Episode 16

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At the Khan's house.
Early in the morning, the doorbell rings.

Sarah: (arranging the dinning room and hears the doorbell ring) Now who's it at this early hour of the morning?

Firdaos: (walking out of the kitchen with dish plates in her hands which she dropped on the dinning table) I'll go and check.

Firdaos opened the door to see Manya standing there. She recognises her as the girl Salim likes and is surprised at the way she appeared. Then she recalls what Salim told her about Manya's religion.

Salim: (coming down the stairs while fixing his tie and spots his sister behind the door) Who's that Firdaos?

Firdaos: (smiling) Manya it's you? (Faces Salim) It's... Umm...

Manya: (folds her hands) Namaste

Salim: (Walking towards the door) Who's it?

Sarah: (Alerted and raised her brows) Firdaos who's at the door?

Soon Salim gets to the door, and is shocked on seeing it's Manya.

Salim: (Whispers at her) Cover your hair please, mom is at home and she mustn't see you like this.

Manya: (scoffs) And why is that? I told you I'm not Muslim and I can't dress like that

Firdaos: (Anxious) You handle her Salim, I hope you won't get caught (Leaves the door)

Sarah: Who's it now?!

Firdaos: (nonchalantly) It's Ma...

Salim: (comes in with Manya and cuts her short) ...Laila!

Manya: (Beautifully wrapped in hijab) What?! (Raises her orbs at Salim while he shunned her with gestures)

Sarah: (Turns around and recognises Manya) Oh it's you? Come my dear, come sit. How are you Laila dear?

Manya: (smiling sweetly) I am fine maa.

Sarah: Such a beautiful girl you are uhn. Masha Allah Salim, I'll be so glad if...

Salim: (cuts his mom short) Umm... Mom, Laila has come to get her phone so I'll go bring it now

Sarah: (confused) Phone?

Manya: Yes ma. Actually... (explains the whole situation about her dad's accident)

Sarah: Oh I'm so sorry about that Beta. I hope he is getting better now. May Allah grant him good health soon

Salim: (whispers to her and scurried up the stairs) Say Amiin Amiin

Manya: Yes ma he is getting better. Aa-miin

Sarah: That's good. Uhh Firdaos...

Firdaos: Yes mom

Sarah: Set the dining table. Laila... We were just about to have our breakfast, do you mind...

Manya: (cuts her short) Oh no maa, I just hurried to come get my phone, I have to go and prepare homemade food for dad so I'm really sorry I won't be able to stay long.

Sarah: Ohh I see, but you can just...

Salim: (Cuts in) Here's your phone (Hands Manya's phone over to her)

Manya: Thank you (Faces Sarah shyly) I'll leave now.

Sarah: Alright Beta. Salim, take her home quickly.

Salim: (shocked) Na'am?

Sarah: You heard me right.

Salim: Okay mom. (Faces Manya) Let's go

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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