Chapter 60

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When Raizel activated his Ring, the area nearby the two started glitching all of a sudden. It's as if the server started breaking down or something.

At the same time, while this is happening, something that looked like a thin white curtain appeared and then started spreading around the same area where the glitching is happening.

"Tch!" Obviously, Bob noticed this. There's no way he can't. He's literally being surrounded by it.

That's why he immediately increased his flying speed to the maximum in order to get out of the current area he was in as fast as he could. He didn't know what was about to happen but whatever it may be, he better not get caught in it.



Bob didn't expect that the spreading of the White Curtain would dramatically increase in almost an instant. It literally happened so fast that before Bob could even react, he was already swallowed within it.

And then, as that happened, that same White curtain, morphed. Closing off on all sides, leaving no more space to escape. And then, after a couple of seconds, from looking like it was made of some liquid or soft substance, it slowly hardened and then later formed a Large, White, solid-looking Dome.

And the two of them, Raizel and Bob, are obviously trapped inside it.

Now as empty as the White Dome may seem from the outside, inside, it really isn't. Cause as Bob looked around the area he suddenly found himself as he gets swallowed by that white curtain, he was a bit baffled to see that he was somehow in the middle of a dense-looking forest now.

"... This will be annoying if I don't destroy this whole thing as soon as possible," Bob said as he cautiously looked around.

Well, in the first place, Bob has a fairly large build cause not only his Class makes him so, but he's also a World Enemy. A fact that automatically makes him large. On the other hand, Raizel who looks nothing but your ordinary human knight, if he has his helmet on that is, is on the smaller side.

So, even though being large is a very good thing when it comes to battles, in this kind of environment where there are lots of things to hide from... him being large just brings nothing but numerous disadvantages.

That's why Bob immediately surmised that if he were to fight Raizel, he should probably destroy the forest around him first in order to get a better footing, or... just outright destroy this entire space itself. Cause in the first place, this space is nothing but artificial. He's aware of that, not once he thought that he was transported to another area or something like that.

The white dome across the skyless sky could not make that fact more apparent as well.

Obviously, Bob chose the latter option. That he will just destroy this whole thing all in one go and just deal with Raizel after that.

That's why after making and then finalizing his decision, with no hesitation at all, he immediately burst out of his position and then rocketed towards his nearest target. Leaving a cloud of red smoke on his trail.

It didn't take him that long before he finally reached the walls of the dome. So, as he stood in front of it, he immediately gripped his huge sword with both of his hands and, swung on the walls with such great force.


"... Huh?"

But after doing such a thing, a confused expression quickly appeared on his face cause his sword, which was supposed to hit a solid structure, at least that's what the Dome looks like, suddenly phased through it as if he swung at nothing but air.

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