Blanket Forts and Recollections

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~Amy's P.O.V.~

As soon as Mom stopped the car, I was already opening the door and getting out.  I think Mom was shouting at me that I shouldn't open the door before the car was off, but I didn't listen to her and stuffed my hands into my skirt's pocket.  I managed to pull out the silver keychain that had multiple golden, bronze, and silver keys strung onto it, however, now was the hard part: finding the right key.  "Which one..was it again?" I mumbled to myself, the keychain making a jingling sound as I fumbled with it. 

"Amy, did you already forget which key it was?" I heard Mom sigh from behind me.

"No!" I replied without looking up. "I'm just trying to find it, which is a problem because this keychain has way too many keys." I grumbled that last part to myself.  My efforts were for nothing, though, when the door opened from the inside.  The warm golden glow that illuminated my hands and body from the door opening made me immediately look up. 

"Whatcha doing there cuz?" Crystal stood right in front of me, being the one who had opened the door. There was a teasing smile on her lips, but it looks ever so slightly strained. My emerald green eyes grew wide and I immediately tackled my ravenhead cousin. She let out a squeak of shock, but I then heard a small chuckle quickly afterwards. Her sleek black hair tickled my cheek as I buried my head into her shoulder, but I didn't care. "Hey there, Amy?" Crystal poked my cheek. I let out a muffled whine into her blue pajamas. I felt her hair move to the side before hearing her whisper, "If you don't let go, my mom and your mom are both going to ask questions, and you and I very well know you can't lie good." I puffed out my cheeks and pulled myself from our hug.

"Sho mean," I pouted. Crystal giggled and shook her head.

"Just get in already." She gestured for me to come into her side of the house. I tilted my head in confusion when I noticed that she was suppressing a wide a smile.

"I don't like that smile.." I mumbled to myself, sweat of anxiety starting to roll down my forehead.

"Something the matter?" I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of a voice directly behind (or more accurately above) me. I pivoted around to look up at my mother, who was looking at me with an amused expression. "I went back into the car to grab my bag, but I thought you'd at least go in?" my mom raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Oh! Uh, I was just, thinking about something!" I blubber, sweat rolling down the side of my head. Her eyebrows seem to raise even more, but after a couple seconds, my loving mother just sighs.

"Honestly Amy.." She shakes her head. "I'm going to go check on Furball." I offer a sheepish smile as she walks past me and into the house. I rub my arms and sigh dejectedly. Great.

I slowly walk into our home, my head facing downwards.

"Hehe, I have--hey, why you looking so down?" I could hear Crystal's voice. I hesitantly look up to see Crystal's cyan blue eyes gleam with worry. Her hand was on my shoulder and her face was contorted with a frown.

"It's..really nothing," I sigh, looking away. Crystal's eyebrows furrow even further.

"Hey." She shook me. "Don't look so glum now! Not when I've got a surprise to show you!" My eyes light up at the sound of the word 'surprise'. I look at her with cautious curiosity.

" what?" I asked, my voice soft but eager. Crystal only grins a goofy smile and points to her bright eyes.

"Close your eyes and we'll see!" she smirks. I frown, but my curiosity got the better of me and I used both of my hands to cover my emerald-green eyes. I really hope curiosity doesn't kill the cat this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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