Chapter 1

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*Sounds of the Rustling Crowds*

In a particular street in Tokyo, one can see a boy, wearing a school uniform while carrying a box that has a lot of stuff in it.

"Ugh, this is so goddamn heavy."

His name is Unko, Unko Takahashi. 18 years old. A second year in a nearby high school.

His looks are pretty normal, not that handsome but definitely not ugly. His height was around 170 cm, has black hair and black eyes. He had a few pimples on his face but most of it was being covered by his hair. A typical look for a normal Japanese if you ask anybody.

He doesn't have any Noteworthy Characteristics. In short, if this is an Anime or Manga, then this boy will definitely be a mob character. The type of character that you usually see in the background of the story that anyone has watched or read.


"Oh man, I'm so tired already. *sigh*"

His classes had just ended. He was on his way back home. The books that he is carrying are the materials for their group project that they will present tomorrow. He is the one that has been assigned by his classmates to bring the materials tomorrow as they all have different things to do.

".. *Sigh* my arm is hurting already, this is so goddamn heavy. I wish I have teleportation powers so I can go back home fast." Unko continues to grumble as he walks along the streets.

He is tired already and he feels that his arms are starting to sore, so he fastened his pace since right now, he wants nothing but to reach his apartment and get his well-deserved rest.

After 5 minutes of walking, which almost look like an awkward run, he finally arrived at his apartment.

"... I'm home." Unko said as he swung open the door then enter. But as he expected, no one answered back. The only thing that welcomed him is an eerie silence. In fact, he'll be more surprised if someone answered him.

He's alone in this apartment ever since he started living here. His parents died early, a couple of months after he was born. The cause of death was a truck.

Truck-kun decided to do his parents when they are both outside for some unknown reasons. In short, it was a double kill. Yeah, pretty unfortunate.

But Unko hated both his parents. Not because he grew up without them but because he was also hated by both of them. His everyday life was so difficult because of his parents.

His parents weren't even good people in the first place, he tried asking his Uncles and Aunties about his parents but they can't tell any more than the basic ones since they are not that close in the first place.

The only thing he knew about his parents is that they hated him. Of course, he is not sure about this since he has no way of knowing, but what can he say when they literally named him "Unko", that means sh*t/poop. If it's not because they hated him so much and want to make his everyday life so miserable, then no one knows.

Whenever he was being called by his friends or classmates, sometimes even his Uncles, they can't stop themselves from giggling even though they don't mean it. Imagine that someone wants to call him from afar, but they're in a crowded area, yeah, it's pretty embarrassing both for Unko and the caller.

This causes him trauma that whenever he was being asked about his name, he is only saying his surname and never the name anymore. He's just saying it if it is really needed.


After he enters his apartment, he throws his bag to his bed and slams the box full of stuff on his table, then immediately changes clothes.

His apartment is small, that is if you compare it to the normal ones. Though small, it has all the things he needed for his everyday life so Unko couldn't ask for more.

One of his uncle on his mother's side was supporting him ever since he was a child. He was the one that took care of him after his parent's death until he reached high school. His uncle has two daughters, his wife died early too, so Unko knows that raising him while also supporting his two daughters is hard, and yet, his uncle still did it. So after reaching high school, he decided to stop being such a bother to his uncle and decided to move to a small apartment near to his new high school. Of course, his uncle didn't think that he was a bother in the first place.

Of course, someone might ask how did Unko afford to rent an apartment by himself since he rent this on his own. Well, simple, he has a good sum of money. It was his Parent's money. Supposedly, it should go to his Uncle for taking him in when he was still a child, but his uncle didn't touch the money and decided to just give it to Unko when he finally hit the right age.

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