Chapter 3

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"... okay, so for my first wish.." Unko hesitated for a moment but decided to say it anyway.

"It is to live a comfortable life."


For the next couple of seconds, the God said and do nothing but stare at him. Feeling awkward of the situation, Unko tried to explain his first wish.

"... Umm, what I mean by that is.." Unko tried to explain, but didn't manage to do so as he was suddenly interrupted by the God.

"... I understand."

"... Uhh. You do?"

"... Of course, I can see your intent for that wish. But there's a lot of things you need to know. This wish is possible, but like I said earlier, wishes is not perfect so all your intent about this wish couldn't be implemented. But I do admit that your intent is extremely well thought unlike any other human I have met where they immediately ask for things such as EMS, Super Sayan bloodline, Rinnegan, and Gate of Babylon." The God said with an amused tone.

"... Pfft" Unko almost bursted out after he heard this. He already expect that those powers are probably to most wished powers if some other otaku is in his current position.

"... Oh well, to explain what I just said about your wish, it's like this... Your Comfortable status can't be applied to everything that surrounds you or linked to you. Remember that it will only be applied on a personal level. For reference, let's just that you choose to be reincarnated in a medieval type of world. Normally you need to use another wish if you want to choose your status before you reincarnate since the reincarnation departure is actually random. You can be either a boy or a girl, a peasant or a prince, a nobody or something that will bring an impact to the whole world in your next life. Do you understand what I mean?"

"... Yes, I understand." Unko said as he listen to the God's explanation hard.

"... But with your Comfortable Status, you pretty much don't need to use a wish about your Reincarnation status since the status you will have on your next life is a personal level. So with your Comfortable status, it's hard to see you being born in a poor family since it won't make your life Comfortable. So the chance of being reborn with a high status is really high. You can either be a noble or a royalty. But for example, you were born as royalty, as a prince of a certain kingdom. Living a life where you have all the riches in the world, wouldn't you agree that your life will be comfortable?" The God asked Unko, but the God didn't even wait for his answer as he speaks again. Seemingly to answer his own question.

"... Well, it can be both comfortable and uncomfortable, since being a prince of a certain kingdom, comes with a lot of responsibilities. Personal level is the things that will only affect you living your life in that particular world. Also, just to let you know that wishes is also a personal level, so it will naturally be affected by your comfortable status too. But the work and the things that will happen to you while you were living your life will not be part of your Personal Status since only you can decide your own fate. If you were killed by someone in the end, then you can't blame your status of comfortability since all the things you did in that world are the reason why you are killed. Your fate after your we're born will not be affected by your comfortable status since you are the only one that can drive your life. Do you understand the concept now?"

"... Umm yes, I kinda get it now." Unko is still pondering and processing some of the information he just got but answered yes nonetheless.

"... So, do you still want to choose this as your first wish?" The asked Unko with a serious expression.

Unko didn't answered immediately as he keeps pondering for a moment. A minute have passed after that, he finally raised his face and look towards the God.

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