Lecture at the palace

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Roy and Jeff look at jack with their shock in their eyes. And fear when they first hear him say his uncle happen to be Lucifer. This was news to Roy and Jeff. 

"Your kidding right? I hope this is a sick joke." Jeff hope he's joking. Jack stayed silent with a look that makes it obvious that he is not. He was actually serious. And Jeff could easily tell with a look on Jack's face. "Your actually serious, aren't you?" Jeff said. 

"Its true." Jack admits. "I guess that explains it when you said he was your cousin. Why keep it a secret from me?" Roy asked. "I just don't want you getting involved with this. Because I'm worried you might get in harm's way. Especially down here where my cousin lives. And its no playground to stroll around here." Jack said. 

"What's gonna happen to him now?" Roy asked. "He's gonna get lectured. You should be glad he didn't take you along." Jack said. "Also Alena and Connor. Glad our buddies are safe after that little ruckus." Jeff said. 

"Well, we love to stay. But we got to go home too." One hell sprite said. "Yeah, before we get scolded too." The second one said. The third held up the sign saying: Yep, see ya later boys. Then she winked at them. And the hell sprites poof in front of them.

 They see the hell sprites have disappeared. "And just like that. They left." Jeff said. "Yep. Come on, let's go check up on the others." Zill said. The three nodded their heads and sprinted towards Connor, Alena, and the others. Checking to see if anyone is hurt or not. 

The three head inside their home, and they approach before the ruler of hell. "DAMIAN!" He called. "Yes daddy?" Damian said with his ears down. Knowing he's in trouble. "What is the meaning of this?" Lucifer asked his son. "Dad.. I was just.. H-Hanging out with my fr-" Damian gets cut off by his dad. "SILENCE! He roared. Scaring Damian. You are not permitted on the surface, And there are laws against demons in safe haven. You could had been killed! He said. 

"Sire...We did manage a direct appeal sometime ago with one of the safe haven's head peacekeepers... We-" Tentadora was about to finish. "SILENCE!" Lucifer yelled. Interrupting Tentadora. Enough for her to hide in her chest. "You two are Damian's caretakers and my heads of staff. You should know better then to make decisions like this without consulting me first! I am very disappointed in you two." Lucifer said with anger in his eyes. 

Damian steps in front of them to defend them. "Dad! I begged them for months for this! I hate it here all the time! I just wanted a little freedom." Damian said. 

"YOU HAVE-" The queen puts her paw up for him to halt. And proceeds to speak. "Why do you hate it here baby?" The queen asked. "Well I... I don't feel like.. I have a life here..." Damian tries his best to form some words. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Well... I.. Like- I love it here, my family and.. It's cool and stuff...But.. I'm not allowed to go out and explore here at all, cause it's too dangerous. So I'm just stuck in a palace all the time...And learning about our culture n' stuff.

But the surface world is just...So much bigger...And diverse.. And ya know... I want a chance to explore with my life. I'm...  just...  I'm sorry mum..." Damian said with a sad tone in his voice. 

They look at Damian. And Damian makes a sad jackal face. "Lucifer my darling... Perhaps this is a worth while experience for him... After all you gained more from the surface realm yourself.. Safe haven is a place he would be safe. If we ensure that with the peacekeepers and he could experience the mortal's sinful nature directly. Allow him to make his own mistakes." She said. 

Lucifer makes a skeptical look, then he looks directly at the two caretakers. "Once his safety is assured... I'll allow it. But if you two ever act on things, without my permission... I will not be so docile.." Lucifer gives them a warning. Tentadora and the blue jackal looked at each other with frightful looks. Damian is happy hearing he gets to go back on the surface. 

"Thank you daddy. Damian leaps and hugs his dad. Thank you so much! Lucifer puts on a smile. Happy to see his son being happy. I love you guys so much. Damian hugs his mom and dad. Tentadora sees how happy she is. She leans on the blue jackal with a happy smile. While the blue jackal isn't amused. "Okay sooooooooooo...What did I say from the start? hmm? Tentadora looks at him with a cheeky look. "Woman. Do not start." He said. 

"Now before we conclude this discussion. There's just one more thing." The queen said. "Sure mom." What is it?" Damian asked. "Have you seen, or heard of someone name Roy parker?" She asked. Lucifer immediately turns his head to his queen. The caretakers pays attention to this. 

"Roy parker? Oh yeah I know him. I seen him time to time in one class." Damian said. "So is it true from what I heard? My sister is providing him a home?" She asked. "Well, yeah. The reason is because their too young to get a house of their own. So Roy and the other humans are assigned to each houses with adults to take care of them. Jack told me my aunt volunteered. Plus, it turns out they were the newcomers that arrived here." Damian explains. 

"I see. She ponders. Darling. She sat up from her throne. I will be going out for a bit." She said. "What for your highness?" The blue jackal wonders. She looks down at him. "I like to meet this child who is under the care of my sister. To get to know him. Do you have any objections Major Styx?" She asked him. "Uh- of course not." Styx said. 

The queen turns her head to the cat demon with purple fur. "Jill. Your coming with me. We leave for the surface immediately." She said. 

"Yes queen Narissa." The cat demon name Jill walks along with Narissa, and leave with her to the surface.                


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