Episode 12

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At night, The Sampath's family are celebrating their reunion. Everyone is very happy. Sameer comes to see Maya.

Sameer: Hi Maya
Maya: (Halts) Hi Sameer
Sameer: Happy reunion of our family
Maya: Same to you
Sameer: so you have forgiven your brother?
Maya: (silent for a while) probably yes, I forgive you
Sameer: (Grins shyly) Thank you my little lovely sis
Maya: You're welcome silly brother
Sameer: Huh (frowns) silly? why will you call me that? (Pouting)
Maya: (smiles sheepishly) Because you are (starts to run away while laughing so much)
Sameer: (Snaps out of his trance and chases after her while laughing as well) Hey Maya stop!

Shreya and Palak sees both of them and they smile

Shreya: It's good seeing our children together, Sameer is a nice boy that doesn't take after his Grandma
Palak: (smiles) You're right mother.

The next day, At Anshuman Sampath's house.
Priti: (Walking hurriedly down the stairs, clad in her uniform all prepared for school) Mom, Today is Thursday, it's my entrance examination
Palak: Yes baby girl, and mom has prepared your favourite meal today.
Priti: (Screams) Biryani Yaay!!!
Anshuman: (scolds) Priti?!!!
Priti: (calms down immediately and settled by the dinning table where everyone was formerly seated) Sorry papa

Every member of the family are silently eating after which they left for their places of work wishing Priti successful in her exams.

Anch: (Rushing down the stairs) Priti Priti, are you ready for school?
Priti: (Packing her bag) Yes Anch, where's Aunt?
Anch: (Looks up towards the stairs) Mama!
Priya: (Approaches shortly) I'm right here darling don't shout. Is Priti ready for school?
Priti: Yes aunt
Priya: Alright let's go
Anch: jao jao {Let's go; Let's go}
Priti: Mama! Papa! (Rushed to meet Anshu and Palak where they stood around the kitchen entrance discussing some things to get for the family, and touches both their feets)
Anshuman: Bless you Child
Palak: Bless you darling, I wish you success
Priti: Thank you mummy, Thank you papa, Bye!

Manya is in her office and as usual very busy. She gets a call that someone is at the company to see the Director.
Manya: (To the receptionist) send him into my office
(Picks up the telephone to inform Salim about his visitor)

It's been a while now and Salim doesn't pick up the call, Manya was forced to go to his office. On getting there, her knock on the door was not answered and she had to make her way in.
There Salim was standing in prayer at a corner of his office unknown to her what he was doing.
She kept on calling out to him and he wouldn't answer, then she walked up to him and shook him repeatedly but there was no response.

She finally calmed down and noticed some movements he made, "Huh, I think he's worshipping" she thought to herself on remembering a documentary she had watched on the mannerism of worship of the Muslims.

Salim finish praying and the issue at hand was resolved.

After sometime, Salim left his office for Manya's which was just a few steps away from his, the set up kind of attached to eachother.

Salim: (walks in) Hey Manya, I'm sorry about the other time, I should have informed you I was going to start praying
Manya: it's okay, I wasn't patient enough as well. It took me a long time to realize that you were worshipping
Salim: it's okay. You didn't know
Manya: would you teach me how to do it? I think I'm interested, I find it cute as I watched you pray.
Salim: (without hesitating) Of course sure. You have to come into the washroom with me
Manya: (Alerted) Ugh and why is that?
Salim: (Explains the whole purification process to her)

And soon they were both in the toilet, trying to figure out the practical aspect of the purification. Meanwhile, Mamta, a personnel in the company had decided to come check up on Manya to inform that she had a visitor as she wasn't picking up her calls.

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