The first day at ZPA

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Roy is sleeping peacefully, and opens his eyes to see he's not in his room. Roy gets up, and looks around the area he is in. The place has the color of blue, and light blue. Even the grass has the blue color. 

(Music plays)

Roy sees something glowing heading right for him. He sees some sort of an animal, animal with glowing eyes. Roy figured its a spirit. It looked at roy from top to bottom. Then turns and leaves. But turns again, and gestures roy to follow. And goes on ahead. 

Roy decides to follow so that he wonders what is going on? Roy thoughts its all a dream. But would his dream start like this? Roy continues walking along the place, and sees more spirits. Their only sleeping, sleeping like how cute animals sleeps. Roy find it adorable. Roy finds himself at another area with a mushroom glowing blue, and sees the other sprits flying around up in the air. Roy can't figure out what dream he's having? None of it didn't seem to make since.

He doesn't understand what brought him here. Usually roy would have an ok dream, and sleep just fine. But when roy came to the new world he had to get used to, things got different now. Then something glowing is approaching roy, he sees another spirit. This time, roy sees what kind of animal he would know. After thinking while the spirit also looks at roy. Roy realizes that spirit before him is a jackal. Before roy could think even more, he heard a voice. 

"Roy, roy." "Its time to get up." Roy opens his eyes, and wakes up. Roy saw its mindy, jack's mom who is trying to get him up. "Its morning already?" Roy thought. "Yes it is." "You got to get ready for the first day." Mindy said. It was when roy forgot today is his first day, and jolted up. 

"Oh crap, its the first day." "I better get ready." Roy gets off the bed. "Be sure to get your breakfast when your done." Mindy closes his door. "Then I don't wanna miss it." Roy changes his sleepwear into his spare clothes he packed. He wears a green short sleeved with a red shirt over it. Blue shorts, and black tennis shoes with white socks. 

Roy goes to brush his teeth in the bathroom, and heads downstairs after finishing it. Roy sat down on the table to see there's some scrambled eggs, with cheese, and a biscuit. Along with some glass of milk. 

"Hey roy, ready for your first day?" Jack asked. "Not gonna lie, but I am nervous." Roy admits. "How so?" Jack asked. "Since I'm going there filled with all kinds of animals, and whatever the other ones I don't know what they are." "Its gonna be tough to fit in." Roy said. "Look on the bright side, at least you won't be the only human in there." Jack said. "True, In fact." "I think connor was talking with another human." "So that's a relief." Roy said. 

Roy and jack continued to eat their breakfast. And the three finished it. "I got the dishes." Jack took the dish plate one by one. When he got the third one. Roy had a bad feeling on what is about to happen? And roy has been proven right the moment jack is about to trip and make a fall. Roy was able to react fast enough to stop his fall by catching him in the waist. Jack tried his very best to make sure the dishes don't fall out of his hands. But since it was only three dishes he had to carry. It made jack easy enough to get all three. 

"Not this time." Roy said. "Wow, that was close." Jack said with relief. Roy let him go, and jack put the dishes in the sink. "You boys better get going." "You let me worry about the three dishes." "Be good." Mindy said. "We will mom." Jack replied. "And roy?" Mindy asked roy. "Yeah mindy?" Roy answered. "Good luck on your first day." Mindy said. "I will, thank you." Roy said. 

Jack opens the door, and closes behind him and roy. "Ready for your first day to begin?" Jack asked. "Yep, we better get moving or we're gonna be late." Roy said. 

Roy and jack proceed onward to the ZPA. Roy and jack were on their way to the academy, and is greeted by zill. "Hey guys." Zill greeted. "Hey zill." Jack greets. "So, roy." "Ready to take on the zoo phoenix academy?" Zill asked roy. "Sure am." "But at the same time, I'm kinda nervous." "I'm not sure what classes ill be given?" Roy said nervously. "Which reminds me." "The vice principle zechariah wanted me to tell you and the newcomers to go to his office." "He's gonna get you guys all set up, and good to go." Zill said. 

"Yeah, there could be something that would make you be interested in what you want to study." "Like creature studies." "I'm sure you and jeff would like it." Jack said. "But I would stay on carrie's good side if I were you." "She can scare you real hard." Zill said. "Thanks for the tip."        "I needed that." Roy thanks zill. "No problem." Zill replied. 

