Home sweet home

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They see the young deer asking if any of them is a person name: Sampson. Hearing his name being called, he sees it was the deer. Who happens to have the fur color of fall. Sampson shares some skeptical look on his face. 

"Uh yeah." "That's me." "And who are you?" Sampson asked. "Autumn." "And you must be the new faces of ZPA academy." Autumn said. "We sure are." "I'm Jeff." "Nice to meet ya." Jeff held out his hand. Autumn shakes his hand. "Glad to see a friendly face." Autumn said. "I'm alena." "This one is ken, and the other is tina." Alena pointed to ken and tina. "Hello." "Hi." Ken and tina said. "Autumn right?" "Like one of the seasons?" Jeff wondered. 

"You could say that." Autumn said. "Out of all the people who can take me to my new home." "This guy?" "Seriously?" Sampson said. "Yep, your stuck with me until we get there." "But your still gonna be seeing me from time to time." "So I hope we can get along fine." Autumn said. "Yeah sure." "Whatever." Sampson said in annoyance. While jeff is listening to the conversation. He felt a tap on the shoulder. When he turned around, he was met with the lick in a face. 

      Jeff rubbed some saliva off of his face and sees its the same fox that licked roy's face

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      Jeff rubbed some saliva off of his face and sees its the same fox that licked roy's face. Spam. Jeff sees he looks very happy to see some new people of the academy. He also turns to look at the others, and notices roy isn't here with the group. Spam turns back to jeff. 

"Hi, I'm spam." "Its nice to meet ya jeff." Spam grabs his hand and shakes it real fast. "Likewise man." Jeff said. Spam let's go of his hand. "Where's roy?" Spam wondered. "With jack." "Turns out he's gonna be living at his house." "Zechariah told us we have to have a house with adults to lookout for us." "Ken and tina gets their house cause their adults." "Off to make a living doing what every adults do." Jeff said. "What about you?" Spam asked. "Haven't got one yet." "I'm told to stay with alena and cameron." Jeff said. 

"Well, we better get going before it gets late." "Come along sampson." Autumn said. "Yeah, Yeah." "I'm coming." "Ill see you all on our first day." Sampson leaves with autumn. 

"Hey guys." They turn to see its cameron. "Time to get going." "Sorry I'm late." Cameron said. "Its alright." "We talked with one of the students." Alena said. "That's good." "Let's take a walk to my house." "Shouldn't be too far." Cameron said. "Lead the way cameron." "Got to go." "See ya spam." Jeff waved goodbye to spam. Spam waved back, but couldn't help but thought that jeff hasn't had a home yet. "Jeff has no home?" "Hmmm." Spam begins to think of something to help jeff. 

At Jackie's house 

Connor was now introduced to jackie's home. When going inside the building, jackie showed him to his room. And they made it to the door. Jackie opened the door for him. "Here we are connor." "Your new room." Jackie said. Connor sees its a small room with a window. But it sure looked fancy. "Looks nice." "Thanks jackie." Connor said. "Its no problem." Jackie said. "Good to know me and the others won't be the only humans here besides cameron." "I just don't know how would the other creatures would view humans." Connor said. 

Jackie starts to laughs. "Actually connor." "I'm not human." This catches connor by surprise hearing that sentence. Connor thought he know better. "Well why am I surprised?" "So what are you?" Connor asked. "I'm an avian." Jackie answered. Connor thought for a moment, but couldn't understand fully. "Huh?" Is all connor could reply. "Do you know what a shape shifter is?" Jackie asked. "I do." Connor replied. "Avians are birdshapshifters." "Let me demonstrate." Jackie's hands transformed into wings. Surprising connor. "Whoa." Connor said in shock. 

Then jackie fully transformed into an avian. Revealing her bird appearance. "And here I thought I got a lot to learn." "But now there's so much I don't know." "If I learn something maybe its best to pass some to jeff." Connor said. "Don't worry connor." "I'm sure you, and the rest of newcomers will get used to it." "For cam?" "Maybe more time." Jackie said. "Yeah, but same goes for alena." "She has a phobia of animals too." "But with cameron." "Maybe they will have so much fun." "They'll forget about being afraid of things." Connor said. "I do hope your right connor." "Make yourselves at home." Jackie leaves the room. Leaving connor to redecorate. 

Animal distract 

Roy and jack begin to hangout somewhere in the animal distract as they share one chat and another to each other. "So roy, what do you wanna do before the day is over?" Jack asked. "Where do you wanna go?" Roy also asked. "I'm not sure ether." "Let's start there." Jack pointed to the bridge. They walk to the bridge, and looked at their reflections in the water. 

