The transfer to another world

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The bell rang on the last day of middle school. A 15 year old boy name Roy passed his eighth grade and is advancing to ninth grade. Which means he's going to high school. All the cheers can be heard from everyone, being glad school is out. Its now their summer vacation. Roy is strolling down the hallway with everyone else. Taking the time to look around middle school one final time. Then at the corner of the hallway. He saw some stacks of papers sitting there. 

Roy went to take a closer look, and sees there's still so much papers sitting there on the table. Untouched by anyone, or maybe it has. Since the school staff probably left them there. He started to get curious, so he picked one up. And sees what it says on it. Roy followed each sentence on this paper, and now figures out what it is. Its a transfer paper. 

Its not being specific of where it would transfer, but he does see the transfer needs it approved by both the principle, and Kaycee. Roy pondered and thought about this. And decided he's going. The people he met so far were basically not too friendly of him. But at least there was some friendly faces he met. Without wasting any time, he takes that sheet of transfer paper, and heads to the principle office. When he arrived, he knocked on the door. 

"Its open." Roy opens the door and let's himself in. "So what can I do for you today roy?" The principle asked. "About this." Roy handed him the transfer paper. The principle takes a look at this, and sees that its a transfer paper. "Are you interested in being transferred to a different one?" He said. Roy responded with a nod. "Well it does say I need to get it approved with a stamp." "If that's what your here for." "Then ill get it taken care of." The principle gets one of the stamps that says approved, and stamps it. While also making a phone call. "There you go Mr. parker." "Your the first to get that paper stamped." "No one even bother to pick this up since it arrived before end of the school year." "If you need to find Mrs. Kaycee. You have to go go this address." He hands roy the address. "She's a job specialist." "That's where you'll find her." "I told her that you be arriving." He said. 

"Ok, thank you principle Wallis." Roy opens the door, and leaves. "Well at least I can take a nice long break before school starts again." Wallis said. 

After following the address that the principle wallis gave him. Roy was able to find it thanks to his phone. Roy enters the building. He went to ask the person at the desk. "I'm here to see Mrs. Kaycee." Roy said. "Ill tell her you arrived." He said. 

Kaycee's office 

A woman with long white hair is sitting in the chair, looking a little bored sometimes. Gets a call. 
"Mrs. Kaycee." "The young man from middle school is here." He said from another room. Using a mic to communicate. "Send him in." Kaycee said. The door opens to reveal roy who enters the office. Kaycee looks at him with a expression of being surprised that he arrived sooner then she expected. "Well, I never expected to you to arrive sooner." "Your lucky it wasn't raining on your last day of school." Kaycee said. 

"Yeah, I would had gotten wet." Roy said. "Take a seat, so we can begin." Kaycee instructed roy. Roy sits down on the chair. "The paper, if you please." Kaycee said. "Oh, right." Roy realized he needed to get the paper. He got his backpack, and took out the transfer paper. When he did, he couldn't help but notice the yellow glow in her eyes. Kaycee took notice of roy. "Is anything wrong young man?" Kaycee asked. Roy decided to brush it off and shook his head a little. 

"Sorry, it was rude of me." "I don't know what happened to me all of a sudden." Roy apologized.
"That's alright, I hope my eyes didn't frightened you." Kaycee said. "Of course not." Roy said. He handed her the paper, and kaycee examines it. She sees that the paper got an approval from willis, the principal. "So I see the principle gave you a thumbs up." "You know what this paper is right?" Kaycee asked. "I do, its a transfer paper." "It can take me to another school right?" Roy said. "That is correct." "But its more then just a transfer." "It requires for you to relocate." Kaycee said. "I guess it means I may had to move and pack up." Roy assumed. 

"That's what the transfer is for." Kaycee said. "So when do I leave?" Roy wondered. "You leave in two days." "On Saturday nine o clock." "But first." Kaycee grabs her pen and signs her signature. "There, your good to go." Kaycee handed her paper to roy. "Thanks Mrs. Kaycee." "Hope you have a nice day." Roy sat up from the chair, and leaves. Kaycee stands up, and looks out the window. And watches roy leave.
Then she makes a sinister smile. "You as well boy." "Enjoy your summer vacation."  Kaycee said as her eyes change from her normal eyes to her gold and black eyes. While holding her Yellow apple. 

Two days passed after roy talked with his uncle flynn about the transfer, and he agrees to let him. Roy spent a day with his uncle, before the day arrives. His uncle flynn gives him advice as well as his wisdom that would help roy. Roy thought his uncle was awesome. He had raised him when he was ten.  

Flynn and roy arrives at the destination where the plane is. They both get out, and they hugged each other. Roy grabs his suitcase, and his backpack. And goes. While waving goodbye. When he made it to the plane, roy was surprised to see he ain't the only one who is being transferred. He sees five people chatting out there while also waiting. It was when roy was greeted with a familiar voice. 

"Roy, is that you?" He turns around to see someone he thought he never see. His only friend from middle school. Jeff. "Jeff?" "Your here too?" Roy said in a surprised voice. "I can ask you the same thing." "I didn't know your interested in being transferred to whatever this school is." Jeff said. "Its also more to be away from the people that weren't too kind to us." "But yeah." Roy said. "Same here, these people really gave me a hard time." "But now that schools out." "And going to another school." "Maybe we could find some friendly faces." Jeff said. 

