Chapter 24

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— The Bounty —

Six months had already passed since the World Tournament happened. After that Event, Yuki became more popular than he already is. And by being popular means, being chased by more Players that want to do nothing but kill him.

Usually, while Yuki is in the middle of grinding, a group of Players will always pop out of nowhere and start throwing hands at him without saying anything. Though Yuki always wins with ease. That's right. This is a normal event for Yuki's life in YGGDRASIL.

Normally, this kind of thing happens for at least once, twice, or rarely thrice a week, but ever since the World Tournament, Yuki had to face this kind of thing every single day. Sometimes, he even had to deal with two groups of Players that wants to kill him at the same time. And unless he chooses to hide, this won't stop.

Yuki became something that many players like to call, a "Bountied Player". A player that if killed, the Killer will receive something great. No, the word great is an understatement already.

720 million Gold, A Unique Job Class, a total of 558 unknown Items, and a 100% Inventory Item Drop rate. That's Yuki's current bounty.

Yuki is known for his cruelty, especially to his hunters. It is rumored that he won't let someone go until they're stripped naked, which is true. This fact scared most of the Players that wants to go after him, but the bounty changed it all. Many had become crazy enough and decided to just risk it all.

For the Gold part of Yuki's bounty, it is a growth type. At first, it's just at 20 million, but as time goes by, it reached its current amount. The Unique Job class is unknown, but many guessed that this is very great. For the enormous amount of Items, no one knows what is that but many had thought that it's just a bunch of basic and common items. It's such a great number to have something great in there, it just sounds too good to be true.

The Gold, Class, and a bunch of items are great, but what drives everyone crazy is the 100% Inventory item drop. In YGGDRASIL's community, Yuki has different titles that every Players likes to call him. Each differs based on the Topic he's in. One of those titles is where he's known as 'The Hoarder'.

As the title suggests, he likes to take everything for himself and it has to be in large quantity as much as possible, and since this is his title in the Market Section means, everything that the Market offers, he probably has it in his inventory already.

But what came out of the Market is just a tiny part. What Yuki can offer is much more than that.

It is already a piece of known information that Yuki is a World Item holder. He holds multiple World Item. No one knows the exact number but it has to be more than one.

This very fact made every Players thirsty for Yuki's head. No homo.

A 100% Inventory item drop rate to a Player that holds multiple World Items? Yuki just became a walking fortune for most of the Players. A fortune for both in-game and real life.

So for the next months after the World Tournament, Yuki experienced a non-stop hunting galore. If a normal Player had been put in this kind of situation, they will surely choose to just quit the game. But Yuki isn't a normal Player.

Despite his situation, Yuki is still logging-in in YGGDRASIL for every single day with a full smile on his face, welcoming all the Players that came for his head with an open arms.

For some reason, he is very glad about his situation.

A void might ask, why is that?

Well, that's because, the bounty that Yuki has, is his own doing in the first place.

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