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In the middle of the night. Roy, Connor, Alena, Jeff, and Sampson are all chilling at the park. Jack, Zill, Kayla, Vanexa, and Spam are also hanging out with them. They started to talk about their days. While just drinking some sodas. Some orange, grape, and cherry sodas. Later they start to bring up about the incident that Sampson was disappointed that he missed it. 

"All that happened? While I had to do some homework? Ill need to make sure to get all caught up so that I can get some free time. I learned that the hard way when my grandpa lectured me to get on that." Sampson said. "Can I help?" Spam offered. "Thanks, but I think I got this on my own." Sampson kindly declined. Though he gets weirded out about spam's odd energy. But he knows that fox is offering to help. "You doing ok Alena?" Kayla asked. 

"Yeah, a little." Alena looked down on the ground. Earning some concerned look from everyone. "Alena I know what happened threw you off guard. But you could had gotten hurt." Connor said. "I know. But what about Damian? I couldn't just watch." Alena said. "But going into harm's way is a reckless thing to do." Connor said. Alena perked up her head. With a angry look. 

They stand back and just watch. Knowing what was about to go down. 

"Reckless? So your calling me reckless? Just for trying to help him?" Alena said. "No, that's not it. I-" Connor tries to find the right words, but he realizes too late what he said just made things worse. And made her angry. "So is that it? I can't go somewhere, or help anybody. Just because everything is dangerous?" Alena asked. "But your phobia ale-" Connor gets cut off by her. 

"That doesn't matter! I- Ugh. You remind me of my dad. I Need to blow some steam to calm down." Alena walks off. "Alena wait." Connor tries to follow, but Zill stops him. "Let her go man. She needs time to calm down. She'll get over it." Zill said. "Will she? Especially what I said?" Connor wondered. "Believe me, when I forgot something special. Kayla was very mad, but eventually. She needed to cool off. Though it was all during that vampire attack." Zill said. 

"He's right mate. Following her trying to fix things would only make it worse. Just give it time, okay Connor?" Kayla said. "I suppose." Connor replied. "Yikes, I knew it was going down hill when you used that word. Sampson said. "Yeah, ya know. I agree with the jock." Jeff said. "No offense but, you choose the wrong words." Vanexa added. 

Connor knew they are right. He made it worse that made Alena angry. Connor sat on a slide, thinking what he just done. "So, anything from Damian yet?" Roy asked. "Not yet at least. If he was here, I think we would had know the answer right now." Jack said. "If he is back, that would make Alena happy." Roy said. "I wonder where she went?" Jack thought. 

Meanwhile. Alena was walking angrily. Still angry about what Connor said. "Reckless. Reckless. Alena don't go there, its dangerous. Alena, don't go here. Its wet, and muddy. For heavens sake, Ill be fine dad. It don't bother me, I can take care of myself. She kicks the stone. Alena gasped when she said dad. "Dad..." Alena stood, thinking about her dad. Her emotion went from anger, to sadness. She saw some brightness, and looked up. 

She sees the fish spirits flying in the night sky. She kept looking at the fishes flying. Seeing how majestic they are. "Aren't they beautiful?" A voice said. Alena looked to see its Fabian. And Cameron is also here. "Fabian, Cameron." Alena said. 

"Hey. What are you doing out here alone?" Cameron asked. Alena sighed in a gloomy way at the question. Alena tells them why she's alone? Cameron and Fabian shared their concerned looks. 

"Oh my. I am sorry to see you this way." Fabian said. "Its fine. I know he was worried. But he worries too much. Why can't he understand that? I never want to stand around feeling helpless. I only want to help him. Or even help my friends even though everything looks dangerous?" Alena said. "Because he cares about you. He never want to see you be harmed. People do reckless things to save anyone. I know Connor would do the same for you." Fabian said. 

"He's right. I don't know the right words to say. But people can worry a lot. They worry because, they just didn't want to lose something right in front of them. A family member, or a friend. And maybe he didn't want to fail again." Cameron said. 

Alena thought about this. Maybe she just didn't know what kind of trauma Connor may be goin through. Alena still didn't want to be held back from doing what she needed to do. Like trying to save Damian. Whether its reckless or not, but that didn't stop her. But then again, there might be too much danger going on. Especially when some demon showed up. Alena thought maybe, she was a little hard on him. 

"I never thought of that. In fact, I bet Roy. Or maybe Jeff. Could be the same case." Alena said. "How so?" Fabian asked. "Sometimes when we all hang out. I would see Roy's sad look in his eyes. I don't know for Jeff, but its just a guess." Alena said. "I see." Fabian said. "Roy did ask me about scheduling an appointment for him. Maybe there is something bothering him. If I can manage some time. Maybe I can do that. But ill have to plan on when to do it." Cameron said. 

"That's a good idea." In the meantime, let's all go home and rest our eyes." Fabian suggested. "Your right. A good night sleep will do it. And later on. Ill go talk to Connor." Alena said. 

The three walked together throughout the night in safe haven. Leaving Roy and the others behind until they all went home. 

The next day 

After another day done at the ZPA. Roy went on home alone. He was told by jack that he has an appointment with Cameron. Cameron also told him if there's no one else. He would be next to talk to Cameron. Roy thought its fine. He can wait. 

Roy is about to head to another direction. Until. "Excuse me." He turns to see he's being approached by a Dark purple cat. Or so he thought its an ordinary cat. 

"Uh, yes?" Roy said. "Roy Parker, I assume?" She said. Roy is unsure if he should be surprised that she knows his name. Or should be afraid of her? "That depends. Who are you speaking for anyway?" Roy asked. "For the queen of hell, Narissa. She requests your presence." She said. 

Roy starts to get worried when she said the queen from hell wants to talk to him. "Me? Roy points at himself. What for?" Roy asked. "She would like to have a chat with you. She's heard your under Mindy's care under the orders of the peacekeepers correct?" She said. 

"Yep. They said I'm too young to get a house of my own. Because we don't have a family or guardian with us." Roy said. "I know, I heard. The queen awaits at Mindy's house. We must not keep her waiting." She said. "Whatever you say. But uh, who might you be?" Roy asked. 

"I am their royal guard. My name is Jillian. But you can call me Jill." Jill said. "Ok Jill. Lead the way. Jill gestures Roy to follow. On their way to Jack's house. Where Narissa waits for his arrival.            



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