Episode 7

16 3 1

Anshuman Sampath's house

It's morning, everyone's going out for work. Manya is very excited that she's going on an interview.

Manya: Mum, dad I'll be leaving now. Please bless me
Palak: Always be blessed Manya. I'm sure you'll do fine at the interview.
Anshuman: God bless you Manya, be successful.
Pratik: I wish you great success Manya, we're proud of you.
Manya: Thank you uncle. Grandma
Shreya: Bless you my child.
Maya: it seems everyone has forgotten that I'm also going to look for a job today
Palak: No no Maya, I wish you the best.
Manya: I pray you find a job better than I
Maya: Thank you Didi
Shreya: come here Maya, God bless you with a good job
Maya: Thank you Grandma

Maya and Manya left the house with their driver Rajiiv and Priyanka takes Priti and Anch to school. Pratik also leaves for work.

On the streets.

Maya: Stop here Rajiiv, I'll get down. Manya one of my friends has asked me to see him here, he has a job for me. I wish Best of luck in your interview.
Manya: okay then Maya, Thank you bye
Maya: bye (gets down from the car and Rajiiv drove off)
Manya: Wait Rajiiv, I think this is the address that miss Pavni Kaur gave me. I'll come down here, you can turn around and go back home.
Rajiiv: sure.

Soon Manya was on the streets looking for the exact place the company is located. She was a bit confused about the address that she absentmindedly walked on the streets. Soon a white car pulled to a halt and the screech sound of the car drew her attention. A young handsome man wind down the glass of the car and scolds Manya.

Young man: Couldn't you walk carefully enough?
Manya: (stares at the young handsome man and thinks) he's so handsome.

Young man: Couldn't you walk carefully enough?Manya: (stares at the young handsome man and thinks) he's so handsome

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Don't forget this is Salim.

Young Man: (realizes how beautiful and cute the girl he had just scolded is and unknowingly stares at her)

Young Man: (realizes how beautiful and cute the girl he had just scolded is and unknowingly stares at her)

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Don't forget this is my Manya.

Manya: You should have hooted your car horn to make me aware.
Young man: you were walking on the road and I didn't realize earlier.
Manya: (sighs and flutter he eyes closed and then open) if it wasn't my fault then I would have punched you.
Young Man: will you do that even while I'm in my car?
Manya: I don't care even if you're in your private jet. (Stretches out a paper to the man) Enough of rubbish, just.... just help me with this address.
Young man: Really now she needs my help. (Collects paper) uhh, well you're almost there. Just walk straight ahead down the street, turn left and walk further a little you'll find the company behind a restaurant just on that street.
Manya: Thank you
Young Man: not necessary and be careful next time.
Manya: (squeezes her face) I will.

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