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~Sting's P.O.V.~

         I looked back up at the cloaked figure and snarled.  "Lector, Frosch, go back to the guild," I told them.

        "But Sting-ku--"

        "JUST GO!!" I yelled at him.  They looked at each other in worry before nodding and leaving.

        "Heh, let your cats leave so that they won't get hurt?" he sneered.  "How precious." 

        "Where's Rogue?" I growled at him.  "What did you do to him?!"

        "Don't worry, Rogue Cheney is fine," he assured me.  "I just separated you two so that this can be done easily."

        "What done easily?"  His smirk grew bigger.

        "This."  He reached into his cloak and threw the white powder I assumed was the one that he stole.  At first I wasn't sure what was wrong, but then when the white smoke wafted towards me, I suddenly felt very drowsy.  The world started to wobble and my vision started to turn double.  "What...the hell is this..." I mumbled as I started to feel lightheaded.

        "Well, I could tell you, but I won't," he said, his voice sounding distant.  My legs suddenly stopped working and I fell to the ground.  "Nighty-night," he smirked as the world around me faded into pitch black.

~Rogue's P.O.V.~

        "Sting?!" I called out once I had stopped falling and landed on a rocky surface.  "Sting!  Lector?  Frosch?!"

        "They're not here anymore."  I turned around to see the cloaked mage. 

        "What did you do to them?!" I growled.  He simply shrugged.

        "Your 'friend' sent your cats away," he replied.

        "And him?  Sting??"  Again, he shrugged.

        "Gone," he answered nonchalantly.

        "G-gone?" I repeated.  Fury built up inside of me and shadows surrounded me.  "What do you mean gone?!"

        "Gone," he repeated.  "And soon, you're gonna disappear too."

        "What?"  Before I could react, he reached into his pocket and threw a white powder around me.  I put my hands over my mouth and nose to stop myself from breathing it.

        "Heh, do you really think you can do that forever?" he sneered.  I narrowed my eyes at him, but he was right.  However, with the limited time I had, I decided to lunge for him with shadows enveloping my fist.     Unfortunately, he foresaw it and moved to the right, dodging my attack.  I continued attacking him, trying to at least get one hit on this bastard, but he was surprisingly quick and swift.  Eventually, I couldn't stand it anymore and took a deep breath in.  Almost immediately, I grew drowsy and the ground started tilting.  I could hear him chuckle as I fell to the ground, unable to support myself anymore.  "Maybe that'll teach you.." he said, but the world around me faded before I could hear the rest of what he said.


~Amy's P.O.V.~

        "Achoo!" both me and Crystal sneezed as we walked.

        "Jeez, you guys have a twin cold or something?" Missy snickered.

        "We're not twins," we both said in unison, making her laugh.

        "Well that proved my point," she said in between her laughs.

        "Well, our moms are twins, so what do you expect?" I shrugged.

        "Yeah, I heard about that," Emerald said, getting into our conversation.  "What's the difference between them anyways?"

        "Well, for one my mom is a doctor," Crystal said.

        "Yeah, and mine's a psychiatrist," I nodded.

        "Aren't those careers similar to each other?" Missy sweatdropped.

        "Yeah," Crystal and I chuckled.

        "What about appearance wise?" Emerald asked.

        "Well, my mom has her hair usually tied in a ponytail and she has glasses," I described her, thinking of how I saw her this morning.

        "And my mom likes to keep her hair down or with a headband at most," Crystal shrugs.

        "Well, if your moms are twins, I think that you'd be twins right?" Missy said, trying to do the math in her head.  "I mean..I think?"

        "Huh, I never thought about the actual science in it," I admitted.  "But we can't be twins cause of our dads."

        "If not, we'd look exactly the same," Crystal added.
        "Mm, true that," they all nodded.

        "Where are your dads anyways?"

        "They're both on a business trip," I sighed.

        "Isn't it too much of a coincedence that your dads are colleagues and best friends..?" Emerald sweatdropped.

        "Atleast they're not twins," Crystal joked, making the four of us giggle.

        "Yeah," I agreed.  "And Mom said they'll be back soon."


        "Ah crap!  We're gonna be late to biology!" Missy panicked.  "Come on Amy, let's go!"

        "But--"  Before I could protest, she grabbed my arm and ran in the direction of our class.  Crystal and Emerald tilted their heads in confusion.  I smiled and started running with Missy.  I thought I had heard someone say something, but it escapes me at the moment.  Oh well, guess it doesn't matter.

        "Wait, DID YOU SAY BIOLOGY!?" I shouted in fear and realization.  Missy nodded.  I gulped and ran faster. 

        "Yeah, now you realize," Missy rolled her eyes. 

        "If Ms. Avery sees that we're late..." I shuddered, remembering what happened to one boy who was late.

        "Yeah, so hurry up!" Missy urged, running faster.

        "H-hey!  I'm not as athletic as you!" I said, trying to catch up.

~Crystal's P.O.V.~

        "Why are they in such a hurry?" Emerald asked me.

        "They have Ms. Avery for biology," I smirked as we walked.

        "Heh?  Well then they're dead if they're late," Emerald giggled.

        "Yup," I nodded.  "Whereas we have totally laid back Mr. Davis for English." 

        "Yeah."  As we walked towards our class, I was in deep in thought.  I was sure I heard someone say something to me when Amy and I sneezed.  Was it my imagination..?

        "Stal...Rystal...CRYSTAL!!"  Emerald snapped her fingers right in front of my face.

        "Y-yeah?" I asked once I had gotten back to reality.

        "We're here.."  I looked straight to see the door to Mr. Davis' classroom.

        "Oh, oops," I nervously chuckled, scratching the back of my neck.  Emerald rolled her eyes.

        "You're lucky to have me around," she grinned and walked in.  I hurriedly walked in too, forgetting about what I was thinking about earlier.

To Fit In (A StingxOc & RoguexOc FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now