Demon prince in peril

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Somewhere in safe haven. Alena and the gang are strolling around in the market. Alena and connor were so intrigued with the area around here and all the shops they got. Connor sees there's an arcade which seems to surprise him that this place has something like the arcade. Alena sees there's seafood, cutie cakes, and even some antique store like the antique boutique. 

There's some fruit and vegetables they sell. Alena enjoys strolling around at the market. "Wow, look at all the shops. I bet they sell some pretty clothes." Alena said. "I can confirm they do Alena. And let me tell you, their pretty gorgeous." Sahara said. "But they can be expensive." Vincent added. "I know, pretty dresses are always expensive." Alena said. 

"What do you think Damian?" Connor asked him. "I'm starting to like it. I've never been outside of the school on the surface. This place is colorful with shizz!" Damian said. Connor Notices another stand. He sees it has some comics. "Hey Damian, look over there." Connor points. Damian looks to Connor's direction, and he realizes what Connor found. 

"No way. Comic books!" Damian makes a dash for the comic stand in excitement. The others followed Damian to the comic stand. 

Somewhere in the market. Jack and Zill strolls around, hanging out. Then Jack thought an idea. "I wonder if I can ask Roy to join? He hasn't been to any of the markets or shops before. Jack gets out his phone. Where was the last time we saw him?" Jack wondered. "Well after class. I think Roy and Jeff started to walk to the library to get their homework done." Zill said. 

"Okay. Let's see if he feels like walking around this place?" Jack starts to text Roy. 

Back at ZPA. Roy is outside of the academy. Filled with the thought of what Simon told him. He wonders what could he do to get things off of his mind? Roy felt a phone in his pocket. He takes out his phone and unlocks it. He finds a text on the screen of his phone. Its from jack. He looks at the text from jack. Before he could think. He hears Jeff's voice. 

"Roy hold up. Jeff catches up to him. He takes the time to catch his breath after running after Roy. And behind Jeff is the demon triplets. "You thinking about what that vampire wolf said to ya? Roy didn't reply. He just stood silently. Jeff could tell from that scared look Roy has. Come on your not gonna believe all of that would you?" Jeff asked. 

"Maybe. But what I'm really concerned, is the fact that someone. Or whoever they are wants to hunt me down. Like I'm their big threat. Would that hint, that behind the scenes. Whoever, or anyone at safe haven is plotting something. Like an attack?" Roy thought. "That's ridiculous. I thought this big place is protected by some magic that would prevent some evil characters or dark forces of evil. To harm everyone." Jeff said. 

"And somehow the vampires, like the queen. Got through all the way to the academy." Roy added. Jeff realizes he is right. "So despite being safe from something big. But danger still lurks here? That's just great. Now I feel nervous. I hope I don't walk alone." Jeff said. "Why don't we go to the market?" Roy suggested. "Huh? What gave you that idea?" Jeff asked. Roy shows Jeff the text he got from jack. Asking Roy if he would like to hangout with jack and Zill at the market? 

"I needed something to do to get something off of my head. And before I could think. Jack already gave me an idea for it." Roy said.

 "Can we come?" The hell sprite said. Jeff jumped. "Oh crap I didn't know you followed me there." Jeff said. "Sorry, we were still looking for master Damian." The other hell sprite said.    "Oh yeah, you did say that. Well since we're going to the market. There may be a chance we could find him. So I don't see why not." Roy said. 

The demon triplets squealed in delight. While the third one held up the sign saying: Eeeee! "Wanna come along Jeff?" Roy asked.  

"Walking around the stores we've never been to? Lead the way Roy." Jeff said. Roy texted jack back telling him yes. Also asking jack if Jeff can join? Jack texted back and says yes. Roy asked for the direction so that they can find them. Jack texted them where to go and find them. With that, Roy and Jeff are on their way to the market. 

Back at the market. Damian checks out the comic books. He checks out the new issue of the comic. He sees the pictures of snakes. While Damian is enjoying looking at the comic. "Sinners!" Someone called. They turn around to see a white cat. Who was the source of the voice. 

"Good evenin my young sinners." He said. "Excuse us?" Addison replied Alena notices Damian and Addison are talking to this white cat. She examines his appearance and the stand. When she saw the book with a cross. Alena remembers well its a bible. But when she sees the sign that says: God hates you. Alena starts to feel skeptical about this guy. Connor checks out the comics on the stand. Feeling intrigued about the issues he's never seen, or read. 

