The vampire duo

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Everyone stared at horris. Some were surprised due to the sudden heavy wind and showing up unannounced. Some were annoyed. While sampson ponders in question about horris. 

"Uh, who is this shorty?" "And who in the heck invited him?" Sampson questions. "I don't know really." "All I know is that his name is horris." "In case you haven't heard that." Connor said. "That's his name?" "I expect some cooler name." "But whatever." Sampson shrugged. "He looks like he's very dangerous." "But how dangerous is he?" Alena wondered. 

Horris steps forward towards zill, and raises his fan at him. "I hereby challenge you to a duel of power and skill!" Horris said. Sampson hears this, and laughs. "Ha!" "This shorty wants to challenge this guy?" Sampson points at zill. "Wow, so scared." "He's probably gonna use his almighty wind to blow me to the locker." Sampson jokes around. 

"And the next thing he's gonna say." "Is he's gonna use wind, to trash around the place." Horris shows his power with strong winds, while his eyes glowed white. "I said duel!" "Or should I trash this entire place with my mighty wind!?" Horris said with a threat. 

Sampson changed his mind in a flash when he heard that. Connor turn to look at sampson with a look. "You were saying?" Connor waits for sampson to reply. "I think ill just not underestimate the shorty from now on." Sampson said. 

Roy and jeff watches, unsure of what is about to happen. "Is that guy for real about what he would do to the academy?" Jeff said in a concerned tone. "I don't know if he is." "But-" Roy is interrupted when zill grabbed horris and flew through the window, breaking some glass. Roy, jeff and some students look up. "I guess he accepted the challenge." "Will zill be alright?" Roy asked jeff. "He's a tough guy, he'll be ok." Jeff replied with confidence. 

"I warned you, you ugly chicken!" Zill said with anger. "Halp!" Horris hollered. Then they bumped into someone, when they looked to see who. Zill and horris looked in horror.
"Parden me." Zill in an instant knew what creature she is, and flew in a flash. 

"Go faster!" Horris said. Zill is suddenly grabbed by the neck, spinned around, and thrown to the ground. "What's the hurry tough guy?" "You owe my mistress an apology." The wolf jumped down on the road, and faced zill. "We've heard a lot about you  little crime fighter." "And your little vampire phobia." He said. "What are vampires doing in the city?" "During the day?" Horris wondered in question. "You got a comment sssmall fry?" He gets in horris's faced, baring his fangs. "I'm all earsss!" He said loudly. 

Zill makes a jump on him, saving horris so he can flee. "Run twerp." Zill said while trying to hold off the vampire wolf. Horris makes a run for it. Eventually zill got overpowered by him. And gets grabbed by his long tail. "Ya know I expected a much bigger fight then this." He said. 

The female vampire approaches zill. Filled with anticipation. "It really is a delight to meet you." "Strange little creature." "I cannot ever resist a good victim." She looks at zill in the eye. "I can see the fear in your eyes." She uses her hypnosis on zill. He tries to resist, but his eyes turn red. He is fully hypnotized by her. "Shall we find the kid and finish this mistress?" He asked.               "Of course simon." "He said he is in the academy somewhere." She said. 

"But first." She was about to bite zill's neck. But only to be interrupted with a fencing sword. "Stop right there!" It was kayla. Here to help zill. "Let him go this instant!" Kayla commands. "What have we here, vermin?" She said. Zill is no longer under the vampire's  hypnosis, and recognizes his rescuer. "Kayla!" Zill said. Surprised to see kayla. 

The female vampire hisses, and is about to attack kayla. With zill's anger, he started to glow green. Making simon hiss, and let's go because of the green glow. He swoops kayla up and flies. Being chased by the vampires. While flying around trying to evade the vampires. He has one only option, he flies towards the ZPA. Kayla grows worried. 

"Zill!" "We can't lead her back towards the school!" "People will be in dang-" Kayla tries to tell him its not a good idea. Zill knows what she's saying, but there was no other option. "Just trust me!" Zill said. Zill flew into the doors of the school, flies passed the hallways. And passing by some students with their scared look as they see a vampire. 

