Chapter 40

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Ever since Yuki started playing YGGDRASIL, he always played meticulously.

It may sound unbelievable to others, but Yuki has yet to put himself in a dangerous and dire situation throughout the time he plays YGGDRASIL.

That's because he doesn't go overboard with whatever he does, or at least not too much.

To others, he might seem reckless, but if they were to observe Yuki, every single day inside the game, if ever that's possible, they'll surely change their opinion.

Though no one can blame someone for thinking that Yuki is a very reckless person, cause in fact, sometimes, he really is wild to the point of recklessness.

But when it comes to Yuki, recklessness is not a good sign for anyone who has an Enemy sign above their head.

If anyone believes that having a reckless enemy is a good sign of victory, then that would not be the case if Yuki is that enemy.

Because if somebody sees Yuki in that state, going wild that is, then that only means, whoever that someone is, is so weak that Yuki doesn't even need to be wary of him.

He or She is not even on Yuki's radar.

Though normally, this isn't the case, since he only goes ultra wild with no care, whenever he's in front of the Players he hunts for obvious reasons. At least he was only seen in that kind of state whenever he does that.

Also, the probable reason why a lot thinks that Yuki is a reckless one in the first place is that it was the side of him that every other Player always sees whenever they meet or fight him.

Though that may be the case for others, the actual truth is that there are many more instances where Yuki is always serious and wary of his surroundings.

But surprisingly, these instances only happen whenever Yuki goes for a World Exploration, Mapping, Dungeon Raids, Quests, Campaigning, Etc. Basically, anything that has nothing to do with any Players.

Well, he's the strongest Player so this wouldn't be a weird fact really.

But. Even with all these amazing facts. The current Yuki can't help but still think to himself...

"... Where the f*ck did I go wrong."

While... dodging multiple fire beams heading into his way.


It's already been two hours since Yuki logged back in inside the game. It was after calling his friend Satoshi about the current problem he has.

But that also means that Yuki, has been simultaneously fighting and venturing this hell of a place for about two hours now.

"... Haa~ f*ck." Yuki cursed as he sits down and hide behind a massive boulder in an attempt to delay being found by his pursuers. Pursuers that he managed to lose just now.

Yuki is currently super stressed and a bit exhausted, mentally.

Everything that had happened so far in these past two hours is not according to his expectations at all.

"... What's taking him so long? Where the f*ck is he?" Yuki grumbled as he operates his console.

Before logging inside the game, Yuki talked with his friend Satoshi.

They formed up a Plan to take him out of the Hell hole he's currently in.

But even though Yuki's only part in the Plan is to just go inside the game and wait for Satoshi to do the thing, he didn't expect that everything is going to be easy.

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