Connor looks up to notice Alena's skeptical look. He puts the comic down and goes to check on her. "Anything ok?" Connor asked her. Alena turns her head to see Connor. "This guy. He seems to be a Christian. But as I overhear their conversation. I think he may be something else-" Alena spaced out. She suddenly senses something. Alena notices its coming from Damian. 

"Alena?" Connor tries to get her attention. "Something's wrong." Alena said with worry. "Enough dude!" Damian yells. Alena notices Damian's changing. Sahara and Addison comes to his defense. "Ey dude. Back off of him." Sahara said. "Yeah!" Addison said. The white cat pulls out a cross. "Get away from the beast! Lest he steal your immortal soul!" He hollered. 

Damian eyes turn to cross as he gazed at it. Alena watched in horror as Damian transforms and his voice gets more demonic. While Connor is witnessing this tense moment. He notices somebody watching him. He couldn't get much detail, but the only thing he got was he has headphones around his neck. Before he could try to confront this guy. He hears a gunshot. 

Connor turns around to see there's some guys in white, grey and black striped clothing. Their eyes are red and blue. "Freeze demon sucka! In the name of S.H. Authority! He said. 

"The what?" Connor wondered. Roy and Jeff was looking for Jack and Zill. But they hear some  commotion. "What was that?" Roy said. "Let's see what's what." Jeff ran ahead, while Roy follows him. Damian gets grabbed by a grabber. He tries to fight it but it electrifies him. Alena couldn't stand to watch. She decides to step in. "No, Alena." Connor tries to stop her. But she was already out of his reach. "Stop it!" Your only making it worse." Alena shouts. 

"You need to back away miss. He's too dangerous." He said. "I won't." Alena refuses to walk away. "Alena, just go. I don't.. want you and others get in harm's way. And I don't want you to see me. Not like this..." Damian said. Before she could try to reply. A poof of pink clouds appear. A pink cyborg appeared. And cuts the grabber with a buzzsaw. The blue fur demon catches the demon prince at the nick of time. Alena rushes to check on him. 

"Stay where you are." The blue demon said. "But I just want to know if he's ok?" Alena begged. "He's fine. Only bleeding but he's ok. Look I appreciate your concern, but it is time we-" The ground begins to rumble. 

Roy and Jeff kept running, and they found Jack and Zill. They see their watching something from a distance. Roy and Jeff goes see what's happening. "Jack, Zill. What's happening?" Jeff asked. "Its my cousin. He was about to pounce on this guy. But then the officers of safe haven showed up." Jack said. "The police?" Roy assumes. "Yep. But there were some whispers about that these two officers may be tied to this facility place." Zill said. 
"Were there any confirmations?" Jeff asked. "Nope, only speculations." Zill said. They see Alena stepping in to help Damian. "Alena?" Roy realized. "What the heck is this crazy girl doing?" Jeff said. Roy thought about trying to help. But the ground begins to shake. "Oh what now?" Jeff said. Jack makes a worried look. Realizing who's coming. 

They see a crimson red wave. Forming a demon face. Alena, Connor and others stared in terror. While Jack, Zill, Roy, and Jeff. Watch with a scared look. The demon stare down at them. Focusing only on the three. And opened its mouth. "HOME. NOW!" It speaks. The three walks in as Tentadora holds Damian in her arms. The demon disappears. 

Connor, Alena, and everyone else stood. Not saying a word. Alena doesn't know how to even react. After seeing a demon opening his mouth to reveal a portal. It was when she realized. She had herself a real encounter with the demon. Connor turns to see that same guy with headphones leaning over. He could notice he had an angry look on his face. 

Without wasting any time. Connor rushes towards the other side of the building. He finds that he stills there. And the guy jumps when he notices Connor's presence. Connor sees that he's also the demon when he saw the red eyes. Connor walks a little fast towards him. "I saw you watching from here. Who are you, and what are you doing sneaking around here?" Connor demands. He chuckles with a smirk look. "Wouldn't you like to know." He said. And he poofs.  

He sees that guy is gone. "Dang it. Of course he can do that. Connor said with a irritated look. 

Back to Roy and others. They just don't know what just happened. Roy starts to wonder who that was that took the three. "Who the heck was that?" Roy wondered. Jack right away gives him the answer that Roy wouldn't expect. "That guy. Was my uncle." Jack said. "Your uncle?"          Jeff said. "Yeah, my uncle." "Lucifer." Jack said.                


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