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When I step into the bar, it smells the same exact way as when I left it: like cigarettes and sweat. With a quick overview of the bar, I find Jeff leaning over a table in the corner, head propped up in his hand with another girl across the table from him. Her expression is unamused and I snort.

Same old Jeff.

My gaze moves over the bar, and I see him: black t-shirt, rag, tattoo and all. There's a smile on his face this time, the familiar dimple in his right cheek defined as ever. And I wonder if, maybe, just maybe, it might be because of me. The bar is still dimly lit in the same way as it was when I left, the sepia-filter effect disrupted by the multi-colored syrup bottles. Dante dries a glass, setting it nicely on the rack. And I take a step forward. Then, another.

Suddenly, he turns. In the other direction. My gaze slides to where he's looking and I see her: bleach blonde hair, bright white smile. Her makeup is flawless and completely natural at the same time, and she smiles over at him as she approaches the bar. When I look over at him, I see that his grin has widened, and my own smile falls as she makes her way to the side of the bar, where the bartenders can go in and out of. Dante meets her there, and they begin chatting. Their bodies are close, and I know what they are before he even sets his rag down, steps out from behind the bar, and puts his arm around her shoulders. Before he leans over and she leans up to meet him halfway, their lips touching.

I blink.

Then, they both look in the direction of the bathroom hallway, and I look, too. Jo emerges from the dim hallway, smiling at them and wiping her hands on her black jean shorts. Her highlights are a teal now. She walks over to them, saying something that I can't hear, and my chest tightens.

glad i met u ln.

Mystery Machine.

Like Thelma and Louise?

Suddenly, his dry texts about my picture with the Statue of Liberty make sense.
Dante goes back behind the bar, leaning over to grab something from the counter. The blonde woman looks at him, and that's when Jo sees me. Her eyes go wide and flick back and forth between me and Dante and the blonde woman and me. She takes a step forward, but I've already turned around and I'm already running out the door and to my van and keys in the ignition. And I am driving, peeling out of the parking lot. When I look in the rearview mirror, I see her standing outside the bar, looking after me. And, just before I turn the corner, I see Dante emerge from the door behind her. 

Between Then & Now || Currently Editing for Wattys 2022Where stories live. Discover now