Weekend party

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 Its Saturday, and it means the weekend has now arrived. The past few days at ZPA for roy and his friends were mixed. Roy and jeff had an ok experience. Alena is still trying to not let get her phobia in the way, while connor in the same classroom as hers tries his best to help her. 

Sampson? Well, let's just say at times. He ether tries or doesn't try to keep up with the classmates around him. But mostly tries to get carrie on her good side. Otherwise he would be having a little chat with brutis. In order to motivate him to pay attention. 

Ken and tina were able to find a job at the local grocery store. Their first job for now. Throughout each day, they learn, and adapt to the new world. Connor one time went to the libary to grab some books so he and alena can learn more about the world. While connor rented the books that contain some legends, and lore about safe haven. But before he did, he had an encounter with the same red haired girl mackenzie. Who he met at the auditorium. 

When her eyes saw it was connor, she jumped. With some signs of red blush on her face. Before connor could say hi, she left right away. Connor doesn't know what was that about, but he brushed it off. And mackenzie was seen walking while twiddling her fingers. 

During the art class, jeff met addison. It was when latika assigned the students to be partners for the whole class. And jeff was partnered with addison. Jeff introduced himself, and pulls out a hand for a handshake greet. Addison was a bit skeptical, but he sees jeff is friendly. So he accepted the handshake. Addison got along with jeff well. Addison and jeff worked well as a team to do a painting. Addison did the drawings, while jeff colored the backgrounds. 

When they got done, after some teamwork. Addison and jeff became friends. While addison was hesitant when he didn't want to work together. But after their friendly conversation, addison decided jeff is a decent guy. When the class ended, he went to another classroom with a happy smile. The day addison made another friend, but debates whether he should ask jeff to hangout, or just continue with his day? Well, only time would tell. 

Alena is out with damian and sahara. Hanging out. Addison arrived to come hangout with them, and is introduced to alena. Addison this time gave a friendly hello. And alena said the same. While it was cool to make friends, but damian and sahara are his only friends they trust the most. But granted, he had a good start with jeff. But for alena? He isn't sure, but might as well give her a chance. After all, damian did invite her. And sure enough. Addison is ok with alena. 

She was a nice person, addison could tell. And he felt flattered after getting a compliment from alena being called cute because of the tail. Addison doesn't remember the last time he got that similar compliment, but it had been a long time being called cute because of the tail. Damian shares his story about himself to alena. Alena learned that damian is a prince of hell. 

This doesn't surprise her since he is a demon, but the only surprise was hearing he is a prince. If that wasn't enough for her. His father happened to be the devil himself, lucifer. Damian goes on about the details about hell, and his home. Telling her the reason he goes to the overworld was he wanted to explore, and escape from boredom. Referring to home. Alena felt bad for him after learning about his origin. So alena wanted to try her best to help him, and be a good friend. 

And to prove that, she hid her cross in her bag. So it doesn't make him feel uncomfortable since demons never wanna go near it. With that, they continue onward to hangout with each other. 

At the woods, sampson arrived back at the cabin with autumn. Only to be greeted by his siblings. Autumn introduced his three siblings. Spring, summer, and winter. Sampson now understood the idea. Their named after the four seasons. Spring mentioned later on he would have to meet their mom. But not today for now. So sampson said hi to them. Spring thought he looked friendly for someone who looked like he enjoys stepping on a tree branch. Sampson doesn't know whether its a compliment or not, but he takes it anyway. 

Summer thought he looked goofy cause of the hair. Getting sampson irritated after hearing that. Then he checks the mirror, only to see it did looked goofy. As he hate to admit it. When he tried fixing it, he was greeted by winter. Who is messing up his cool hair. Making sampson growl, now that he had to watch out for him. Detecting he can be a trouble maker. 

(Time 7:30pm) 

Roy got on his clothes, his shirt with a moon on it with a jacket Due to the weather being a little chilly.  He puts on his pants, his socks and his shoes. He hears a knock on the door from his room. "Roy, you almost ready to go?" Jack said from the outside of roy's room. "You bet."         Roy responded as he grabbed his phone, and opens his door. "Let's hurry, we better meet zill and the others for the party." Jack said. "Jeff better be ready, he has a hard time picking which ones to wear to showoff at the party." Roy said. 

