Episode 10

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Varun gets to Anshuman Sampath's house.

Manya: (About to alight from the car) Thanks Varun. See you some other time. And by the way. You work at Delhi right? Why are you here?
Varun: uhh I'm on my leave that's why I came here to see my family.
Manya: okay. So do you stay at Delhi alone?
Varun: No I stay with an Uncle.
Manya: ohh that's nice. Bye for now uhn
Varun: Thanks Manya. Bye for now

With that Varun drove out of the compound and Manya proceeded into the house.
As Manya walked towards the main door, she heard noises and upon entering the house, she was met with good news.

Anch: Manya Didi papa got promoted in his work place.
Palak: Your uncle has really made the family proud. He's gotten the position of the CEO in the company he works.
Manya: (screams) Oh my! Wow Awesome. Congratulations uncle!!!
Maya: Come on everyone let's celebrate.

As the whole family were rejoicing, Shreya raised her hands, entwined and thanked the lord for the favour he's always showered on her children.

At Akshay's house, Sameer is busy thinking about his family and Maya.
He wouldn't understand why his grandmother will like to see other people in pain. He vowed never to return home until justice is being made.
The door of his room soon push open and Akshay's sister, Rashmi made her way in.

Rashmi: Hi Sameer
Sameer: Hi
Rashmi: Hey you look worried, what's the matter? (moves closer to Sameer and sits beside him)
Sameer: (feels uncomfortable) It's nothing actually I'm fine. Just thinking about home. (Gets up from the bed)
Rashmi: (Gets up as well) Ohh you don't have to worry, (tries to caress him) you can stay here as long as you want, we're here for you.
Sameer: (feels irritated and pushes her away) You're too young for this Rashmi, it will do you no good at all.
Rashmi: (frowns) What do you even mean by that? I'm not young at all uhn and I like you that's why I'm concerned.
Sameer: Thanks but I don't think I need you to be concerned about me.
Rashmi: But why? Don't you like me? Is it because I'm your friends sister? Don't worry about that we can get married uhn? It's not a big deal actually.
Sameer: Rashmi please stop talking nonsense and just leave uhn.
Rashmi: I think I shouldn't be restricted to visiting anywhere in my dad's house.
Sameer: That's not what it seems like uhn? We can talk some other time just be out please. (Tries to shoo her out of the room and she finally left while he was relieved).

At Ram Sampath's house. Ram comes back home and everyone seemed worried.

Ram: Father isn't Naina home?
Harshdeep: No she's not? I wonder where he could have gone.
Naina: (comes in right in time) I'm here father but Sameer is nowhere to be found. His phone is off and I'm worried about him. (Almost tearing up)
Ram: it's fine Naina, Sameer isn't a child anymore, he'll be sure to take care of himself. I'll call him again now. (Dials Sameer's phone number) Hey Sameer, Where have you been?.... Look here son, you have to come home right now.... Your mother is sick and she needs to see you ... You don't want her to die Do you? Come home now please. (Ends the call quickly)
Naina: Now why do you have to lie about me being sick
Ram: Relax Naina, that's the only way to get him home now, he loves you and I know that.
Raavi: Your spoilt son will never change humph.

Soon Sameer gets home in no time and he's surprised to see that everyone is fine.

Ram: Actually Sameer, we wanted you to come back home. We were very worried that's why I had to say that about your mother.
Sameer: (Still standing at the doorway) Worried my foot! After you all ruined my life.
Raavi: Ram! Leave him alone. Since noone is willing to take up this position, then I will .
Harshdeep: (Shocked) Now what nonsense are you saying now Raavi, you can't do this, I...
Raavi: No Harshdeep. I'll do it
Ram: But mother you...
Raavi: Enough! I can't stand and watch the company's reputation being ruined in this manner. That's my decision and I won't change it.
Harshdeep: you know you're taking a very big risk Raavi
Sameer: (Speaks as he hates his grandmother so much) Let her do it Grandfather. She still won't give up on Uncle Anshuman family unless she ruins herself in the process.
Naina: (screams) Sameer!!! She's still your grandmother!
Sameer: And I don't care! (Shouts back and made his way up the stairs)
Ram: it's bad that you're doing this mother but I have nothing to say about it. (Leaves the room)

The next morning, Maya and Manya are set to leave for work and are being blessed by the elders of the house, most especially Maya as she was having an Ad. Performance.

Soon Manya gets to Avinash Khan's company.

Knock knock at Salim's door.
Salim: The door isn't locked, come in.
Manya: (enters the office carefully) Good morning Mr. Khan.
Salim: Manya it's you. Morning how are you?
Manya: I'm very fine sir, ugh, (on realising she said sir) I'm sorry Mr. Khan. Here,  coffee?
Salim: uhh that's very nice of you but I'm sorry Mrs. Sampath, I'm on a fast and so I won't be able to take the coffee.
Really: uhh really
Salim: Come closer, need you to quickly read out this document for me. Probably forgot my glasses in my car cause it's nowhere around here.
Manya: (Drops coffee on the table and burst into fits of laughter) Really you can't even read without your glasses on? That's ridiculous. An eye disease is that? Ugh, (Realising how silly she's been behaving) I'm sorry Mr. Khan, I didn't mean to... I was just wondering how...
Salim: (cuts her short) will you read this out for me Manya, you talk quite a lot.
Manya: um, (slides into thinking) You know what I'll just get your glasses instead. Will be right back. (Leaves at once)
Salim: Argh naughty girl, she didn't even take the car keys. (Peeps from the window and press the open button from the car control keys)

Manya gets in the car and starts a search for the glasses.

Manya: I don't even know where he kept the stuffs now he could have, put in a non hidden place. (Looks back at once from the car as the door gets shut) Ohh here it is.

She finally found the glasses inside the safe and was about coming out when her hand presses on a button by mistake and all the doors got locked.

Manya: (Tries to open all doors but isn't able to do that) Argh! How do I get out now!

Meanwhile Salim who has been expecting her arrival decides to go check on her and is stunned to find out she's been locked in the cars.

Salim: Oh my Goodness silly girl! (Rushes into the building to get his car keys and on reaching the car park, brings out an unconscious Manya and carries her bridal style into the building and up to his office). Wake up Manya (Tries to wake her and sprinkles water on her face)

Manya: (steadily opens her eyes)
Salim: Thank Goodness. You silly girl. You could have given me a call.
Manya: (Touches her head and winces) Did I really fell unconscious?
Salim: Yes! You could have called me when you knew you were stuck in there, what if something had happened to you?
Manya: I'm fine, My phone wasn't with me it's in my office that's why I couldn't call
Salim: Thank Goodness you're fine now. What would have happened if I didn't.... You're so unbelievable Manya. You scared me.
Manya: Relax Mr. Khan nothing happened. Seems like I only even fell asleep.(Gets up from the couch) My stomach hurts a bit now, I think I'm hungry. Mind if we go to the nearby restaurant together? I don't like the food being served here.
Salim: (States at her in disbelief) Really you only fell asleep?
Manya: Food!
Salim: Oh my Goodness Manya, you're such... I was worried for no reason. Anyway I told you I was fasting so I can't eat, did you get that?
Manya: Ohh yeah, I see but what kind of fast is that at this time of the year.
Salim: Muslims do voluntary fasting but this I'm doing is for the growth of this company. I do it every Monday and Thursdays
Manya: Okay I see. Muslim. But I've never even fasted in my life once. I'm such a lazy girl you know.
Salim: Not having fasted doesn't term you as a lazy one actually.
Manya: Hmm that's right but... Ugh (rubs her tummy jokingly) I've got to go now.
Salim: As your lordship pleases.

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