The three made it all the way to the entrance, where they can see the huge building. Roy looked to see his friend jeff, and the others had made it before them. Just talking to each other. 

(music starts) 

Roy goes on ahead to say hi. Jack and zill follows roy. Jeff sees roy, jack, and zill coming towards him. "Yo, hey guys." Jeff waved. Connor, alena, kayla, spam, and vanexa turn to see roy. Along with jack and zill following behind him. "Hey roy, glad you made it." "I'm spam."  Spam greets roy. And shook his hand. "Thanks." Roy replied. 

"Dude, guess what?" "Spam helped me out with my situation." "Now I got a home so that ill be able to go to the academy." Jeff said. "Really?" "That's sounds awesome." "Thanks for helping out spam." Roy thanks spam. "Its no problem." Spam said. "I'm kayla." "Nice to meet you mate." Kayla introduce herself. "You too." Roy said. Roy sees vanexa approaching him. 

"Vanexa." "Welcome to the academy." "Hope you enjoyed your first day." Vanexa said, and goes back to reading her book. "Ok, good talking to ya." Roy said. "Ah, you all made it." They look to see its zechariah standing before them. 

"Vice principle zechariah." "Just in time." Zill said. "Indeed." "I got some papers for your assigned classes." Zechariah handed the papers to roy, jeff, alena, connor, and sampson. "They will be the temporary." "The papers also contain your numbers for the lockers." "And when the week ends." "We will see if there's one of the classes you wanna stay, or move to another?" "Are we clear?"  Zechariah asked them. 

"Yes sir." Roy said. "Crystal clear." Jeff said. "Of course." Alena said. "All good." Connor said. "Im ready to go sir." Sampson said last. "Then I shall let you all proceed." The bell in the academy rang. "There's your first bell." "Try not to be late." "Good luck on your first day." Zechariah leaves, to let them get on to their classes. 

"Well, you heard him." "Let's go." Zill said. Everyone gets inside the ZPA building along with everyone else. They each look at their papers to see what is the classes their gonna be going?
Roy takes time to look at his paper, while jack also looks at it with curiosity. Wondering what classes he's gonna be going to? "I got Mrs. cide apparently." Roy said. 

Zill hears this, and looks at his papers. And sees that roy speaks the truth. "Neato." "You got me and jack's classroom." Zill said. "Guess we're classmates then." Roy said. "I got art class?" "Sweet." "I get to learn how to draw." Jeff said. "Wow, what a surprise." "I got music class." Connor said. "Me too." Alena said. "I guess jackie must have told zechariah about my interest in her class." Connor said. "What are you gonna play?" "A banjo?" Sampson laughed. 

"Very funny dude." "But it depends on what were doing, or playing." "Probably a guitar or drums." Connor said. "I play drums actually." Jack said. "Really?" "I didn't know." Connor said.
"I can teach you some drums." "It takes a lot of time and practice to get it right." Jack said. "Well that's good to know." "That would be nice jack." Connor said. "So sampson, what class do you have huh?" Jeff asked. Sampson hesitated, but answers the question. 

"Creature studies." Sampson said with a disgusted look. "Wait, you got carrie as your teacher?" "Have fun with her." Zill said. "Oh shut up." "What creatures do carrie even study on?" Sampson wondered while still making that disgusted look. "Here's your answer." "Everything." Vanexa tells sampson. And sampson eyes go wide with her answer. 

"Hold it." "Everything?" Sampson hoped its a joke. "Everything." "Good luck with that hotshot." Vanexa said with a smirk. "Oh gee, thanks." Sampson said in sarcasm. "Actually I got carrie's class for my next period." Roy said. "Yeah me too." "Looks like we're classmates now eh roy?" Jeff said. "You got that right jeff." Roy replied. Connor looks at his paper, and sees he also has carrie's class as well. Alena did the same, and sure enough. She also has creature studies. 

Connor and alena looked at each other. Giving off the obvious looks. "You got it too?" Connor asked. "Sure do." "Sadly, we won't be in the same classes." Alena said. "At least we can be classmates in jackie's class." Connor said. "Good point." Alena said. "Well, if we're gonna survive this new place." "Might as well study them." Roy said. 

The second bell rang. "Well see you guys later." Roy said. "You too." "You guys good luck out there." Jeff said. "You too mate." Kayla said. "Same to you." Alena said. 

Each group went on to their separate classes. Their first day at the ZPA begins.     

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