Safe Haven holidays

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Its snowing in safe haven. The residents are caroling, singing some Christmas songs. Wrapping some presents, hot chocolate, Egg nog. That's Christmas season for ya. Meanwhile, Jeff is walking to go and visit Alena. Wondering what she's planning for Christmas? Jeff heard there's gonna be some party at ZPA. He knows Connor, Ken, and Tina are going to be here. Roy also plans to show up as well. Jeff made it to Cameron's house. He knocks on the door.

The door opens to reveal Cameron. Happy to see Jeff. "Jeff." Cameron said. "Sup Cameron, is Alena here?" Jeff asked. "She's not here. Alena left a minute ago." Cameron said. "Darn, I missed her. I was going to ask if she's coming to the Christmas party?" Jeff said.

"About that. I don't think she's in the Christmas spirit right now." Cameron tells him. "Huh? What do you mean?" Jeff puts on his curiosity face. "Come in, ill tell you. Don't want to explain while its cold and snowy outside." Cameron gestures him to get in the house. Not wanting Jeff to freeze while trying to explain something to him. "Sure thing." Jeff said.

Jeff wipes his shoes on the mat so that the floor doesn't get wet or dirty after taking a long walk to Cameron and Alena's house. Jeff gets himself settled on the couch. Cameron brought some hot chocolate. It even has marshmallows on it. "Hot chocolate? I made it myself." She offered to Jeff. "Don't mind if I do. Jeff takes a cup of hot chocolate.

"So why isn't Alena hyped for Christmas? Everyone is always excited for Christmas." Jeff asked her. "Well, when I was making hot chocolate. When I try to offer her one. I was only met with her sad face she was making.


"Hey Alena, I'm making hot chocolate to warm up for the holiday season. Want some?" She asked. No reply from Alena. Alena?" Cameron called her name again. Alena hears her name being called. "Yes?" Alena asked. "Would you like hot chocolate?" Cameron asks Alena. "No thank you." Alena said in a sad tone. Hearing that, Cameron easily figure out that doesn't sound like she's not in the holiday spirit. When she turned around, sure enough. She could see Alena has a sad look. "I'm gonna head out on a walk. Maybe another time." Alena got up, and walked to the door. "Oh, sure. Be careful out there." Cameron said. "I will." Alena said.

Cameron watches as she exits out of the house. Wondering what's wrong?

Flashback end.

Jeff and Cameron both made their concerned look. "When I saw that face, I knew there had to be something wrong. But I don't know what it is that's making her sad." Cameron said. Jeff looks up at the ceiling. Thinking. He looks back to Cameron. "I don't know ether. But I might have one guess. Cameron, when you came here. Are there anything you really miss back home?" Jeff asks her. Cameron puts on the thinking cap, trying to think of something what she really missed so much back home since she can't never return back home. One thing came to her in mind.

"There's this one thing I missed the most. I think you might know." Cameron said. "I believe I do. Its kind of obvious. Because, we all do." Jeff said.

Meanwhile at the park, Alena walks with her hands in her coat pockets. Staring at the ground. She continues with her walk while passing by some citizens. Going on their way.

At Jackie's house

Jackie and the two Avians are decorating while singing. Jackie puts on some ornaments on the christmas tree. The woman with pink hair, Jackie's sister. Is baking some gingerbread man, humming a Christmas song jingle bells. The teen Avian boy is on his phone. Watching some Christmas videos.

The door opened. Connor emerges from the door, and closes the door behind him. They all see he's covered in snow. "Holy crap I am covered in snow." Connor dust some snow off of him. "Connor. Jackie went over to put her hands on both of his face cheeks. How was your time in the library sweetie?" Jackie said in glee. "Oh uh, good. I was able to finish my homework while I was there." Connor muffled. "Great, glad your here. I got someone to introduce you to." Jackie lets go of his face. Connor sees the pink haired lady, and the teen. Eyeing at him.

"Hey sis, is this the kid you were telling me about?" She asked. "Yep, this is Connor. Connor this is my sister. Kess. The pink macaw." Jackie introduces her sister. "How do you do." Connor greets her. "Pleasure to meet you darling." Kess happily replies. "And this is her son. Kestral." Jackie gestures to Kestral. "Hello Connor, its nice to meet you." He offered his hand.

"Nice to meet you too Kestral." Connor shakes his hand. "He's an American kestrel." Jackie mentions. "Oh, I get it." Connor understands the detail. "I hear Jackie is your caretaker. Since well." Kestral hesitates to finish that sentence. Connor gets what he was gonna say. "I know, since we can't go back. I'm over it. That's how the cookie crumbles. It took time for me to recover. I needed to study safe haven so I can get to know this place." Connor said.

"Well when the grass is green again, we can go sight seeing." He suggest. "Or we can right now maybe. Maybe hangout. But I want to warm up before I go out." Connor said. Kestral's eyes wide with stars. "Really?" Kestral said. "Sure." Connor replied. "In that case, ill just go back to Christmas videos." Kestral said. "Whatcha watching?" Connor wonders.

"You know, some old classics. Frosty the snowman, Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Also some black and white Christmas movies. Some is even colored now." Kestral said. "Ready for Christmas eh?" Connor said. "You bet partner." Kestral replies. "While your here, can you be a dear and get the dishes done?" Jackie asked him a favor. "Sure thing, I know we're gonna need some plates and bowls for Christmas dinner." Connor enters the kitchen.

Animal district

Within the snowy forest of the district. Roy is seen interacting with the female skunk name Vivi. Both looking at the snowy clouds, covering the sky. "How's three months been?" Vivi asked. "Decent overall." Roy replied. "Do you still miss home?" Vivi asked. "Sometimes. I think of my uncle. I do think of writing a letter." Roy thought.

"Have you thought of texting? Vivi suggested the idea to him. "I would, if I had him in my contacts. Then Roy started to realize. Actually, I do remember his phone number. He does know my number. But we forgot to add each other. Then again, I'm not sure if it could reach him." Roy ponders whether if texting him could reach him from afar?

"You'll never know unless you try. And maybe, hope for the best." Vivi said. Roy puts on a confident smile. "Ya know what, yeah. Maybe ill give it try." Roy said. "Well, I better get going. Later Roy." Vivi waves. "Later Vivi." Roy waves back, and walks. On his way.

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