Everyone getting settled

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Jeff turns around to see someone taller then him

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Jeff turns around to see someone taller then him. He is surprised to see something that jeff knows why alena and cameron are scared. Someone standing before jeff is a werewolf. 

"Holy smoke, a werewolf." Jeff steps back, only to trip himself. "Oh don't be scared kid, you didn't think I came to get ya didn't I?" She asked. "Well you could had fooled me." "I was just surprised to be greeted by a werewolf." "I can't believe I'm meeting one now." Jeff said. "So uh, w-wh-what brings you here?" Alena said in a scared voice. "Y-yeah." Cameron tried not to panic.

"I'm here to bring you this." The werewolf handed jeff an invitation. The same fancy one that roy got. She also handed two more to alena and cameron. Jeff looks at the invitation. Also saying hello newcomers, your invited. "Invited?" "Like a party?" Jeff guessed. "You got it." She said. 
"Time for me to head on out." "And don't worry." "If there's anyone you know?" "Their getting one as well." "Hope to see you there." The female werewolf waved goodbye. 

"Wow." "I bet roy is getting one too." "You girls coming?" Jeff asked. "I'm not so sure." "But it could be fun." Alena said. "I'm not sure ether, its gonna be filled with animals I'm scared of." Cameron said with concern in her voice. "How about you stick with me?" "We may be afraid of animals." "But two of us together, we won't be afraid." Alena said.

 Cameron is still debating in her mind. But with someone like alena? Who shares the same fear? Cameron thinks it could work out, she hopes it would. "You know, this could be an opportunity to hang out at the party." Cameron said. "Yeah, its definitely going to be fun." You focus on having fun, and everything will be fine." Jeff said. "Well, if I'm not the only human at the party, then I'm in." Cameron said. "According to the invitation." "Its on friday." "Tonight." Jeff reads the invitation. "That's good to know." "In the meantime." "I better get things sorted out at cameron's house."  Alena said. 

"Hey, jeff." They hear a voice. They look to see the fox spam. Who is calling out for jeff. Spam stops in his tracks. "There you are." "I got great news for ya." Spam said. 

Meanwhile in the woods 

Sampson got his room setup. Almost everything is about football. While the others were the sports he also can do. Such as basketball, and baseball. Sampson went downstairs to try go outside to get fresh air. Then he thought there's someone missing. "Hey, wasn't there supposed to be an owl?" Sampson asked. "Oh yeah, he went for some errands." "So he wanted me to take his place to watch you, and the cabin." Bucky said. "Doing whatever they do I guess." Sampson said. "Yep, the folks say he's wise." Bucky said. 

"Like a wise owl?" Sampson guessed. "That's right. Bucky chuckles. "I'm gonna get fresh air." Sampson exits the cabin. "You do that, and be careful." Bucky said. 

Back at cameron's house 

Spam came to jeff with good news with him. Turns out, jeff is actually getting a home. But jeff is about to be hit with another surprise that he is not sure what to think. 

"Wait I'm getting a home?" Jeff said in surprise. "Yep." Spam answered. "But, who is letting jeff stay?" Alena asked. "Why, me." Spam pointed at himself. "Huh?" Jeff had a shock reaction to that news. "I asked my mom about you?" "Apparently she learned about you and everyone else's arrival." "She said you can live at my place." "Got to have a home if you need education." "What my mom says." Spam said. "Sounds awesome." "But can you promise me one thing?" Jeff asked. "Like what?" Spam wait for what jeff wanted to promise. 

"Can you like, tone down the licking habit?" Jeff requested. Spam pondered a bit. "No promises." Spam answered. "Ill, take that as a yes." Jeff said. "Well jeff, looks like you got a place to stay." Cameron said. "Then its time to check out the place." "See you girls later." "Lead the way spam." Jeff said. Jeff waves goodbye to alena and cameron. While jeff follows spam to his home. "So alena." "Let's get you settled." Cameron said. Alena and cameron enters the house to get things settled for alena's new home. 

Ken and tina 

Ken and tina got their things in the house to get all set up for their rooms, along with the other stuff for the house. They also see jeff leaving with the fox. Puzzled and confused, but they figured jeff is given a home to live so that they can manage to get in the academy. 

"Looks like jeff may now have a home to live." Tina said. "Sure looks like it." Ken said. "We should come over later to see how is cameron and alena doing with the new world." "Cameron looks like she's still trying to get adjusted to the world of animals, and fantasy." Tina said. "And supernatural." "Let's not forget that." Ken added. "I hope we meet some friendly supernatural creatures." "You know how afraid I'm with supernatural stuff." Tina didn't want to give much thought about what supernatural creatures she would meet. 

"Don't worry cousin." "I think we may got some friendly faces that is capable of protecting anyone, even us." Ken said. "I hope your right about this." Tina said. She gets back to getting things arranged for their house. 

At night 10:00pm (Music plays) 

Roy and jack made their way back to the house while jack told roy about jayjay. He learned that jayjay loves to party. Roy can see it looks like a big deal for everyone. Roy would consider going. But going the first time in this new world would only make him nervous. Jack tells him just be chill and have fun. Even though jack sometimes isn't a party guy, but he would go regardless to have fun, and hang out with his friends like zill. 

Alena unpacked her stuff to decorate the spare bedroom. Cameron heard a knock on the door to see its their neighbor. Ken and tina. Dropping by to check up on cameron and alena. Cameron invites them in and begins to chat. Alena also joined in, and the four got to know each other. 

Sampson was in his room. Thinking about how much everything would will change for him since he has to live in a new world he's in. He gets a knock on the door. To see its the owl zechariah mentioned. Sampson learned the owl's name is ben. Sampson isn't in a mood to chat. Ben leaves him be to let sampson process. Sampson wondered what will he do now if he graduates since he is now a a senior. But in the academy, where would he be? He talk to himself. 

Jeff followed spam to his house, jeff sees its a nice house. Jeff introduces himself to his mom, and his sister name scarlet. After jeff and scarlet briefly talk, They immediately became friends. Jeff is shown to his room. Welcoming jeff to their home. 

Connor is in his room, on the bed. He hears a door open to see jackie with someone with her. Connor is introduced to taylor. Jackie's nephew. While they didn't chat much, but connor and taylor are on good terms with each other. Jackie tells connor to get sleep since his first day at the academy is tomorrow. Connor got on his sleepwear, And proceeds to brush his teeth. Getting ready for bed. 

Back at jack's house, roy is in bed. Getting ready to go to sleep. He looks out the window, looking at the leaves, trees, and the city in the distance. "Well roy, welcome to your new life." "Might as well live with it." "Mom, dad." Roy looks at the picture of him as a little kid with his mom and dad. "I hope your out there." "Maybe someday, ill go on a quest." Roy then took out the picture of his uncle, flynn. "Uncle flynn, take care out there." Roy put his pictures beside him, on the tabletop drawer. And turns off the light. 

Right outside the house. The fish spirits in the night sky can be seen flying throughout the whole town. And eventually passing by jack's house. 

End of prologue  



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