Chapter 42

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— Start of the Call —


[ Yuki: Yo, Bastard. What's up? ]

[ Satoshi: *sigh* Okay, let me explain first. ]

[ Yuki: Oh, so you know what you've done huh? Good, good. ]

[ Satoshi: Hey! In my defense, it's not like I meant to do all of this intentionally out of nowhere. In fact, I woul— ]

[ Yuki: Alright, Alright. You can stop now. I just wanna hear your pathetic excuse. Go ahead, enlighten me. ]

[ Satoshi: *sigh* Alright. You see, there will be a huge problem. ]

[ Yuki: ... ]

[ Satoshi: ... ]

[ Yuki: And? Why are you silent? ]

[ Satoshi: Huh? ]

[ Yuki: Did you expect me to understand what's going on with just that? What do you think I am? A f*cking prophet? Go, continue! Elaborate! ]

[ Satoshi: Y— yeah, I just thought that you'll react heavily to what I just said... Geez, calm down. ]

[ Yuki: Eat sh*t. ]

[ Satoshi: Anyway, as I said, we have a problem... and by that I mean, if we do what we originally planned to do that is. ]

[ Yuki: Well, first things first. How big of a problem is this? ]

[ Satoshi: Uuh. A massive one. ]

[ Yuki: Like, a mountain massive? Or just a building massive? ]

[ Satoshi: This problem could potentially end my— no, OUR whole career, regarding about YGGDRASIL. Me losing my job and you, getting your account deleted. That level of massiveness. ]

[ Yuki: Oh... I see. ]

[ Satoshi: Yeah. It's a f*cking ginormous of a problem. ]

[ Yuki: Hmm... ]

[ Satoshi: Anyway, as I said earlier, this all starts within our original Plan. You know, me getting you out of that stage forcibly by manipulating the system itself. ]

[ Yuki: ... ]

[ Satoshi: Ah, well, you see... Remember when I said to you that you won't be able to clear the stage? That it is still too much for you? ]

[ Yuki: Ah, that BS? Yeah, I do remember it. ]

[ Satoshi: Well, turns out that, you'll be able to actually do it. Yeah, I just realized that while I was doing my thing at that stage. ]

[ Yuki: Hmm? Thinking about it now, I actually thought that you were just trolling at that time, since it's not like you didn't know about my kits and status. So it's weird for you to misjudge my capabilities. ]

[ Satoshi: Don't get me wrong. I didn't misjudge you. Don't tell me that you didn't sweat while fighting all those MOBS you encountered. ]

[ Yuki: Well. I admit. I did sweat... for a little bit. ]

[ Satoshi: Man, those are just MOBS we're talking about. This wasn't a normal case for you, to be sweating with this level of enemies! These are your lowly MOBS for f*ck sake. Normally, you'd just run around while slapping these things out of their existence. ]

[ Yuki: ... ]

[ Satoshi: *sigh* What I just want to say, if this is a normal scenario, this would be an impossible run. But thankfully for you, it wasn't. ]

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