Meeting The Amnesiacs Part 1

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~Crystal's P.O.V.~

I slowly tiptoed into the room and saw someone sleeping peacefully on the gurney. 'Do I have to do this while he's sleeping?!' I mouthed to Mom. 'And is it even a he?!'

'It is a he and yes you have to!' she mouthed back. I grumbled under my breath and continued walking, carefully planning each step.

"Atleast close the door!" I whispered loudly.

"Okay okay, sheesh," Mom whispered back. She gently closed the door, leaving me alone with this guy. I decided to get a look of this guy. Don't hate me, but I judge a lot of people by their looks, but don't get angry yet! That's my first impression, but it can change when I hang out with the person, kinda like Missy. I inferred she was not like every other high school student, and she certainly isn't. I slowly get closer and stood on my toes to get a look of the guy. My eyes widened. He looks so much like Sting?! Spiky blond hair, diagonal scar near his right eye. Heck, I can even see some canine teeth from his mouth that was slightly ajar! C-could he be Sting? I thought in my head. If he is, he looks so much hotter in person.

I shook my head, trying to stop my burning cheeks. Bad Crystal! He can't be an anime character! He's alive! But..but....


"Eep!" I squealed, jumping backwards in response to the voice.

~Sting's P.O.V~

I slowly open my eyes in response to mind footsteps. At first everything was a blur, but my vision cleared to see a girl with black hair and bright blue eyes looking deep in thought. "H-hello?" I called out, sitting up.

"Eep!" she squeaked, jumping back in surprise. I sweatdropped as she fell onto the floor. She blinked a couple times and hastily stood back up, dusting off her black skirt. She coughed a bit. "Um, sorry about that," she said in a mature voice.

"Um, who are you?" I asked curiously.

"Why am I Dr. Rose of course!" she said in a "duh" tone. "We met before remember?" My eyes widened.

"W-wait, b-but you were a g-grown up a-and.." I stammered. I mean, sure she could look like the young version of her with that black hair and blue eyes, but-! Just then, she bursted out laughing.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" she said in between her laughs. I should be angry, or atleast that's what I think I would feel, but instead I felt slight heat on my cheeks as I noticed how cute she looked while laughing. "Haha, that was just a test to see if you're comfortable talking to me or not," she said with a toothy grin. "Most patients would be angry, but you aren't! That's good." She flashed me another smile, which made more heat rise up to my face. "Anyways, my actual name is Crystal. I could be Dr. Rose one day, since she's my mom, but.." she shrugged. "I dunno what I want to do yet." She shook her head. "Ah, I'm getting off topic. What's your name?" As soon as she said it, she facepalmed. "God, I'm so sorry! I forgot you had amnesia!" I couldn't help but chuckle at her flustered speech.

"No, it's fine," I grinned. "It's Sting." Her crystal blue eyes widened and she froze, her smile immediately fading. I frowned. "D-did I say something wrong?" She snapped out of it and shook her head.

"No, you did not," she said, her cheerful smile returning. "I was just thinking about a coincidence is all."

"What kind of coincidence?" I ask curiously.

"It's nothing," she assured. Something was weird, but her smile made me forget about it. "So, do you think you can remember anything else?"

"I did remember something else, but.." I chuckle at my stupidity. "You might think I'm crazy if I say it."

"Aw, don't be like that!" she said, faking a pout. Damn she looks cute doing that, I thought in my head.

"W-well, there was this symbol I remember," I started out slowly.

"Can you describe the symbol?" she asked, resting her elbows on the edge of my bed and leaning in.

"It kinda looked like a fanged animal of sorts," I said, trying to describe what it looked like to me.

"Can you be more specific?" Crystal asked, leaning in even more. She was so close to my face that her lips were about a feet away from me. I could feel my face flush and my heart race even faster. What's happening to me..? "Hey, are you alright?" Crystal frowned.

"W-why would you ask that?" I stuttered.

"Well, your face is red," she answered.

"A-ah, well, I'm fine," I assured her.

"You sure?" she frowned.

"Yeah, I just.." I trailed off, my mind starting to feel a bit hazy. My head started to throb.

"Just..?" Crystal said, waiting for an answer.

"J-just.." I muttered. My vision started to turn blurry again and the pounding got worse. "A-ah.."

"Sting?" Crystal frowned.

"AH!" I clutched my head and yelled out in pain.

"Sting!" Crystal yelled. I could faintly feel her grip my shoulders, but I blacked out because of the unbearable pain.

~Crystal's P.O.V.~

"Sting!" I yelled when he had screamed out in pain. I took ahold of his shoulders and shook him. "H-hey, Sting, wake up!" I panicked. All of a sudden the lights shutted off. Thankfully, the lights turned back on after a couple seconds. My face flushed as I realized I had instinctively wrapped my arms around Sting's body.

"Crystal, Sting, are you okay?!" Mom bursted into the room. Her eyes widened when her eyes landed on me. Heat creeped up on my face and I immediately put Sting back on the bed.

"I-it's not what you think!" I deny quickly.

"Crystal Rose, did you just hug an amnesiac till he blacked out?!" Mom scolded.

"What? NO!" I said.

"Well then why is he unconscious?" Mom asked, raising an eyebrow. My eyes widened.

"H-his face was red and he screamed out in pain and the next thing I know he fainted!" I explain quickly. Mom was a bit taken off guard for a second, but then she immediately turned serious. She walked up to Sting and put a hand to his forehead.

"Odd, he's not burning up," Mom frowned.

"I-I swear! I didn't do anything!" I sputtered. Mom weakly smiled at me and ruffled my black hair.

"I know you didn't do anything Cryst," Mom smiled at me. "I'm going to do some more tests on him; do you want to just go home?" I shook my head.

"Nah, I'll stay here," I replied.

"You sure?"

"Yeah." She nodded and pointed to a chair next to Sting's bed. I sat on it and watched Mom look over Sting. As I did, I sank into my thoughts. Fanged animal...the same it all just a coincidence? Or is he really Sabertooth's Master? More importantly, what had happened to him just now? He was fine just a couple seconds ago... I shook my head and sighed. Well, I can't get my answers until he wakes up. I glance back at Sting, who's face looked a bit pain as Mom checked his blood pressure. And I hope that's soon....

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