Episode 1

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Anshuman Sampath's house.

"Manya, Maya, get ready quickly so that you can have your breakfast on time. Remember your final exams in high school is today and I believe you're very much prepared for it" Palak shouted as she walked past her daughters room.

"Yes Mom, we're almost done and of course we're really prepared for the exam, all we just need is your blessings and we'll get going" one of the girls replied.

Maya: (coming down the stairs whilst brushing her hair) Mum, what have you prepared for breakfast today?
Palak: Oh goodness, Maya, I have always told you that it is only proper to get dressed in your room and now you're here still brushing your hair? Well I've prepared your favorite food cause it's your exam today.
Maya: WOW!! Really moma, I love you so much... (rushes to hug her mom) and by the way, where's dad?
Palak: He's still in our room.
Anshuman: (shouting while rushing down the stairs) Palak! Palak! I'm running late already, is breakfast ready?
Palak: of course my love, the table is set.
Anshuman: (settling at the dinning table) Good morning everyone.
Palak: A good morning to you (hugs her husband)
Maya: Good morning dad
Anshuman: How are you Maya? How was your night?
Maya: very fine dad and I had a peaceful night.
Manya: (walking down the stairs, smiling with her bag and books in her hand) Oh my! Everyone is at the table already. Good morning mum, dad.
Palak: Good morning sweetie.
Anshuman: Good morning dear. How are you and why are you late for breakfast?
Manya: (smiling) I'm very find dad, uhh I had to do some prayers in our room as today is our final exam that's why I'm late.
Anshuman: Alright dear, come sit and have breakfast.
Manya: (speaks in-between mouthful of rotis) Hmm,mom you've prepared Maya's favorite food, what about mine?
Palak: you do like this as well, don't you?
Manya: yes I do, but you should have made both of our favorite food, since both of us are writing exams today.
Palak: don't worry my dear, tonight will be for you okay?
Manya: okay moma.
Rajiiv: Good morning sir, are Maya and Manya ready for school?
Manya: uhh Rajiiv, just some more seconds, we're close to being done.
Maya: Anuj, come clean up the table now.
Manya: come on Manya, we're running late.
Maya: just a minute please Rajiiv, mum, dad, your blessings. (Touching both her parents feet)
Manya: oh oh that's true. Your blessings (touching both her parents feet)
Anshuman: Bless you both, I wish you success in your exams. Go with God.
Palak: God bless you two my dear girls. I pray that your exam comes out very simple and easy.
Manya: Thank you mum, dad, (smiling) and Priti, isn't she awake yet?
Palak: Trust that she is still sleeping soundly.
Maya: uhh baby sister. Tell her we are off to school
Palak: yes my dear.
Maya and Manya: Byee
Anshuman: Palak, I'm off to work now, Take care of yourself and Priti and don't forget if you have to go out, call me and inform me.
Palak: sure my love, I'll just do that.
Anshuman: (kissing his wife's forehead) bye my love.
Palak: Good bye. (Goes up the stairs to Priti's room) Hey sleeping beauty, get up it's morning, everyone's left for work.
Priti: (scratching her eyes and getting out of bed) mama
Palak: yes my baby
Priti: Manya aur Maya?
Palak: They've gone to school
Priti: Are we going to the playground today?
Palak: (hugging her) yes my baby.
Priti: okay mama (pecks her mom)

At Ghandi High school, Manya and Maya are in the exam Hall, writing away on their papers and so are other students as well. The exam time ended in earnest and the bell rang after which the teacher collected each student exam papers.

Manya: (on her seat with folded hands) Priy Baghavan-Dear God, I thank you for this exam. (Now shouting) I'm finally done!!!!
Maya: (rushes to meet her sister) Manya, how was it?
Manya: (hugs Maya) oh Maya, it was fabulous, I never expected it to be as simple as this.
Maya: yes Didi, it was very simple. (Raising her eyebrows) And now guess what?
Manya: Kia?
Maya: it's time for us to go to university.
Manya: oh yes! I've been dreaming of that day to come. I'm finally going to university, this calls for a celebration. (Now should) guys!!! Let's celebrate!!!
Rj: what's with Manya now? Why is she shouting? (Rushes to meet Manya and Maya) Kia Howa you guys? What's happening here?
Maya: (about to speak)
Manya: shush Didi, I'll tell her. You know Rj or let me say your name in full, Rajnandini.
Classmates: (laughs aloud)
Rj: stop it Manya, you know my name is so long and will make everyone laugh.
Manya: okay okay sorry Rj. Let me be serious now. You know we are through with our exams now
Rj: yes that's obvious.
Manya: so I was thinking about going to university.
Rj: you could have said that earlier on, everyone is happy about it.
Rohan: that's true so was that why you were shouting? Everyone is happy too
Rj: (shouting) come on guys! Let's celebrate!!!
Classmates: (starts shouting, murmmuring, singing and dancing) Hurrah!!!

At the end of the school day, Manya and Maya are waiting under a tree in the school compound for their driver Rajiiv.
Maya: you know didi, I was thinking that both of us should actually attend the same school since we are two. I mean we are twin sisters and so we should be seen together.
Manya: you're right Maya, I was thinking about the same thing, and since we are also studying similar courses, it will be better.
Arjit (a classmate): Maya, Manya, what are you two still waiting for?
Maya: we are waiting for our driver, look he's here. (Points to a car coming towards the carpark)
Arjit: alright then, bye.
Manya and Maya: (waves) bye Arjit.

Manya and Maya gets home and are surprised to meet their family a whole.

Manya: oh my! Grandmother! Uncle! aunt! You're all back.
Maya: really, I can't believe my eyes. (Rushes to meet her grandma)
Shreya: (smiling) how are you my beautiful granddaughters, come here Manya, bless you two.
Manya: Thank you Grandma, I'm really happy you're back. Uncle pratik, aunt Priya (rushes to meet them)
Pratik: How are you Manya and you too Maya?
Manya and Maya: we're fine uncle.
Maya: aunt, welcome home.
Priyanka: Thank you dear.
Manya: Now that grandma is back home, I'm sure there's gonna be a celebration tonight.
Shreya: you are right my dear. Palak, Priya
Palak and Priya: yes mother
Shreya: make arrangements for tonight. We have to thank the Lord for keeping our family safe
Palak and Priya: yes sure mother.
Palak: by the way girls, how was your exam today?
Manya: it was very fantastic mom
Palak: Maya?
Maya: uhh yes Mom, it was very simple
Palak: okay now get going to your room and change your clothes, your food is at the table already.
Maya and Manya: okay Mom
Palak: (faces Shreya) Mother, they wrote their final exams in high school today.
Shreya: really! That's good, God bless you my dear girls.

At night, the house is full of decorations and all the family members are busy offering prayers to their gods. Anshuman is very happy and so is Shreya. They did all of the rituals and prayers and everyone of them went to bed in a happy mood.
In Anshuman and Palak's room.
Anshuman: Palak, I don't even ask the girls how their exam went.
Palak: oh don't worry about that too much, they both it was very fine. Their results will be out in a week time.
Anshuman: Alright, I pray that both of them have good grades. I have been making preparations for the university to send them to. I want them to attend the best university ever and if possible send them abroad but mother won't allow them to go far away from home.
Palak: Don't worry too much Anshuman, everything will be fine. Now let's sleep, you have work tomorrow.
Anshuman: sure my dear.

End of Episode.

Hello readers. Hey there, how are you all doing. Salamualaykum, how was the first episode, I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote and comment. Encouragement is what I need the most from you guys and I'll just keep writing. Do have a Lovely day ahead. Thank you.


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