"Is he though?" Jack wondered. Roy got a notification from his phone, and he sees jeff is ready. And his off to meet with everyone. "He's ready." Roy said. "Great, let's-" Jack toppled down the stairs. Roy checked from above the stairs to make sure he's ok. "I'm good." Jack called. Roy just shook his head in embarrassment. Noting himself he needs to make sure to watch out when the bad luck is about to try to ruin jack's day. Roy hurried down the stairs and help him up. 

"Thanks as usual roy." Jack said. "Not a problem." Roy replied. "We're leaving mom." Jack called. "Ok boys, be safe." "Give me a text." Mindy called back. "We will mom. Jack said.          Jack and roy rush to meet up with their buddies. 

(Time 8:20pm) 

After going on a long walk, they start to hear some noises, it sounded like loud music. That means, they have arrived. "Land ho!" "I hear the music beating like crazy." Jeff said. "Looks like we're here." Roy said. "Hey wait up guys." They turn around to see its alena. Connor, ken, tina, and cameron are also here with alena. "Sorry we're late." Alena said. "Its ok, you guys made it just in time to party." Jeff said, feeling stoked. "Well, ill just be with alena." "Along with these two." Cameron pointes towards ken and tina. "I still need to keep my distances." Cameron said. 

"Don't worry about it, just have fun." "Like if your in a college party." Jeff gave cameron an advice. "Yeah, me and my cousin went to the party one time." "It was fun." Ken said. "Loud, but fun." Tina added. Cameron decides to take her deep breath. She breaths in, and out. Cameron felt a little better. "Ok, let's not waste time." Cameron said. "So what are we waiting for?" "We better head in." Connor said. "Oh yeah, its party time!" Jeff yelled. 

They went towards the big building where the neon lights can be seen from the window. While admiring the new area their in. Jeff scan around the place he never been. "So this is a country side huh?" Jeff said. "Better be careful, their are werewolves stalking about." Vanexa said. 

"Was that you trying to scare me, or warn me?" Jeff asked. "Pretty much both." Vanexa replied. "Well at least that's good to know." Jeff said. "Look on the bright side jeff, we're all here to have some fun at the party." Spam helps give jeff some spirit. "Its a good thing there's always the positive side of things when it comes to parties." Jeff said.   

When they made it to the entrance, they see a werewolf with a violet fur color. The violet werewolf see the group. "Hey, you guys made it." She said. "We sure did." "And we brought our invitations." Jeff said. "No need, raven told me about you and the new arrivals that got their invites." "Anyway, come on in, and get your groove going." The violet werewolf said. 

"Oh we sure will, come on guys." Jeff went in first, while the rest of the group followed.
Once inside, they see everything going on. All the animals, dancing. Their is a section where people drink beverage if they get exhausted, or just simply drink. So much is happening, they just doesn't know where to start. This gets alena anxious. 

"Wow, I guess the party really is wild." Ken said. "Was that suppose to be a pun?" Jack asked. "That wasn't suppose to be a joke." "Or a pun." Ken said. "Well, I think it really is." "I mean look at what their doing." Cameron said with worry. "Well, it is a party." "I'm sure people back home does this on the same level." Roy said. Cameron sees that roy isn't wrong. 

"Point taken." Cameron said. "How about we get refreshments to start slow?" "Maybe it can calm the nerves." Connor suggested. "Not a bad idea." Alena said. "Good call, I would need a drink to be calm." Cameron said. "I might as well grab some, got to get some energy." Jeff said.

"Roy, if you need me ill be with them." Jeff gestured to the beverage area. "No problem." "Ill grab some snacks, and relax over there." Roy said. "Ill join up." Jack said. "Ok, me and kayla will be having our moment in the dance." "Right babe?" Zill turn his eyes to kayla. "You bet." Kayla answered. Zill and kayla went to have their dance. 