Jack and damian were discussing something adult related topics. They see zill and a vampire flying by them. Both look in the direction where they flew by.  "Was that a vampire in the school?" Damian asked. It got damian excited, while jack is worried about his pal. "Cool." Damian said. "Zill! Jack said with worry. 

Meanwhile while cameron and carrie finished their talk. They both see a vampire passing by them. "What in tarnation?" Carrie gets in touch with zechariah. While cameron got so scared she takes her whiskey and gulps it down. Hoping she forgets she saw a vampire. "Zech!" "We got an infiltration!" Carrie said. "What is it?" Zechariah said on the other line. 

"Vampire!" "A queen from the looks of her." Carrie said. Winston starts to wonder what's going on.  "I'm on my way!" "Carrie you-" Carrie was already fully prepared to stop the vampire queen. "You don't have to tell me what to do zech!" "I'm on this!" Carrie gets her rope, and goes to pursue the vampire. 

Zill kept going while holding kayla. But what he don't realize that their in the exact hallway where roy and jeff is. They look to see that vampire queen is still in pursuit. "Zill!" "look out!" Kayla said. Zill sees how closer she was getting. Zill doesn't want to see her get hurt. So he drops her as the vampire queen was about to grab him. 

Roy and jeff were wondering why is everyone started to talk a bit loudly? As the two of them try to go and find anyone to ask what got them buzzing. They found zill, in a vampire's grasp. 

"You really think its that easy to escape from me?" "Foolish insect!" She hissed and is about to bite zill. Only to be delayed yet again. By carrie this time as she uses her rope and got her by the mouth. The vampire struggles to get free as she gags. "I wouldn't touch that boy unless ya want yer fangs pried out!" Carrie threated. The vampire responded with a hiss while her crimson red eyes glows. Carrie is unfazed by her. 

"Glowing eyes don't scare me none ya-" Carrie got pounced by simon, and  got bitten in the process. Carrie got pinned on the floor. "Nobody harms my mistresss." "Hmm... demon blood." Simon remarked. Simon got whipped by a tail. Reveling to be fabian, who is the one that attacked simon. Fabian emerges from the door with a growl. 

Simon growls back, then he remembers that fox. "You!" Simon said. Fabian also recognizes him. "Simon?" Fabian said. Simon bares his fangs angrily and attacks fabian. Roy and jeff were sitting there just watching all of this. Jeff feels like they need to leave. "Roy, we need to go now!" Jeff said pretty fast. Before roy could listen to his friend. He watches zill get bitten. Scaring roy, and kayla is horrified zill is hurt by the bite. "Zillion!" Kayla said in terror with tears in her eyes. 

"Zill!" Roy yelled in worry. Kayla sees roy and jeff. "Roy!" "Run!" "Their here to kill you!" Kayla yelled. Roy eyes go wide, filled with shock.  The vampire queen heard that name. And lock her eyes towards the human. Standing there. She makes a grin, knowing. She has found the target.

She drops zill, and focuses on roy. Roy was about to run, but the vampire queen prevents his escape by zooming to the direction where he tries to get away. "Leaving so soon?" "Parker?" She makes an evil giggle. Roy takes a step back, feeling filled with fear. 

Jeff watches from another direction of the hallway, trying to figure out a way to help his friend, but knows one false move can be the end for him. "That's it roy." "Be afraid," She unfolds her sharp claws, ready to strike him down. "Sorry I have to this, but don't worry." "Ill make this death pretty swift." She said. Fabian tries to stop her, but simon stands in his way. Stopping him from interfering. Vampire raises her claw. Roy doesn't know what to do at this point. He knows he's trapped. And has no other choice, but to accept his fate. Then he hears a voice. 

The same voice that he knows from the dream. "Don't give up roy." "Take my hand." The voice said. The vampire queen is about to land a fierce hit on roy. "Its time." "Defend yourself!" 

