Going to some classes

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The five humans each went to their separate designated classrooms to begin their first day in the ZPA. Roy had Mrs. Cide's class. Roy already learned from zill and jack they also have the same class as roy's. But what they forget to mention that damian also shares the same class as well. Damien sees roy is present in the class with those two with him. 

Mrs. Cide notices a new student. "Are you roy parker that winston told me about?" Mrs. Cide assumes. "Yes ma'am." Roy said. "Then your welcome to take a seat." "Better behave in my class." "We clear?" Mrs. Cide asked. "Crystal clear." Roy replied. "Good." "You may pick a seat."
"Don't matter which one." "Just pick one." Mrs.Cide said. 

So roy picks the desk that is behind jack, damian, and zill. Roy sat down the one where the desk points to damian. Damian turns around to talk to roy. "Surprise to see you roy." "Guess we're classmates now." Damian said. "Sure does." Roy replied. 

At the art class. Jeff is astonished by how big the room is. Jeff started to get lost in his thoughts at the room, and the art drawn by anyone. Jeff was snapped out of it when he got poked. He turned around to see it was a naga. "Excuse me but class is about to begin." She said. Jeff realizes she's right. "Oops." "I guess I got lost in the clouds." Jeff apologized. 

"Are you one of the newcomers I was told about?" "Is this true?" The naga lady asked.
"Yep, that's me." "I'm one of them." "The name's jeff." Jeff introduced himself. "Ah yes."
"I know who you are." "Zechariah told me the names of the new students that would be arriving today." "I'm Latika." "The art teacher of ZPA." Latika introduced herself to jeff. 

"Your the art teacher?" "Well shoot." "I should had known." "Then again I am a new student after all." "I better find a seat." "I bet the art class is about to start." Jeff said. "Now that's a good idea." "Take your time jeff." Latika said. "Will do." Jeff replied. 

Jeff takes one look around at some of the tables. And he was able to find one. So he picked the one where its a little further from another table where a human with a fox tail is. Who is also busy painting. So jeff sat down and started to ponder on what will the art class be teaching? 

Connor and alena got music class together. They both practiced what they know best. Connor did some practice on a guitar since he has only little experience on it. As he continued to practice. He started to get there. While alena tried singing, and dancing. She needed time to work on her singing without hurting her voice. But dancing is what alena knows she's good at.

Sampson, well. After trying to act tough in creature studies. Carrie showed sampson her pet demon horse name brutis. After letting out his demonic roar. Sampson backed away, feeling the chills in his body. Just to teach sampson a lesson and tells him to best pay attention if you want to survive in a new world. Sampson usually doesn't need to pay attention. But can't admit that she is right. He would have to know some creatures in order to survive. 

Then later on, the bell rang. It was time for second period. Roy and jeff went to the creature studies class since they share the same class. Jack gives both of them an advice to be here on time. Or they will face some lecture from carrie. Roy and jeff both nodded their heads and make their haste to the creature studies class. While the other three head on to their classes. 


It was now lunch time. Everyone went to the tables to sit down, eat, and chat where the whole area is so loud you could hear it when you come in. The five humans sat down at the table they could only find without being crowded too much. Jack, zill, kayla, spam, vanexa, and damian went to join them. To have a chat about whatever their gonna talk about. 

"So what do you think of the creature studies?" Zill asked. "And what did you learn?" Spam also asked. "Well, me and jeff learned a few things while trying our best to be on her good side." "Like the vampires for example." Roy answered. "Apparently, the regular bite doesn't have a effect where it would turn anyone one." "And it has to do with a ceremony for a vampire to turn another?" "I'm a little confused." Jeff said who's feeling confused. 

"You'll get used to it." "There's a lot more to learn in your new home mate." Kayla said. "I guess we better really study." "Might as well make sure I stay within the good grade zone so that I can pass some test." Jeff said. "Carrie also told us about demons." "She happens to be one herself." "So that makes her a pro at everything she knows about demons." Roy said. 

"Oh demons in hell are a nasty bunch." "They will tear ya to pieces." Damian said. "Are you from hell damian?" Alena asked. "You bet." "Its pretty crazy down there, but sometimes." "Its boring."
"There's not much happening." Damian said. "Why's that?" Alena asked. "Its something I rather not think or talk about right now." "Maybe Ill tell ya about it later." Damian said. 

"Its alright." "I already know enough anyways." Alena said. "Well well, so this is the newbies I heard a little about?" Said a voice they never know before. 

They see the source of the voice came from the dog with yellow fur, wearing a red letterman jacket. Sampson sees he's talking like he's some tough guy. So he decides to be the first to introduce himself. "You talking to me?" Sampson tells the dog. "Actually, more like I'm talking to all of you." "Including you." The dog points at sampson. "Hey rusty." Jack said in a tone like he is not happy to see him. Sampson laughs hearing that name. 

"Rusty?" "That's your name?" "Might as well have a rusty color on your fur." "You'll look like a rusty old piece of metal." Sampson roasted. Earning some snickers from Zill and jack. Kayla, spam and vanexa giggled a little. While damian laughs at how good sampson roasted rusty.

This gets rusty growling in anger. "Hey, its not a old name." "It sounds like a cool name." Rusty defends. "Oh yeah, then what's the definition of rusty?" Roy asked. "Its when the metal object gets rusty." "That's what it means." Rusty tries to shoot back. "But do you know what rusty also means?" Roy asked. Rusty was about to answer, but just hesitated to answer. 

"That's ok." "You can find that word." "In a dictionary." Roy roast. This got the whole group on the table laughing. "Wow, you got roasted by two humans." Damian said while laughing. "Ok, ill admit it scrub." "That was a good one." Sampson complimented roy. This gets rusty even more angry. "Oh your calling me stupid are ya?" Rusty said. 

"Because it is." Sampson said. Rusty and sampson go face to face with each other. "You got some nerve admit that to me." "If your so tough why don't you throw a punch?" Rusty said. "I be glad to." "If you got one, then you better not miss." Sampson said. "Are they about to fight?"          "This ought to be good." Damian sat and waited for something to happen. "Is that really necessary?" Jack said in worry. "I don't think there's no stopping it." "I know sampson from my school zone." "He can be a brute sometimes." Connor said. "Well ain't that the truth?" Zill said. 

Sampson and rusty was about to go at it, but the bell rings. It was time for another class. "Your lucky the school bell saved the both of us some trouble." Sampson said. "I can say the same to you." Rusty said. "If you really feel like you wanna settle this." "Try finding me if you know the school halls very well." Sampson said. "Oh I'm gonna take my sweet time to think about when I get the chance to punch your face." Rusty said. "I love to see you try." Sampson said. 

With that, they all went to their next classrooms. "This guy." "He was showing no mercy." This earns some smile on his face. "I like this guy already." "He made fun of my name." "But this guy had the guts." "But that other new kid." "He looks like he may not have fun." "Ill just save the mockery for later." "For now." Rusty said to himself as he walks to class.      

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