Two Drunkards In an Alleyway?

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~???'s P.O.V.~

I ran towards the White Light Hospital, my long black hair flowing behind me. I knew the irony of the name, but I wasn't the one who named it. "Crap, I'm gonna get killed if I'm late," I panicked out loud. "And to think I have a PhD..." As I ran pass a dark alleyway, something...bright caught my eye. I stopped running and looked into the narrow alleyway. Again, I saw something glint with white light. Curiousity getting the better of me, I carefully walked into its darkness. "Hello?" I called out. "Is anybody there?" Walking further, I gasped at the sight in front of me. A boy, probably about two years older than my daughter, was knocked out on the floor. He was blonde and was in some seriously weird clothes. The first thing that came to mind about him was that he was a pervert, or a drunk. He could also be both, but either way, I still had to help him.

"H-hey! Are you alright?" I knew I probably wasn't going to get a response, but I tried anyways. Seriously, how did I get a PhD? I thought to myself, but shook the thought away and quickly ran over to boy.  I turned him over to see that he had a scar over his forehead and crysal-like earrings.  To be honest, if he's a teen, then his appearance is not surprising, I sweatdropped in my head.  I felt for his pulse, and sighed in relief when I found it. Okay, atleast he's still alive and still warm. He didn't smell of alcohol or drugs either, so I can cross out those symptoms out. His pulse was unsually slow though. I looked around to see if there was anyone around, but there didn't seem to be anyone.  "I better take him to the hospital," I muttered to no one in particular. I gently picked up his lifeless body and started running towards the hospital where I work. Screw being late, saving a life is more important..

I rushed right through the double doors of the hospital.

"D-Dr. Rose!" the receptionist, Ally, said surprised. "You're late! And who's--"

"No time, this boy needs to be examined A.S.A.P!" I yelled. Almost immediately, the nurses came with a gurney. I carefully set the blond down and they strolled him down to one of the vacant rooms.

"Um, care for an explanation?" Ally raised one of her eyebrows.

"What can I say? I found him in an alleyway," I nervously chuckled.

"A-an alleyway?! Dr. Rose, don't you think he can be a drunkard or something?"

"He doesn't smell of alcohol, and his pulse was not doing well, what else was I suppose to do??" I asked her. She sighed.

"That's you for you," she said, shaking her head. "Always eager to save lives. I thought that was only for children, not grown ups like you."

"You know, I think that's how I got my PhD in the first place," I thought out loud. Ally facepalmed.

"Okay, how about you go check on your patient?" Ally said in a tired tone. I smirked.

"Aww, don't sound tired yet, it's only morning!" I mocked her before grabbing my white coat and running to the room they put the boy in.

~Another ???'s P.O.V.~

I felt a chill go down my spine as I was late for work. It meant that either Sis is late too, or it's unusually cold today.  I'd like to think that it's the first one and I'm not alone. I ran towards the mental hospital where I work: the Shadow Mental Facility. It had a weird name, I had noticed right away when I was looking for a job, but I liked the work I did to help mental patients feel better. As I ran, my ponytail bouncing with each step, I passed an alleyway. There, I saw a glimpse of a shadow of sorts.

Curious, I walked into the alleyway. As I got closer to the shadow, it revealed to be some kind of person with black hair some kind of cloak? I ran up to the person and examined him. He seemed fine, just knocked out, although his clothes look like he just came back from a medieval convention or something. Maybe he got drunk? No, he doesn't smell of alcohol. I touched his neck with my finger to check his pulse. It was a pretty normal speed, so I guess he's fine. I looked around the alley, but saw no signs of life.  Better bring him to the facility if there's no one here that knows him, I thought to myself. I carefully picked him up and ran as fast as I could towards the mental facility. Once I reached the building, I ran into the wooden double doors.

"D-Dr. Rose!" the receptionist, Angie, stuttered when she saw me. "W-who is that?"

"I found him near an alleyway," I replied, her green eyes widening to my response. "He needs to be examined."

"B-but Dr. Rose, what if he was just drunk o-or maybe high?" Angie gulped.

"Well, we also do rehab remember?" I reminded the brown-haired girl. She gulped, but nodded. "But anyways, he does not smell of either, so I would like to know why he was just abandoned in an alleyway with no sign of relatives or someone he knows."

"I-isn't that better for your sister?" Angie frowned.

"I'm a doctor too!" I huffed. "But if it's very serious, I will, okay?" Angie smiled and nodded.

"I'm pretty sure room 777 is vacant," Angie said after tapping the computer a couple times. I smiled.

"Thank you Angie," I said before going down the hall towards room 777.

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