Hanging out with the prince

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After another day of Zpa is over. Alena starts to hangout with Damian and his buddies. Connor decided to join Alena since he has nothing else to do right now. He has already finished some homework. So he thought he might as well just hangout with them out of boredom. Alena sat down between Damian and Addison. Connor sat next to the wolf twins. Vincent and Leonardo. And the snake, Nathan. 

They started to chat. About their day, and what happened one time. Damian talked about the time when he tricked his cousin jack to date a pyro maniac. And she set him on fire. This was new to Alena and Connor. They thought it wasn't not funny. While Addison brought up this was the three hundredth time hearing this. 

"Hey Connor?" Nathan called. "What's up?" Connor replied. "How's Roy doin?" Nathan asked. The question has got their attention. Remembering about the vampire that came into the school. "Yeah how's he doing?" Damian asked. "Nothing happened to him right?" Sahara said with worry. "Well, all I know. Is that he's not hurt. But it did scare him." Connor explained. 

"I don't blame him. I would be frozen with fear if I meet a vampire." Alena said while being frightened thinking about it. "Hey no sweat. I can asked them to screw off if they don't leave you alone." Damian offered. "That's nice of you." Alena starts feeling a little better. "I guess, but sometimes I'm no softy. So don't push it." Damian said. "Ok, your majesty." Alena teased.

Damian didn't like being addressed like that. "Seriously Alena? Your gonna pull that on me.     You know I hated it when I get addressed like: Prince Damian, my prince. Time to do some royal duties. Ugh." Damian said with disgust. Alena and everyone else laugh at how funny Damian hated the formalities. Embarrassing Damian. 

Damian suddenly noticed what Alena is wearing. She's wearing a necklace. He's fine with Alena wearing a necklace. But the only issue he has, is what's on her necklace. The cross. "Uh Alena." Damian pointed at her necklace. Alena looks confused, so she looks down at her neck. After seeing the cross on it. She realized in an instant what he wanted her to do. 

She hides her cross underneath her shirt so that Damian won't see that. "Crap. Sorry Damian, I forgot about that." Alena apologized. "Its cool Alena. No harm done." Damian said. Vincent asked Damien a question. "So dame, did you bring some snacks?" Vincent asked. 

Damian remembered he was suppose to bring some snacks, but forgot to bring them. "Crap. I must had left them back home." Damian said. "Typical." Sahara said. "Well that's a shame." Connor said. Which made Leonardo chuckle. "Not to worry. My nanny is prolly bringing them now. She's on top of things I forget." Damian assured. 

Leonardo blew a raspberry and started to laugh. Vincent also laughed, and even Connor couldn't help himself but laugh. "You still got a nanny?" Leonardo teased him. Then all three let out a laugh. While Nathan is just sitting there watching. Damian, Addison, and Alena wasn't amused at this. "Come on guys. Knock it off." Alena locks her eyes at Connor, giving him a glare. 

Connor continued laughing until he sees Alena's glare. He laughs a bit nervously, and stops. Not wanting to get on Alena's bad side. "Sorry, I just find it funny that he had a nanny." Connor said. "Was there anything wrong with that?" Alena asked Connor. "Well, no." Connor answered. "Exactly, everyone needs a caretaker that's all." "Back home I had a caretaker looking out for me." Alena said. Damian opened his mouth a little, surprised at what his ears heard. 

"You also have a nanny Alena?" Damian asked. "Oh yes. "She raised me since I was seven. I wish I could speak to her. Maybe write a letter if they allow it?" Alena thought. Damian sees that sad look in her eyes. "Ya know, maybe someday if she really cares about ya? She could at least come over here. Or probably not. Since you learned about, well." Damian tries to find a proper way to say it. "I know what your saying. But its alright. So far I am doing okay without her. But I still miss her thinking about her." Alena said. 

"Gee, I'm sorry Alena. I forgot about you had a caretaker." Connor apologized, feeling sorry for teasing Damian who had a nanny. "So Damian? What is her name?" Alena asked. Damian was about to tell her. "Oh Damian! They all turn to see a woman, a beautiful one in pink with long pink hair. You left your little snacks at home baby! You need to be careful with the carelessness sweetie. Here are your little snacks." She said. "Thanks Tenta." Damian replied. 

She gave Damian a brown bag containing snacks. Then gave him a hug. Damian didn't want to be embarrassed in front of them. Once was enough. "Tenta, your embarrassing me." Damian said. "Sorry baby. You have fun now with your little friends." She poofs. Disappearing in front of them. While the wolf twins stared in awe. 

"Dude! Damian! Your nanny is fiiine! H-O-T fine!" Leonardo said while admiring how how his nanny is. "Ew gross Lenny. That woman raised me." Damian said with a disgusted look at Leonardo. "Lucky bastard." Vincent said. 

"Well not gonna lie, for a nanny. She is quite pretty." Connor said. "Connor!" Alena gives him a awkward look. "What? All I said she's pretty. Its not what you think it is. Connor said. "Heh, sure dude." Vincent said. Alena sighs in annoyance. "Boys." Alena said to herself. "Tell me about it." Sahara agreed. "You should tell them about how she forgets to get dressed in the morning. They'd loved that." Addison teased him. "Shut up Addison!" Damian said while being annoyed by Addison. Not wanting to be reminded about that embarrassing story. 

"Wait, what happened?" Alena heard little about what Addison said. But Damian wants her to dismiss what Addison said. "Trust me Alena. You don't want to know." Damian said. 