"So what was your place like?" Jack asked. "Nothing out of the ordinary." "Just a normal world where me and jeff are at." "But who knew there exist a place where there's talking animals, and some fantasy creatures." "And I still think that could be my parents are here." "But If they are, I dunno where to start?" Roy said. "You will find them." "But your search will have to wait." "But I believe in you." "I do." "Cause I know they are out there." Jack said. 

"Thanks jack." Roy said. "Let's go into town, I wanna show you around." Jack said. Before they could, jack started to smell something. "What?" Roy wondered. "Cover your nose." Jack tells roy as jack covered his. "What?" Then roy starts to smell. "Oh, I get it." Roy realized, and covers his nose. With that the skunk appears. She passes by jack, and sits down on the bridge where roy is.

The female skunk turns to roy with a gloomy look. "A new face." "And it happens to be a human." The female skunk said. "Um, hi." "I'm gonna be living here since I can't return home." "So I think We might pass by again." Roy said. "Really?" "I guess that means I get to see you come and go as you please." She said. "If that's the case." "I'm roy by the way." Roy said. "Vivi." "Nice to meet you I guess." Said Vivi. "Same here, well nice meeting you." Roy said, and leaves with jack. "You too, welcome to safe haven. Vivi said with a slight smile. Feeling happy with some interaction. 

Somewhere in a woods 

Sampson and autumn walked throughout the path in the woods, and they arrived at a house with a pond. "This will be your house." "We got it assigned to you when my family got a call from the vice principle." "You will be living with bucky." "He will be looking out for you." Autumn said. "Great, thanks." Sampson said with sarcasm. "Sure thing." "Expect some company." "Even me." "Ill be seeing how ya holding up." Autumn leaves. 

Sampson knocks on the door, and the door opens to reveal an ordinary anthro deer. "Well well." "So your the recent arrival I was called about?" "Come on in." Bucky invites him in. "Uh, sure." Sampson comes in. He sees that its an ordinary cabin. "A cabin?" "I guess it'll do." Sampson went upstairs to the empty room to settle in. 

At the safe haven park 

Roy got a tour around safe haven. Jack took him to the observatory where he told roy he worked there as a part time job. Telling him he likes stargazing. Roy was also introduced to another human name Dan. Roy and dan became friends after some introduction to each other. Looking around the shops and food places roy would check out later.  While roy had to be careful since jack's bad luck is making things a bit hard. And roy is almost figuring out the pattern. They make their way to the park, and sat down on the bench. "So what did you think of the whole place?" Jack asked.  "Pretty big." "Big is all I can say." Roy answered. "Yep, sure is." Jack said. 

"But man, your shenanigans is ruining the mood." "No offense." Roy said. "Understandable." "But you almost had it in the last one when we walked into the park." Jack said. "Don't worry, ill  get the pattern eventually." Roy said. 

"Hey new arrival." "I finally found you." 

Roy and jack don't know who's voice it was until they look down to see a small anthropomorphic pink fox

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Roy and jack don't know who's voice it was until they look down to see a small anthropomorphic pink fox. Holding some invitations. 

"You were looking for me?" Roy asked. "Mhmm." "I came to give you an invitation." "Your friend gets one too." The small pink fox hands roy and jack some invitations. Roy's invitation looked decorated more fancy. It reads: Hello newcomers, your invited. "Invited to what?" Roy asked. "A party." "She heard about the news of your arrival." "So she asked me to give one to newcomers."  "The others are also assigned to do the same." She said.  

"Cool, that means jeff and the others with me will be here." Roy said. "Well, my mission is done." "See you at the party." The pink fox left, knowing she has done her part. 

Roy opens the invitation to see the schedule of the party. Jack also looks at the invitation. "Looks like the party will be taking place when the school week is over." "That means we got three days until the weekend arrives." Jack said. "I guess we better go." "Its getting dark now." Roy said. Jack nods his head, agreeing with that idea. While walking home, roy asked a curious question to jack. "Hey jack?" Roy said. 

"What?" Jack replied. "I saw the name of someone who is throwing this party, and I thought I ask if you know about it?" "Who's Jayjay?" 

At Cameron's house 

"Here we are guys." "Make yourself at home alena, jeff." Cameron said. "Home sweet home huh?" Alena said. "You said it." "Can't wait to go to the academy." "See what kind of adventures there are somewhere, and-" Jeff sees the scared look on cameron and alena's face. As they both slowly backed away to the door. Jeff knows what that means when they make that face.   

 "There's something behind me isn't it?" Jeff guessed. Cameron and alena both nodded their head in a scared state.

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