"Yeah, you could be right." Roy said. The lady in green, appears from the door of a plane. "Alright listen up new faces." "Line up, and be quiet throughout the plane." "And remember to buckle up kids." She said. Everyone else did as their told, and line up. Roy and jeff gets in line as well. Seven people each picked their seats to be ready to take off. Roy and jeff sat next to each other. Then two more sat sat next to each other in the front. And everyone else sat the random seat they picked. "The name's snake." "And I'm your pilot." "Now hurry on and buckle up." "We taking off now." Snake started her engine, the plane moved forward, and eventually. It flew up. 

Hours later during flight 

The whole flight was all quiet. Some were just sleeping, and some were only relaxing. Roy and jeff looked out the window to see how big the forest is. Jeff and roy looked amazed at this.
"Wow, look at all those big trees." "Its like its going on, and on." Jeff said. "Yeah, they look beautiful." Roy said. "It is, isn't it?" Roy and jeff see that it was a brown haired girl that spoke. Jeff started to analyze her face. "Hey, have I seen you somewhere before?" Jeff wondered. "Oh yeah, we go to the same school." "We were in math class." She said. "Oh yeah, now I remember." "Welcome to the club." Jeff said. "Thanks." "Oh yeah, I'm Alena." "Nice to meet you both." "And this is Connor." Alena pointed at the boy with glasses. "Hey." Connor introduced himself. 

"Hey, what I say bout talkin?" Snake said. They continue to wait throughout the ride, but heard a sound. "HONK!" Roy, jeff, alena, and connor got startled by the sound. "What the what?" Jeff said. "What was that?" Roy wondered. They looked out the window. And is surprised to see a really big bird. "Amazing." Connor said. "Holy crap, that's one big bird." Jeff said. "This is so cool." "What do you think Alena?" Alena didn't reply. "Alena?" Roy called. 

They all see alena shaking in fear. "Uh, you ok alena?" Jeff asked. "Yeah, I guess she forgot to mention one thing." "She basically has the phobia of animals." Connor mentioned. Like, zoophobia I think that's what its called?" Roy guessed. "You got it." Connor said. "Sorry to hear that, but I wouldn't worry too much." "We're not gonna bump into any more animals" Jeff said. "Ya know, your right." "But there was no way any animal we found is this big." Alena said. "Let's just forget about it." "I say we just relax." Connor said. "The sooner we chill, the sooner were there." Jeff said. Everyone on the plane waited a long time. 

The sun started to go down, when nighttime came, everyone fell asleep. The next day arrived. And everyone woke up from their sleep. Connor noticed Mrs. snake isn't present. "Hey, where did she go?" Connor wondered. "Uh yeah, where did snake go?" Some guy with a varsity jacket said. "I guess she left us." Alena said. "That means we have arrived." Roy said. "Yeah, could be it." "Time to see where we landed." Jeff said. Jeff went to the door, and started to open it. Jeff eventually opened the door, only to get him and everyone else an unexpected greeting. 

"Surprise!" Jeff and the others sat there, surprised, shocked, and confused at what their seeing. Animals or, creatures standing before them. And talked. "Welcome to the zoo fellow humans." "Actually well its not, hah." Said the red dragon. "Almost repeating that sentence eh perci?" The green dragon said. "Seems like it malcom." "Been a week ever since the recent human arrived here." Perci said. "Pleasure to make all of your acquaintance humans." The turtle said and shook Jeff's hand. "Uh, Yeah." "No problem." Jeff said nervously. 

The grey skin woman looks at the humans carefully. She grabbed roy's arm, and looked at it. "Scrawny lil kid, but not too scrawny." She said. Roy, unsure what to say. But kept trying to remain calm at what's going on. A large red fox approached next. "These kids are unsure what to process at their arrival." "But yet, they remained calm." The red fox said.  "Sure looks like it fabian." "Good evening, morning, fellow humans." Malcom said. 

"Uh, good morning." "Or, whatever I guess." "So did we fly the wrong plane?" The boy in varsity jacket said. "No no, Sampson." "You came to the right place." Fabian said. "Then I guess we're not dreaming then." Jeff said. "Wait, we're missing someone." Roy mentioned. They looked around to find someone who's not within the group, and sees that alena is within her short distance away from them. They see that she's shaking in fear. 

"Alena, I know this is a lot to take in." Connor said trying to calm her down. But he sees the face that she's about to flip out. "Oh boy." Connor said. "Oh shit, not again." The grey skin woman said. "Is she gonna?" Jeff asked. "She's about to scream." Connor said. And she did. 

Alena screamed so loud that Some like roy and jeff covered their ears. "Well that was pleasant." Jeff said. "Geez, didn't know a girl can scream that loud." Sampson said. "It seems this is almost like deja vu." "Like the time when cameron arrived here." The cheetah said. The name cameron got alena's attention. "Cameron?" "As in, Cameron Walden?" Alena asked. 

"Why yes, how did you know?" The cheetah asked with a surprised look. "She was my substitute teacher one time." "She's actually here?" Alena wondered. "Indeed." He said. "If she's here, how is she right now?" Connor asked. "Miss cameron is doing fine, she's a guidance consular." "She had the same reaction like alena did." Fabian said. "Expect she ran like a coyote." She said. "Must had been too much for her huh?" Roy said. "Can you take us to her?" "I wanted to see if she's alright?" Alena begged. "Yeah, me too." "I'm sure she be happy to see some few familiar faces." Connor said. "If that will make everyone feel better." "Zechariah?" She said. 

"If I must carrie." "Follow me." "The seven of you."  Zechariah said. "You heard him roy, let's follow the cheetah." Roy nodded in response, and follows behind them.  

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