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~Amy's P.O.V.~

"WHAT?!" I practically screamed, but covered my mouth when I remembered where I was. "What??" I exclaimed quietly.

"It's true, I swear," Crystal's voice came through my phone.

"But...a magic lacrima? Do you know how crazy that sounds?" I frowned.

"No, no I do not," Crystal replied sarcastically. I could just hear her rolling her eyes. "Yes I know how crazy that sounds! But seriously, have you seen Rogue? Seen all the explicit details that match everything about Rogue in Fairy Tail?!" I glanced over to Rogue, who had not woken up yet. I noticed a scar over the bridge of his nose.

"I guess..." I said hesitantly. "He does have that scar over his nose.."

"Exactly! And Sting has a scar near his eye! It's real, by the way, I checked." I cocked my eyebrow.

"How exactly did you do that?" I asked curiously.

".....Just focus on the point okay?!" Crystal exclaimed.

"Well, a scar can't prove anything," I pointed out.

"Oh yeah? Well when I was with Sting yesterday, he has this terrible headache and the lights suddenly blacked out," Crystal said. "I thought that was weird since it's never happened before, and now I'm almost 100% sure that was Sting using his Light Magic!"

"I thought he's a White Dragon Slayer," I sweatdropped.

"LIGHT IS HIS ATTRIBUTE UGH!" Crystal shouted. I giggled, remembering how she hated it when no one remembered that light was his element.

"To be honest, I can see your point," I admitted after my laughter died down. "A weird thing happened yesterday: the same thing happened to Rogue, and I could see shadows start to creep towards him."

"Good," Crystal said with relief. "If I was alone on this, I would never forgive you."

"We're cousins Crystal, I'd never abandoned you," I smiled brightly. "Well, that may not be true all the time, but when you need me, I'm there."

"How comforting, that first part," Crystal said with sarcasm again.

"The ending was my point," I smiled. It was then that I heard a slight groan coming from behind me. I stiffened.

"Amy?" Crystal called for me.

"Arewetellingthemthatthey'rethem?" I whispered really quickly.

"What? No but-"


"Wait Amy--" I end the call and put my phone onto the table. I slowly walk over to Rogue. His eyes slowly opened, revealing his slightly confused red pupils.

"Wha...?" he murmured, squinting his eyes. His eyes slowly focused onto me, and the haziness in his eyes cleared. "Wait, don't tell me..." He looked deep in thought, which made me giggle. I opened my mouth to tell him, but he put his hand out to stop me. "I believe it started with an A..." I chuckled but nodded. " it A..A...Ann..?" I shook my head. "Ameli..?" I giggled and still shook my head.

"Amy," I told him. Rogue sighed but smiled.

"That's what it was. I'll be sure to remember that," he smiled warmly. I slightly blushed at his words. Rogue tried to push himself up, but winced in pain as soon as he lifted his head. I gasped and immediately went over to his side.

"You okay?" I asked worryingly. He slightly nodded.

"Y-yeah, just a headache," He muttered, putting a hand to his head. I helped adjust his body onto his headboard. Just then I heard the door open and a familiar woman with glasses and a tied ponytail came into the room.

"Mom!" Mom's eyes widened at first, but they softened and she walked over to us. I stepped back to let Mom examine Rogue, who was still clutching his hand in pain.

"Have a headache?" Mom asked Rogue calmly. He slightly nodded. Mom smiled weakly and reached for something in her pocket. She took out a bottle of pills and put two into her hand. "Here, these should help," Mom smiled weakly as she handed them to Rogue. Rogue took it and popped them into his mouth. Mom gently patted his shoulder. "It should be gone in a couple minutes okay?" she told him in a soothing tone. Rogue nodded. "I'll get you some water. For now my daughter will accompany you until I get back and then we'll have a talk." Mom looked at me and I nodded with a shy smile. She then left the room and left me alone with Rogue, again.

"Did those pills help?" I asked, but mentally kicked myself when I realized that pills don't work that fast all the time.

"Yeah they did," Rogue grinned. "The headache's gone." My eyes widened, but I quickly recovered and smiled.

"Good!" I chirped, a little too eagerly. Nice Amy, nice. -_- I sighed to myself quietly. I hope Crystal's not too mad I hung up on her..

A couple of minutes ago...

~Crystal's P.O.V.~

"Wait, Amy--" I sighed in frustration as I heard the tone that sounds when someone hangs up on you. I was outside Sting's room, leaning against a wall. I didn't think it was the right time to tell them yet because if I'm wrong I'm so dead.. "If she so dares tell that Rogue look-alike, I swear.." I grumbled to myself, coming up with many ways of revenge.

"Plotting evil things again?" I jumped and turned around to face Mom with an innocent smile.

"Whaaaat?? L'il ol' me?" I asked innocently.

"I've seen that malicious smile before," Mom smirked. "'Cause it used to be mine when I was young."

"You sure you don't mean Maleficent?" I asked, mocking Maleficent from the movie's cocky yet calm face. (loved that movie btw~)

"No, I mean malicious," Mom rolled her eyes. "It's an actual word."

"...I knew that," I said after a slight pause. Mom chuckled and ruffled my black hair.

"Riiiight," she said sarcastically. "Anyways, I came outside the room to tell you that Sting's woken up."

"HEHHH?!?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah I just gave him some pills for his headache and was just about to get some water for him, but then I remembered that you're out here."

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I huffed and ran into the room. There I skidded to a halt to see Sting with his head looking up at the ceiling. He looked as if he was deep in thought. "You okay?" I frowned. Sting slightly flinched and turned his head towards me.

"Uh yeah, I'm fine," he gave me a smile. "Why you ask?"

"'Cause you look as if you're trying to solve the world's biggest math problem," I giggled, making him slightly blush in embarrassment.

"I-I was just thinking...about something.." he replied slowly. I walked over to him and sat down on the side of the bed.

"About what?" I asked curiously. He seemed hesitant to tell me.

"I-it's nothing.." he muttered, looking away. I swear I saw a pink tint on I his cheeks, but I shook it off.

"Well it's okay if you don't tell me," I smiled brightly. "Can't force you." Sting smiled and was about to say something when Mom came in.

"Crystal," she said in a serious tone. I think me and Sting both gulped at her sudden change in emotion. "I need to talk to Sting, alone." Sting looked at me nervously.

"What are you going to talk to him about?" I asked Mom.

"I will tell you but I must first talk to him," she said calmly. She gave me a look that was dead serious, so all I could offer Sting was a weak smile of comfort before standing up and walking out of the room. I could tell he was nervous, but Mom doesn't give me a glare unless it was really serious.

He'll be fine, I'm sure he'll be fine...

To Fit In (A StingxOc & RoguexOc FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now