyes closed.

-Okay. -Poyraz replied. He took the still-crying baby from the crib and held her against his chest. He rocked her and whispered a 'shhhh', trying to calm her down. Haziran finally caved and opened her eyes. She sat on the bed and he gave her the baby.

-C'mon, baby, calm down. -she said, putting her nipple into her mouth. When she felt her suckling, Haziran sighed and approached her index finger to her so that she fisted her hand around it. She lifted her head and saw Poyraz watching down on them.

-Go back to bed, Poyraz. -he lifted his own head to meet her eyes.

-I think I'm going to the bathroom. Do you want me to bring you some water?

-Yes, please. -she said and he left the room. She felt her mouth dry and, besides that, nursing made her thirsty. Three minutes later, Poyraz went back with a large glass of water for her and she released her finger from the baby's hand to grab it. -Thank you, aşkım.

-You're welcome. -he said, and got in bed again, covering himself with the bedsheets. He sat down and watched in silence as the baby suckled and Haziran entertained herself leaving soft strokes on her almost nonexistent hair- Did you manage to sleep? -he asked eventually, and Haziran turned to him.

-I think I did for a little while. -her eyes and whole expression screamed tiredness.

-Let's hope she lets us sleep more after this feeding.

-Yeah. -Haziran said distractedly and her eyes went back to the baby. They both went silent again and, when the baby stopped suckling and she was moving her so that she suckled on her other breast, Haziran spoke again, without looking at him.

-Go back to sleep, Poyraz. You don't need to stay awake for me.

-I can't sleep right now anyway. At least watching you both like this is kind of relaxing. -Haziran smiled at him with sleepy eyes.

-Yeah, it's tiring but also beautiful. -she said, returning her gaze to the baby.

-I wish I could help you with it. -Haziran looked at him again and smiled broadly, both amused and touched.

-You help with everything else. That's more than enough. -she assured him, and then intertwined her free hand with his.

That was true. Even if he hadn't felt as guilty or powerless as he did seeing how Haziran was in charge of the majority of the baby care -she was basically subject to feeding her all day and, on top of that, the baby's schedule was still irregular so she hadn't adapted yet-, he would have helped with everything else. Poyraz had become a true househusband -weird word, he thought, but housewife was it as well so-: he had been doing all the housework, rarely letting Haziran do anything. He had had external help, though, as Selma and his grandma had prepared delicious meals for them, and Zeynep had surprisingly showed up one day to watch over the baby's sleep so that they could spend some time together in the backyard.

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