Chapter 21

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"... Same old room. We meet again." Yuki said as he was once again greeted by the gloomy, plain, and sad white walls of the Preparation Room.

The Semi-Finals just ended and the Finals are about to start in a couple of minutes.

Yuki just won the last round, in other words, he won the Semi-Finals. Though it took him quite a bit some time, he still won in the end.

"... Haa~ Damn it."

Though for some reason, Yuki is not that happy about his last fight even though he won.


Yuki sits on a chair as he brought out his console and look at his Status.

"... *sigh* Five hundred MP, gone, just like that.
That's like... one week's worth of hunting." Yuki said in a regretful tone.

During his last fight with the Human, he spent too much MP than he's supposed to. The Human has immunity to Physical Attacks, so as much as he doesn't like to release his MP, he just don't have that much choice.

Yuki always seals his MP because he has some complicated skills that can activate on their own and eats away his MP. That's also the reason why some of his skills are not Activating because he always doesn't have enough juice to make it run, whenever it wants to activate itself. Which is pretty convenient for him.

But he is not sealing all of it completely, he always left a certain amount for some of the Spells he likes to use whenever he's hunting or fighting.

So, on his fight against the Human, he really need to release some of his MP to fight like a Magic Caster since he didn't leave enough MP to cast that many Spells, in fact, he's pretty much out already when he decided to release his MP seal.

Originally, he planned to end the match as quickly as possible, but he didn't expect the Human to be so tough. At first, he belittled him by casting only a bunch of Fifth to Eight Tier spells, but seeing that he's withstanding them, Yuki upped his game and start cast Ninth and Tenth Tier Spells, but at that time, the Human had started fighting back so the situation became harder for Yuki.

But in the end, he still managed to end the fight... Not after unleashing three Super Tier Spells and a bunch of Tenth Tier Spells, he also cast a lot of high Tier Spells along the way. All of that had drained him a bit too much than he expected.

If Yuki foresaw how the fight is going to end originally, then surely, he'll cast one or two Super Tier Spell without any hesitation in the very beginning and immediately end the fight right there. That way, he could have saved more MP.

But all in all, Yuki managed to learn something in that fight. A lesson that might be important for the future. That, he needs to decrease his edgy~ness in every fight.

"... I need to think straight and take everything seriously from now on." Yuki promised to himself, a promise that he'll just forget in a couple of minutes.

After all that, Yuki proceeds to Seal away his excess MP again. He doesn't want to fight anymore with his huge MP so exposed like this.

And besides, Yuki already saw his next opponent through the Bracket list. Yuki is so sure that in this upcoming fight, he won't need his MP. He's pretty confident about it.

"... The Finals is a free win anyway." Yuki said as a Magic Circle had appeared on his wrist, indicating that his MP was now sealed again.

"... Haaa~ I should celebrate later. Hmm, What food should I order?" Yuki said as he continue browsing through his Console. Wondering where he could waste his money on.

Yuki stayed like that for a couple of minutes until a sound had rung, grabbing his attention.

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