Two weeks later

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Two weeks had passed ever since the vampire attack. Things was going back to normal. Roy is doing fine after the incident. For horris? Well he left, no one knows what happened. At spam's house. Jeff is in his room, practicing drawing. He starts coloring the locations he's been to. Such as the Zoo Phoenix Academy. All while listening to some tunes. 

The music jeff is playing: 

Jeff starts to vibe to the beat of the song, while singing. But doesn't hear someone calling his name. "Jeff? Jeff? JEFF!" He jumped upon hearing his name being called loudly. Jeff knows that was scarlet calling his name. He took one headphone off. 

"Crap. Yeah?" Jeff called back. "You ready yet?" Scarlet asked. Jeff looks at his bed, there was school stuff on his bed. Some notebook, textbook, And his backpack. "Uh, yeah." Jeff replied nervously. And jeff rushed to his bed to get his stuff into his backpack. Then he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. "Jeff, we better get going." Spam appeared from the doorway. 

Jeff spits into the sink. Finished brushing his teeth. "I know, I'm hurrying." Jeff rush to his room. Getting some clothes on. Putting on a red hoodie, some pants with a belt, plain blue T shirt, and some basic brown shoes. After putting on some clothes. He got his backpack, and ran out of his room. Jeff made it to the kitchen. 

"Hey where's your uniform?" Spam asked. "In the washer. Thought I give the uniform some wash." Jeff said. "Ill make sure to put them in the dryer." Spam's mom said. "Thanks." Jeff said. "Come on, we better get going." Scarlet said. "Right, but not without the toast with jam." Jeff gets his toasted bread, and put grape jelly on it, and bit it. Spam's mom hands jeff some water. 

"Thanks Mrs. Brian." Jeff said. "Safe travels." Mrs. Brian gives spam, and scarlet a kiss. Scarlet and spam goes out. Jeff is about to follow, but he was stopped by spam's mom. "Not so fast mister. Your not leaving without a kiss for good luck. Mrs. Brian smooches jeff on his face. "Hey." Jeff said. "You run along honey." She said. "Yeah yeah I got it." Jeff said, feeling flustered. 

Mrs. Brian giggles in response to jeff's comment. 

The three made it to the town, and went on a crosswalk to be safe from incoming vehicles. While strolling along, jeff sees someone walking towards their way. He sees its a female opossum. scarlet recognizes her, and she went to embrace her. 

"Harlie." Scarlet said. "Hey scarlet, what's up?" The opossum girl name Harlie asked. Before scarlet could answer. She decides to kiss her on the cheek. "Well, we're on our way to ZPA. We don't want to run late." Scarlet said. "Same here. Harlie notices her brother spam, and the human she doesn't know. "Hey girl, is that the human you were telling me about?" Harlie points at jeff. "Yep, this is jeff. Jeff this is harlie, my girlfriend." Scarlet introduces jeff to harlie. 

"How you doing jeff?" Harlie puts out her paw. Jeff shakes her paw. I'm doing good, nice to meet you harlie." Jeff said. "Same to you. Nice style." Harlie compliments jeff's clothes. "Thanks, I can say the same to yours." Jeff compliments back. "Its the style I like after all." Harlie said. 

With the chatter done, they all move along to zoo phoenix academy. They made it to the entrance. The crowds of students goes inside. While some are outside talking. "Me and harlie are gonna hang out. You two watch each other ok?" Scarlet said. "Sure sis." Spam said. "No problem." Jeff said. "Nice meeting you jeff." Harlie waved and leaves with scarlet. 

Jeff waves back. Jeff and spam starts looking at each other. "So you wanna watch my back? Or should I watch yours?" Jeff asked. "I dunno, whatever is fine with me." Spam replied with a shrug. "I guess Ill take charge then." Jeff said. "Ok then." Spam said. 

Throughout the hours of the day in ZPA. Jeff continues to draw the academy in art class. He presented it to the class. Latika is impressed with jeff's drawing. But points out some bits of mistakes within the art. But jeff was able to get a good grade. Jeff examines his drawing, and sees there are some improving that needed to be done later. 

On creature studies. Roy and jeff starts learning about werewolves. While carrie points out how they transform and how they act. She also mentions the detail about the clans. Advising the students to no provoke them in any way. Roy and jeff notes this important part in the class. 

The day of ZPA was now over. Jeff wan out with a smile, knowing it was a good day this time without anything happening. He also heard alena was able to change some classes. The classes she now has is science related class. This time, it was something alena can tolerate. 

Later. Jeff is with spam, hanging out with kayla, zill, and vanexa. Same spot as usual. "So jeff how was roy doing after. Well." Zill doesn't know how to finish that, but jeff does it for him. "Since the vampire attack? He's doing a okay." Jeff said. "That's good, he's been through a bit too much." Kayla said. "I say you guys been through that too." Jeff said. 

"Yeah, but roy? He almost had worse." Zill said. Jeff realizes what he said. "Actually, I don't think I should say that. I don't know why I did." Jeff apologized. "Hey its fine. They went after me because of my worst fears." Zill said. "I can't believe they would go after ya just to mess around with you and your phobia." Jeff said. "That's vampires for ya. They can be a pain." Vanexa said. 

"I do hear there are vampires in school. They happen to be students here." Spam said. "Really? I haven't even noticed. Scratch that. I recall seeing that one girl in the hallway. She was blonde. And the eyes really give off the vampire vibe." Jeff described. "What kind?" Spam asked. "Her sclerae were pink as far as I could tell. Then there was one more I saw. I see her fangs which confirms it for me. And her hair is pink." Jeff said. 

"Jeff, just know their not all bad. They just want to live among with the others like all of us." Kayla said. "But what about the fact they wanna feed?" Jeff points it out. "Don't worry. I hear their vegetarians." Spam said. "And that makes me feel better. Knowing I'm safe." Jeff said with a sigh of relief. "But not from me." Vanexa smirks "Oh shut up." Jeff said. 

Zill and kayla starts to laugh at this moment. Leaving jeff dumbfounded and confused. 

Somewhere in hell

Within the house where everything is the color red. Mostly. There was a red and black female jackal. Sitting there in her chambers. She hears a knock on her door. 

"Enter." She said. The door opened to reveal one of the guards. "My queen." "I have some interesting info you might want to listen." The guard said. "Whatever it is, it better be worth to listen." She said. "I assure you it is." He said. "So what is this info you learned?" She asked. 

She waited patiently for him to answer. And the guard gave her an answer right away. "I found out your sister has a human that she is taking care of. But this human is where the interesting part comes in. I hear his name is Roy. Roy parker." He said. 

She raised her brow after hearing that name. Parker. That name has got her attention. Feeling interested she decided to ask the guard one question. 

"Tell me everything I need to know."      


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