Roy and jack sat down on the table after getting some snacks. And started to have a chat.
"Man I been to crazy parties but never on this level." "Never let alone some animals, and anthros." "Or even other creatures like demons and so on." Roy said. "That's safe haven for ya." "So, what kind of parties have you been to anyway?" Jack asked. "Well, there's this one time." When it was my uncle flynn's birthday." "We ate loads of food, and sweets." "Also they drank so much wine." "But throughout all of this." "Flynn and his buddies partied like crazy." Roy said. 

"Too much drinking?" Jack guessed. "Too much drinking." Roy confirmed. "Why am I surprised?" "Sounds like he had a blast." Jack said. "The party was a blast." "Before all of this, we played some games." "Whacking the piñata, the adults played beer pong, but I played a ping pong match with flynn and his other friends." "I beat a few of his friends." "But my uncle was always a step ahead of me." "He was really good at ping pong." Roy said. 

"Even beer pong?" Jack wondered. "Yep, unless he gets drunk." Roy said. "So what did he get for his birthday?" Jack asked. "A four leaf clover necklace." Roy said. "For good luck?" Jack asked. "That's right." "My uncle told me sometimes, if lady luck is on your side." "The odds will be in your favor." "To be honest, I wasn't sure if I believe in it." "But considering I met you, learning about bad luck." "I guess I learned the hard way." Roy said. 

"Not sure if its ok to ask, but was your uncle also not having any luck?" Jack wondered. "If                I had to be honest, sometimes." "But for me, I don't think my life is not having any luck ether." "At times, flynn would had to leave me with one of his friends house cause he need to go to work." "And every night." "I would think about my parents." "And its hard." Roy forms a fist.

"Do they treat ya well?" Jack asked. "Yeah some does, while some is lazy to even pay attention to me." "But their all right." "But for flynn, he is always there for me." "Making my life a little better for me since my parents departure." Roy said. Jack sees some of things he learned that roy shares almost a common life with himself. Not having any good life, and not having any luck ether. And flynn could be a bit similar to zill. Who is also making their lives a little better for the both of them. So jack starts to feel the same. 

Back with jeff, he is getting some refreshments with connor, alena, and cameron. Jeff, and connor had a soda. While alena, and cameron had some water. Alena and cameron gets their girl talk moment, while jeff and connor has their dude moment. While having a talk while drinking some soda. Jeff hears a voice, a familiar one.

"Hey you, your here." Jeff turns around to see it was the same werewolf who gave him, cameron, and alena the invitation. "Its you." Jeff is surprised to see her. "Glad you remember me, I'm Raven." "And you are?" Raven asked. "Jeff." He answered. "Well, jeff." "I'm happy to see you made it." Violet said. "Hey, you didn't think I would skip the fun right?" Jeff asked. "Pff, course not." "Oh and you can call me rave for short." Raven said. "Noted." Jeff replied. 

Raven turns to connor. "And what about you?" Raven asked connor. "Um, well-" Connor tries to make a sentence but jeff steps in. "Oh yeah, this is connor." "He also transferred like me, alena, ken, tina, sampson, and also my buddy roy." Jeff said. Violet raised her eyebrows. 

"Of course, you guys must be the recent arrivals." "And jay jay seems very excited about it." "That's why she kick started a party." "Specially for you guys." Raven said. "Wow, she didn't had to do that." Connor said. "She likes throwing parties for her fun, and for anyone." Raven said. "Wow, sounds great." Jeff said. "Let's not forget cameron, she also transferred." "Though I don't think she's too keen on surprises, or animals due to her phobia." Connor mentioned. 

"I see, well I hope their having fun ether way." "Fun can make ya forget what your afraid of." Raven said. "You got that right." Jeff said. "Well, time I get going." "Its nice meeting you two." Raven said. "Same to you, but I got one question." Jeff said. "What is it?" Raven waits for jeff's question. "Where is jay jay exactly?" The moment jeff asked about jay jay. Someone yells.    "Hello everyone!" A female voice called. "Well, you got your answer." "Later." Raven leaves.

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