Alena's snowy sadness

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Autumn and Sampson are walking along throughout the city of safe haven, chatting with each other. Talking about Christmas and presents.

"And that's how I got this bad boy for Christmas. He was one hell of a dad when he got me this BB gun one year ago." Sampson shows Autumn the picture of him, his mom, and his dad in the photo while Sampson is holding the Pistol BB gun. Autumn gave a chuckle in response. "So what did you do with it?" Autumn asked. "Me and my buddies back home pulled pranks." Sampson replied. "On whom?" Autumn wondered.

"Gangs, angry people, so on. But the greatest prank, is the one time we pulled the best one when my buddy's brother was busy sleeping. And we just stormed in and made him scream so loud he pulled the nerf gun on us. We got in trouble in the end, but it was worth it." Sampson tells his tale. "That's really going overboard don't you think?" Autumn makes a disapproval look at Sampson. "I know." Sampson tries not to laugh thinking about it.

"Well, all that aside. Ready to go find some gifts for my family?" Autumn asked. "Oh sure thing. Maybe winter would love that nerf gun or some kind." Sampson suggested. "Don't give him ideas Sampson." Autumn shoots his suggestion down. Not wanting to give winter anymore ammunition for his mischief shenanigans. "Alright, calm down little deer." Sampson raise his arms in defense while autumn just glared at him for calling him a little deer as they enter the store to go find the gifts for Autumn's family.

Zoo Phoenix Academy

At the ZPA, everyone is getting the decorations up in the gym. Getting things prepared for the Christmas party. Ken and Tina lend their hands to the teachers and principles. Jeff and Cameron arrive to the gym. Seeing everyone getting the stuff settled for the party. Zachariah walks towards Jeff and Cameron. "Jeff, Miss Cameron. I'm glad you could come." Zachariah said.

"And miss this? Of course we could come." Jeff said. Zachariah notices who's absent? "Is Roy not coming?" Zachariah asked. "He is. As for Alena? I'm not so sure." Jeff said. "Why's that?" He wondered. "She's...not in the joyful mood." Cameron said. "How come?" Zachariah asked. "That's what we want to figure out." Jeff said.

"Ill go look for her, better make sure she's fine. I don't think wondering out alone on a winter night isn't wise. But if she's lucky, she might run into the holiday spirits." Zachariah said as he walks. "The holiday spirits?" Jeff said while being clueless.

Zachariah turns his head to Jeff. "Jingle and jangle." Zachariah answers, and leaves to go find Alena. "Phew I hope I'm not too late." Cameron and Jeff turn their heads to see Jackie, Kess, Connor, and Kestral. "Not at all Jackie, you came just in time." Carrie said.

"Hey Connor." Jeff waves to Connor to get his attention. Connor sees Jeff waving. Connor goes to Jeff while Kestral follows him. "Hey Jeff, how's a going?" Connor asked. "Getting ready to party, while getting the gang together." Jeff said. "That's great Jeff. Connor replied. Jeff notices Kestral. "Who's your friend here?" Jeff asked. "Oh him? This is Kestral, Kestral this is Jeff." Connor said. "Pleasure to meet ya Jeff." Kestral said in a friendly manner. "Same to you. If I had to guess, are you an avian?" Jeff assumes. "You got it, American kestrel." Kestral replied.

"How did you know?" Jeff asked. "I dunno, I just took a guess. Maybe its the eyes." Jeff said. "You could say that." Kestral said.

"Hey whippersnappers, can you give us a hand over here?" Carrie said. "Well the sooner we help em, the sooner the party starts." Jeff said. "Wait. Connor notices who's missing. Where's Alena?" Connnor asked. "Ill explain while we do this, come on guys." Jeff went to go help Carrie. Connor and Kestral follows Jeff to also help.


Deep in the snowy forest, Alena is seen walking. Each step made her feet go deeper in the ground due to the ongoing snow. Alena's shoulders was getting so much snow, but she didn't care. The only thing she felt, is sadness within her heart. She found a fallen tree on the ground. She decided to sit on the tree to rest her feet. And just sat there.

The snow continues, the wind blows by her. Making her shiver a bit. Then there's silence. Alena takes out her phone and starts to look at the photos by pressing the app. Opening the app shows her photos she's taken.

She scrolls each photos with her thumb. Passing the photo showing her, Damian, and Connor. Another showing Her Damian making a funny blep from his mouth while holding a banjo. Another showing her Jeff, Roy, Jack, And Zill posing for the camera. She kept scrolling until she stopped at the one photo. A family photo with her mom and dad, and her siblings. Then she scrolled to another photo. This time its her dad. The photo she stared had Alena, and her dad.

As she stared, a streak of tear flowed across her left side of her cheek from her face. The tear dropped and splatted on her phone. "Dad..." She finally spoke.

The sounds of jingle bells made her head perk up. She looked for the source of the sounds. Alena waited for a moment. She hears the jingle bells again. This time there's footsteps. Coming to her way. The sounds of the snow being crushed got closer, and closer. And a figure emerged.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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