Episode 5

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The story takes a seven years leap and Maya and Manya are done schooling. They both graduated with first class honours and were given a fully funded scholarship to further their education. Now, both of them have their m.sc certificate and are ready to apply for a job.
Meanwhile, things take a turn for the Sampath's family as their family matters interfere in their happiness.

On a Thursday evening, Anshuman returns home happy when he receives a call that changed his mood afterwards.

Anshuman: Hello yes, Veer.
Veer: Sir your attention is needed at the office immediately and you have to come back now.
Anshuman: Really, didn't you leave for home? Why are you back at the office and what's so important that you have to call me back?
Veer: I left but o was called back. Your father is here and he said he wants to make some changes in the company. That's why he has called for a meeting this evening.
Anshuman: Alright I'll be there in a short while.
Veer: Okay sir. (Ends the call)
Anshuman: Palak!
Palak: Yes my love
Anshuman: I'm leaving for the office again, father has called for a meeting and I don't know what his problem is again now.
Maya: (Rushing down the stairs) what! Dad, grandfather has called you?
Anshuman: Yes Maya, Palak I'll be back.
Palak: sure. Drive safe
Anshuman: (nods and leaves the house)

At the Company.
Anshuman's father, Harshdeep Sampath summoned all the workers and starts addressing them.

Harshdeep: As the owner of this company, I have decided to make some changes out of my workers.
Workers: (some are murmmuring while others listen carefully)
Harshdeep: And for now, I have decided that the Managing director of this company will no longer be Anshuman Sampath but will now be my grandson, Sameer the son of Ram Sampath.
Anshuman: (shocked) Father!
Harshdeep: No Anshuman, don't. As you all know that Ram Sampath is my son from my second wife and I want his son Sameer to take over Anshuman's post because he is a new graduate and also a young man who will help this company prosper.
Anshuman: (shocked) But father I.....
Harshdeep: it will be better Anshuman if you stayed quiet. For now I have made my decision and I won't change it.
Veer: But sir will I have to loose my number too?
Harshdeep: No you'll still be a personal assistant to Sameer. And the new secretary will be Mr. Karan Ghoshal and his assistant will be Miss. Kamini Gupta. Thats final, thank you all. You can all leave.

On getting home, Anshuman couldn't control his emotions as he almost cried his heart.

Palak: (rushes to meet her husband) Oh my Anshuman, whatever the matter?
Anshuman: (sits on the couch speechless and flushed)
Shreya: my son, what's the problem?
Maya: Dad, did something go wrong at the office?
Pratik: yes tell us Anshuman,  what Happened?
Priya: What exactly is wrong? Will anyone tell us?
Manya: Dad speak up.
Anshuman: (still speechless all these while sobbing and almost gasping for air)
Palak: (Shouts) Anuj!! Bring water.

After calming Anshuman down, he told them everything that happened at the office and they were all shocked and sad at the same time.

Manya: How dare grandfather humiliate dad in that way. Why did he have to give the position to his grandson in the presence of all the workers. Absolute rubbish!
Maya: you're right Maya. That man is so wicked and shameless.
Shreya: (looks dejected) I knew it, I knew your father won't rest until this family is destroyed and I'm sure that wife of his is behind all these.
Anshuman: You're right mother but do not worry, our God is in control.
Manya and Maya: Dad you don't have to worry, as your daughters, we have decided that we would look for a job and work to earn for this family.
Anshuman: No my girls. That's not necessary.
Manya: No dad, I would not agree with you. You've worked all your life to provide for us and now it's time for you to rest. The earlier the better and I'm sure that the little we earn will go a long way to help this family.
Maya: Yes dad, Manya is right.
Pratik: Do not worry Anshuman, your daughters are willing to help you and I also will not relent in my job I will work harder to earn more for this family.
Anshuman: Okay then I agree
Shreya: come my dear daughters, bless you both.

At Ram Sampath's house, all the family members are celebrating the success of their son Sameer. Ram's wife, Naina is very happy and Ram's mother, Pammi is very happy.

Harshdeep: My son, Sameer I've done what your grandmother wants me to do and so you should be happy now.
Sameer: No grandfather, my happiness does not lie in other people's sadness. How could you do that to uncle. It isn't fair grandpa.
Pammi: What are you saying now my son, and how do you call that woman's son your uncle. Stop thinking like that now, and come celebrate with us. Here, have sweets.
Sameer: But grandma, this is bad. We've put other people's happiness at stake for our own happiness it's bad.
Pammi: You shouldn't talk like this my son. Come on forget about all this and be happy now. (Puts sweets in his mouth and pulls him up)
Ram: Mother is right Sameer. You should be happy that you've got a great post. She's done this for your happiness.
Naina: Yes son, everyone is right you should be very happy your grandfather has done you a big favor.
Sameer: Alright mom, I'll only do this because everyone insists.
Naina: That's my boy, come on now, let's celebrate.
Harshdeep: (Thinking) Shreya must be very sad now. But I had no choice because Pammi compelled me to do this and after all Sameer also is my grandson, but still I should have considered Anshuman's daughters as well. Anyway, Pammi wanted this and she's happy.
Pammi: What are you thinking about Harshdeep, you should join us.
Harshdeep: (fakes a smile) Yes Pammi.

End of Episode.


Hello there beautiful readers. Another episode has been dropped.

What do think about the Sampath's family?

Stay tuned for the next episode as Manya is going to be on the verge of seeing the love of her life, Salim.

I hope you enjoyed this one. It's short but bear with me please.

Don't forget to vote and comment and please share too. Love you guys


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