There was a faint glow, and then. A big glow lit up. "What the?" She said. Simon and fabian looked to the direction where the glow was seen. Kayla hugged zill as she didn't want to see roy die in front of her. But zill and kayla look to where the light is seen. Carrie trying to recover from the bite sees the light. The source of the light came from roy, he was glowing. 

Roy's awakening 

The vampire sees her claw got blocked from what it looks like a sword, but that sword was glowing. She tries to push roy down to make him lose his strength, but for some reason. Roy is fighting back. Pushing against the vampire queen. And parries her claws. 

Giving carrie the chance to pounce on her. "Now I gotcha!" Carrie tackles the vampire queen. And they begin to fight each other. Zill collapsed to the floor. Kayla checks if he's ok.  

"Zill?" "Are you ok?" "Let me see the bite!" Kayla checks if the bite is really bad. "Kayla." "I am so sorry." Zill apologized. "Zill you don't have to be sorry for this!" Kayla said. "No!" I'm sorry for everything!" "Forgetting our anni-" Kayla interrupts him. "Zill you're still seriously still thinking about that with what is currently happening?" Kayla asked. "Yes!" Zill replied. 

"Zill, you made one mistake." "A silly cliché one admittedly, but do you really think that's enough to curse you with my scorn?" "No!" "I love you!" "This goof isn't enough to change that!" "I was just a bit mad, that's all." Kayla said. Then the two proceeded to kiss. 

Jeff sees the two kissed, forming a smile knowing everything with zill and kayla is ok now. "Jeff." Someone called. Jeff turn his head to see its alena, connor, and sampson. "Hey, you ok buddy?" "Where's roy?" Connor said with concern. "Right here." Jeff pointed at roy. 

The three see roy is glowing, and sees his right hand has what seemed to be a sword. But not an actual sword. Rather then a glowing sword. "Woah, why is he glowing?" "What did I miss?" Sampson asked. "Well, a lot actually." "Ill explain when this is over." Jeff said. 

As zill and kayla embraced, he forgot about the blood, and got on kayla. "Oh god!" "I'm bleeding on you sorry." Zill apologized. After simon is busy hurting fabian. He decides to switch his target to the main one.  "Your mine now kid!" Simon leaps forward and is about to bite roy. 

But simon was suddenly met with a swipe from a glowing claw. But who's claw? Simon gets back up and to his and the others surprise. A spirit of a jackal appeared beside roy. "You shall not harm, roy parker!" The spirit said.

Simon tries to get him again. Refusing to back down. But when he jumped, he got grabbed. "No!" She said. Zechariah came to the scene. It was him that got simon with his tail. "NO!" She tries to back free from carrie's grip. But to no avail. 

Cameron is also here with zechariah. "Cameron, get the students to the health room!" "We will deal with these monsters." Zachariah said. The vampire queen laughs. She finds it funny that her and simon gets called monsters. 

"So we're the monsters?" "Zachariah?" She stares at him, and turns into swarms of bats. While laughing. "Heed my warning parker kid." "I am venganza." "Next time we meet, not even no one or any loved one will protect you now!" The swarms of bats faded away. 

"Dangit!" "I shoulda  remembered vampires can do that." Carrie grumpily said. "Miss cameron, the students to the health room please." They hear a noise. They see roy has collapsed on the ground. Jeff checks on roy. "Roy?" "Dude?" "Speak to me man." Jeff nudges roy. 

"Looks like being a lightbug may had got him tired." Sampson said. "Will he be ok?" Alena asked. "I think he'll be fine." "Luckily he ain't hurt." "But that light." "That can't be what I think it is?" Carrie wondered. "Cameron, retrieve the boy." "He'll need to be taken to the health room as well." Zechariah requested. Cameron picks up roy. And takes them to the heath room. 

"Hang in there roy." "Please be ok." Jeff said, hoping roy would be alright.
Cameron takes roy, zill, and kayla to the health room. While the faint glow is seen on roy's uniform, leaving a logo that shows the face of a silhouette jackal.                

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