45 minutes later 

Meanwhile Jeff starts hanging out with Roy. Just strolling throughout the academy. accompanied by Cameron. Ken and his cousin Tina also tags along with them. Jeff tells them about his little adventures at the city. 

"Wait so this new world is way bigger?" Roy asked. "You bet. I was just exploring around this city. Its like we're in an open world RPG game." Jeff said. "Have you really played so much of RPG games?" Ken asked. "He does. I remember how much of a gamer he is. I know him because I was once a substitute in his class. He wouldn't stop talking about skyrim." Cameron said. 

"Ever since that game came out. People started to talk about it, a lot." Tina said. "Jeff was driving me mad about this. But at least he was more tolerable then the others. He always knows how to behave in class. But when its over, he starts to open his big mouth." Cameron said. "She's got me there. My mouth is big enough to turn up the volume so anyone could hear me."            Jeff said. "And just how loud exactly?" Roy asked. 

"Loud enough to, YELL HOW HOW BIG OF A WORLD THIS IS! Jeff yelled, making some echoes in the hallway. And how much I love skyrim." Jeff said. "When's the last time you played it?" Tina asked. Jeff was about to say, then looks down in shame. "Since well. We got here." Jeff said. "Sorry to hear that." Ken smirks. "On the Brightside. At least it will give you a clean break to be active." Tina said. "Tina I been active." Jeff said. "Since when?" Tina asked. 

"Since we got here." Jeff answered. "Heh. Go figure." Ken said. Cameron stops. And checks for anyone in the hallways. She sees there's no one. They see Cameron with a frightened look. Then she goes on ahead. They all look at each other with their confused looks on their faces. They catch up with her, and Jeff sees her making a gloomy look. Cameron makes a sad sigh. Making Jeff and the others worried about her. "Cameron? Jeff calls her name. 

Cameron turn towards to Jeff, Roy, ken, and Tina. "You okay? Is there something on your mind?" Jeff asked her. Cameron shakes her head. "No, its nothing." Cameron said. Roy looks at her sad face, and could tell she really is sad. But what? Then Roy had an idea. 

"Cameron?" Roy called. "Y-yeah?" Cameron replied. "You are the guidance consular right?" Roy asked. "Um, yes. She nods. Then realizes what Roy really wants to ask. "Roy? Are you asking for me to schedule your appointment?" Cameron asked. "Yes." Roy answered. Jeff, ken and Tina were confused why Roy wanted an appointment with Cameron. 

"So when do you want to be here?" Cameron asked. "Let's see. I guess-" Before Roy could give his answer. There was a sudden sound of poof. Interrupting him. 

"The crap?" Ken said. Then something pink that formed a snake hissed at them. "SNAKE! SNAKE!" Tina jumped on ken in a panic. Making ken carry his freaked out cousin. Looking at the pink snake. Making a face that he also dislikes snakes. "Snakes, freaking hate em." Ken said. 

Jeff backs away, but bumps into something. And but also sees some pink lights that is lighting up where their standing. Jeff turns to see its someone rather then something. Jeff zooms back to the group. "Holy moly, pardon me miss." Jeff said with his hands up peacefully. 

"That's ok sweetie. No harm done." Tentadora said. Cameron and the others see it was a woman in a pink dress and a blue furry demon with her. "Hello dearies. Do one of you work here? Or do you one of you students seen Damian? I was hoping to know when the after school film club is out. My pumpkin doodle bum is in there and we need to take him home. Tentadora said. 

"The film club. Cameron opens the  binder that reads film club. It actually let out forty minutes ago." Cameron said. "Oh my." Tentadora said. The blue furred demon grunts. "This is all your fault." He said. "Oh hush! We have time to find him. He can's have gone far!" Tentadora said. "Don't tell me to hush woman!" He said. 

"If I may interject. We have some friends who happen to be with Damian." Roy said. This got tentadora and the demon's attention. "Is that right?" He said. "Yeah. Our friends, Alena and Connor is with Damian. Who is hanging out with him. Somewhere." Jeff added. 

"Connor and Alena? Tentadora thought about it for a moment to think, then she remembers. "Oh, I remember. Those must be Damian's new friends. I remember seeing their faces moments ago when I left him some snacks. She pulled Cameron into a hug. Thank you for your help ginger snap. Then she pulled Roy and Jeff into a hug. Thanks for some additional help boys." Tentadora let's the two boys go. "Uh sure." Jeff said. "Your welcome." Roy added. 

"This will be an adventure." Tentadora said with excitement. The blue fur demon just grunts in annoyance. And they left until they are out of sight. Cameron didn't feel good after their encounter. She started gulping. "You ok girl?" Tina asked while ken puts Tina down. "Your not about to puke are you?" Ken asked. "Well, almost." Cameron replied. 

Cameron was about to go on ahead, but she made a sudden stop at her tracks. Roy, Jeff, ken, and Tina could see something's wrong. "Cameron whatever it is. There's nothing to worry- 

Ken soon sees why Cameron stop

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Ken soon sees why Cameron stop. There was three demons with red fur. While each of them have different eyes. Ken freezes. Roy, Jeff, and Tina also checked. And they see these three. They dare not to make a move. They each start to jump on their backs and formed a tower. Towering over them. "Not moving. I'm not moving." Jeff said. 

The one on top, just screams at them. Making a horrifying look, showing some sharp teeth. Cameron makes a break for it. "Nope changed my mind, BYE!" Jeff makes a run for it. Roy ken and Tina follows them while being chased by the demon triplets. They keep running as they hear the triplets giggling behind them.  


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